Standing for 3 hours is equivalent to 10 marathons

According to Dr. Mike Loosemore, lead consultant in the Institute of sport, simply standing still for three hours every working day provides the same health benefits as 10 marathon distances.
Sports expert, said: "I stand now and I use all the small muscles in the legs and the rest of the body, I keep myself upright. If I worked standing up for three hours a day, five days a week, that would be the equivalent of ten marathons a year". Dr Loosemore, who was also a medic team of boxers at the London Olympics 2012, added that people do incorrectly believe that small changes, such as the usual distance, don't make sense.
"It improves health, reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer, standing reduces the cholesterol and makes people thinner," he said. "If you keep doing small gains, they improve your health. It's easy to do and you can make it part of your lifestyle. For standing do not need tracksuits and gyms".
Source: nauka24news.ru/
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