Useful properties of the leaves of cherry
The useful properties of the sheet cherry
Cherry is one of the most delicious berries, which often make jam having medicinal properties. In herbal medicine knowledgeable people use the leaves of the cherry quite often. Cherry is a fruit tree that reaches a height of several meters.
Vitamins complex which is part of the fruit — vitamin A, organic acids, natural sugar, all kinds of carbohydrates and many minerals (magnesium, sodium, Mg, boron, iodine is not a complete list of minerals included in the cherries). It is important to know the fact that contraindications to the products from the cherries is increased acidity of the body, in particular, gastritis with this form.
Useful than cherry leaves?
Useful properties of the leaves of the cherry is hard to overestimate. Your attention will be presented several types of recipes that will help to cope with a particular illness. Cherry leaves for later use, their medicinal properties are going in may. Even if the leaves are not fresh, and dried, then they do not lose their properties and can serve as a good vitamin complex in the form of various solutions.
● Jaundice.
A very unpleasant disease (hepatitis). After the man she'd been ill, not re-infected with the virus. But, unfortunately, recovered from jaundice then you can't be blood donors. So, a decoction of the leaves taken with milk helps in this condition. Preparing a decoction: take 2 tablespoons of leaves, half Cup of milk. The content is mixed and cooked over low heat for about ten minutes. The broth is ready. Then it must be filtered. Drink throughout the day in small portions.
● Vitamin tea.
This tea will help to remedy the lack of vitamins in the body, especially in autumn or winter.
● At elevated pressure quite often can be a bleeding from the nose. Stops using fresh leaves. Infusion from the leaves of the cherry soaked tampons to stop the bleeding. Usually taken in the following proportion 10 gr. dry powdered leaves mixed with a glass of boiling water. The broth infused for about half an hour and then filtered through cheesecloth.
● Diuretic effect.
Crushed dry weight of about 10 grams boiled in a glass of water, as in the previous recipe when bleeding from the nose. Small portions taken inside during the day.
To date, there are hundreds of various tinctures, decoctions, fees, where the use of cherry leaves, which can help almost any disease.

Source: /users/155
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