6 Ways to Restore Your Intestinal Microbiota: How to Create the Ideal Environment for 100 Billion Good Microbes
Our gastrointestinal tract contains about 1.5 kilograms of bacteria, which approximately corresponds to the weight of the liver. It is truly an “invisible” organ.
Despite the fact that all of us from childhood are taught by microbes not to love and destroy in every possible way (my hands before eating, or you will get sick!), single-celled ones are simply necessary for us to live.
85% of microorganisms living in the intestines of a healthy person are beneficial. They help digest food, protect the intestines from harmful substances, synthesize vitamins, regulate water-salt balance and do a bunch of other useful work.
Approximately 10% of microorganisms are conditionally pathogenic, that is, potentially harmful. If you allow them to grow, they will cause inflammation, excessive gas formation, prevent the digestion of food. Under ideal conditions, beneficial microbes prevent this.
But with malnutrition, stressful situations, drug abuse, beneficial bacteria die, and their place is taken by aggressive "brothers" - pathogenic.
If the balance shifts towards pathogenic bacteria, the microflora is destroyed, dysbacteriosis appears, human well-being worsens, the question arises how to return health.
Therefore, it is important to avoid an imbalance between beneficial and harmful bacteria. "Site" will tell you how to restore a healthy intestinal microflora and enjoy life again.
Fiber-rich Beijing cabbage should be on the table for people experiencing stomach and bowel problems. We offer the 5 most delicious salads with Beijing cabbage.
"Site" He will talk about cleaning the intestines with flax seeds. All toxic substances will go as scalded if you follow this method!

Despite the fact that all of us from childhood are taught by microbes not to love and destroy in every possible way (my hands before eating, or you will get sick!), single-celled ones are simply necessary for us to live.
85% of microorganisms living in the intestines of a healthy person are beneficial. They help digest food, protect the intestines from harmful substances, synthesize vitamins, regulate water-salt balance and do a bunch of other useful work.
Approximately 10% of microorganisms are conditionally pathogenic, that is, potentially harmful. If you allow them to grow, they will cause inflammation, excessive gas formation, prevent the digestion of food. Under ideal conditions, beneficial microbes prevent this.

But with malnutrition, stressful situations, drug abuse, beneficial bacteria die, and their place is taken by aggressive "brothers" - pathogenic.
If the balance shifts towards pathogenic bacteria, the microflora is destroyed, dysbacteriosis appears, human well-being worsens, the question arises how to return health.

Therefore, it is important to avoid an imbalance between beneficial and harmful bacteria. "Site" will tell you how to restore a healthy intestinal microflora and enjoy life again.
- Products with probiotics will help
Probiotics are drugs to maintain the health of microflora, containing live cultures of certain bacteria. The most famous probiotic bacteria are lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, which are found in some foods, medicines and various dietary supplements.
Probiotic organisms can be found in many fermented foods, such as yogurt, kefir, buttermilk, aged cheeses, sauerkraut, kimchi and kombucha. Nutritional supplements are another popular way to boost probiotic intake.
Probiotics populate the large intestine with normal flora, neutralize pathogenic bacteria, viruses, yeast and fungi, inhibit their growth. They also strengthen the mucous layer of the intestine, block the synthesis of toxins by pathogenic flora, normalize the motor function of the intestine, relieve bloating, flatulence.
Probiotics not only compensate for the lack of beneficial bacterial flora in the body, but also have a complex healing effect. They enhance the effectiveness of bacteriophages, protect against carcinogens, allergens, toxins, improve metabolic processes. - Good for the intestines dietary fiber
In order to thrive and thrive, probiotics need to constantly get enough food. We are talking about prebiotics, or dietary fiber.
Prebiotics are indigestible food components that act as feed for probiotics. In other words, you can't digest them, but the bacteria in your gut can.
Food fiber is found mainly in plant foods. To create conditions for active reproduction of beneficial microflora, regularly eat a variety of cereals, onions, garlic, beans, peas, asparagus, bananas.
If you do not consume a sufficient number of these beneficial products for the intestines, you should think about taking nutritional supplements with prebiotics. Then a violation of the microflora definitely does not threaten you! - Say no to sugar!
Foods containing refined sugar contribute to the growth of pathogenic microflora, cause putrefactive processes in the intestine, reduce immunity.
Sugar spoils the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, as a result, the absorption of useful elements and proteins decreases. Plays a role in reducing immunity and the fact that simple carbohydrates are an excellent nutrient medium for pathogens and various fungi. Especially for Candida fungi.
Many people who refuse to eat sugar, confirm that their immunity as a result of this significantly strengthened. - Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty.
It is possible to violate the microflora with excessive cleanliness, abusing antibacterial hygiene products, when beneficial bacteria are also destroyed.
Although it is considered unhygienic, some of our best friends, the beneficial bacteria, are in the dirt. Of course, we're not suggesting that you get smeared from head to toe in the first puddle.
But sometimes it is useful to spend a day in the park, work in the garden or in the garden. Children who grew up in rural areas, where they do not miss the opportunity to climb into the mud and are surrounded by pets, rarely have allergies or any other autoimmune problems.
Presumably, the reason may be that rural residents have more contact with microorganisms living in the soil. So, the microflora of their intestines is less susceptible to pathogenic effects. - Heal your sleep.
Regular eight-hour sleep will allow you to feel the benefits of a healthy gastrointestinal tract and restore the microflora. When you don’t get enough sleep, your stress levels rise dramatically. As a result, the beneficial intestinal microflora is reduced. And restoring the intestinal microflora is not always easy.
In the study, which studied how the intestinal microflora suffers from stress, scientists drew attention to the fact that the content of beneficial lactobacilli decreased in university students during the period of intensive training. Thus, lack of sleep and psychological stress suppresses healthy intestinal flora. - From problems with the intestines will save physical activity
For the ideal work of the gastrointestinal tract, you need to move a lot. Movement is life! Any physical activity, whether it is simple walking, running outside or exercising in the gym, improves intestinal peristalsis.
Fiber-rich Beijing cabbage should be on the table for people experiencing stomach and bowel problems. We offer the 5 most delicious salads with Beijing cabbage.
"Site" He will talk about cleaning the intestines with flax seeds. All toxic substances will go as scalded if you follow this method!
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