What is the secret of female intuition

"Women's intuition" is a result of the effects of decreased testosterone concentrations during fetal development, say experts from the University of Granada, Pompeu Fabra University and middlesex University.
Reports Medical News Today, it is known that hormones strongly affect the development of the brain. For example, a high level of testosterone on the stage of fetal development subsequently makes boys more likely to take risks than girls.
Intuitive thinking does not require much cognitive effort or conscious analysis. But intuition and standard reflection just used in different situations. In order to explore the relationship of the impact of testosterone and the process of thinking, the researchers analyzed the status of more than 600 students. Know: to understand, what was the level of testosterone on the stage of embryonic development, it is necessary to estimate the correlation length index and ring fingers. The smaller the difference, the greater the hormone. Moreover, it does not depend on gender.
The students who participated in the study were offered to undergo a cognitive test. He helped to compare the ability to suppress an incorrect intuitive response and subsequently pereplanirovat on a given topic, giving the correct answer. So was able to compare intuition and reflection, used to obtain the correct answer. Even the students investigated hands.
Women with a small difference in the length of the fingers coped with the tests in the same way as men. But, as a rule, women are more likely to give intuitive responses, and men in General, the more I reflect, allowing them to make the right choice.
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