Sport is good for intestinal flora

A new study by Irish scientists suggests that exercise increases the diversity of beneficial bacteria in the human gut.
A group of researchers from College Cork stool and blood samples from 40 professional Rugby players. They then used these samples to estimate the spectrum of bacteria in their intestines. The obtained results were compared with samples taken from 46 healthy men who were not professional athletes, but who matched the physical size and age of the Rugby players. All study participants filled out a questionnaire on food frequency in which the detail indicated how much and how often they had eaten 187 food for the previous four weeks.
It turned out that the athletes had a significantly wider range of gut bacteria than men in the comparison group, especially with high BMI. In particular, they had a much higher Akkermansiaceae, the type of bacteria that are known to be associated with low rates of obesity and related metabolic disorders. Also, they had higher metabolic profile and low markers of inflammation. The authors concluded: "Our data show that exercise is another important factor in the relationship between the microflora, immunity, and metabolism". Analysis of the diet of all study participants showed that the Rugby players had the highest range of foods in your diet. Athletes consumed 22% protein, sraneniyu with 15 percent of the control group. The main part of his meat. In addition, they consumed more vegetables and fruits.
Source: nauka24news.ru/
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