Japanese company Fujitsu has started growing lettuce

Salad is the first product in the line of "Kirei Yasai" (in translation from "pure veg"). Price it accordingly, twice the usual salad — about ¥ 500 (US $ 4.90) per 90 grams.
Production of digital salad doing in Fukushima, Aizu-Wakamatsu. Nizkosoleva vegetables are grown on the area of 2000 square meters. Salad-lettuce, according to Fujitsu, contains at least 100 micrograms of potassium per 100 grams, far below the typical number, amounting to 490 micrograms.
The product is ideal for people with chronic kidney disease. The initial sale of miracle vegetable company is going to produce in the medical centers.
Food and agriculture cloud computing in the premises used to determine the best atmospheric conditions such as temperature and humidity, as well as the levels of fertilizers for optimum yield.
Sensors along the rows of lettuce in the clean room gather data on how the lettuce is growing, algorithms crunch the numbers and send recommendations on procedures, such as the best time of the arrival of workers for the harvest.
Source: greenevolution.ru