Can't find the motivation - use your imagination
"I really want to lose weight. I hate how I look and how I feel. I think things will get better as soon as I drop the hateful extra weight. My problem is that I can't keep the motivation and attitude. Probably, something is wrong."
If you tell yourself the same thing, then we've got good news — you're right. Like many people who want to lose weight, you're trying to motivate yourself with negativity. It is a common thing, this path leads to nowhere.
Indeed, effective motivation can be compared to fire, which can burn brighter longer, and only in the presence of fuel, otherwise it quickly fades away. The rejection of the body and its appearance will serve as the spark to start the action, but without the proper amount of fuel the fire of enthusiasm will not last for long.
When you move negative thoughts and attitudes, you just don't have the necessary resources in order to achieve the desired results. The problem lies in the mind, or rather what principles it operates. If, for example, we promise to give you 1000000 rubles in exchange for a promise not to think about chocolate in the next 60 seconds, we know exactly what the money will go to us (then we'll put them on this site :) ). The moment you will get thoughts associated with chocolate. As soon as you think about how not to think about chocolate, you'll lose! It is impossible not to think about what should not think. Try it and you will understand!
The same happens when you want to lose weight due to the fact that you don't like your body. Every morning the first thing you'll notice that the extra weight is still where it was yesterday. You'll be thinking about what foods you should not eat, or will just lie in bed and regret that I have to get up early to do all these stupid exercises. If motivation is the flame that negative attitudes is a bucket of ice water, which inevitably will put the fire out. Sooner or later you just get tired of fighting with you.
So, what can be the alternative? What to do if you want to lose weight it is because you don't like what you see in the mirror? Where to get it the right "fuel" to the flames of motivation constantly lit your path? Dion offers you to use your imagination.
Imagination is more effective than willpower.
The main thing to understand that obesity is not the cause of your unhappiness. If you weigh less, this fact still does not guarantee the return of happiness from life. The real reason for the unhappiness is that you think about your own body. Need to try to change these thoughts to help you feel better and have the right motivation for weight loss.
Imagine that you live in a society where thinness is disgusting, and the completeness of on the contrary is a symbol of beauty and desire. Walk everywhere full of happy people dressed in nice clothes, driving expensive cars, going out with the most attractive people getting the best job. Wouldn't you have thought of think about your weight is bad, being in such a situation? You would need to dream about losing weight, as an indispensable condition for achieving success in life? Probably not. Even if you had to feel some kind of inferiority, it is likely that it was already not about weight, but about something else, size of feet, shape of nose, etc.
Of course, in reality, we live in a society that is more negative attitude towards overweight people. We absorb these attitudes from early childhood, and in adulthood they are already part of our perception and assessment of others. We begin to guide them in understanding what is happening and change their life to feel better.
The idea is to love yourself and accept yourself as is, of course, like everyone. Only here positive ideas and installation can not be compared with the negative on the strength of its emotional impact. Not so easy to get away from the negativity, and because of this it is more difficult to get rid of problems with motivation.
You can use imagination to overcome the influence of negative self image and replace it in the same strong positive effect. Here are some suggestions and tips:
Imagine that is a negative image not your body that some other person was in your head. Being a prisoner of your body, the main task of this person is the search for possibilities to change it. Figure out who this "someone" is and why he or she chose you. For example, imagine that you uses a secret group of rich and influential people, who, with the help of the media, fashion industry and advertising, trying to convince the world how important it is for happiness to be thin, fit and young, so they continued to buy books about diets, glossy magazines and fancy gadgets. Can you think of any story. Try to make it so that it gave you a genuine anger against those who so brazenly uses you for their own purposes.
Imagine that programmed by someone a negative image of your body has been removed from your brain. You Wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and not feel any negative reactions to your appearance. Do you still remember how and why you had to respond to myself, but suddenly realize that all these feelings and thoughts were not yours, and strangers. Imagine that you have determined not to let those thoughts back in your brain. Think about it, what are your real thoughts about yourself and your body? Again, no hurry, look at yourself in the mirror, feel his skin, twirled around to mark all the new sensations you feel in this moment. In the next few days, do normal things and actions — get dressed, eat, work, do sports and constantly watch your body and how it makes what you feel. If you want, make notes about their feelings in the blog.
After a few days, sit quietly and try to put into words what you feel and think about your body. What it can and what can not? What actions bring you true satisfaction and which are not? Based on the sensations, think, maybe, you want to do something more, something less?
After completing this exercise you may discover new sensations and thoughts will gain new confidence in your body, which further serve as fuel for the flame of motivation. You will depart from "programmed" with the image of their body. You will understand what your body needs, what it really wants, what they are capable. The body will itself tell you which actions bring him real satisfaction.
You will be surprised to feel how easy it is going to exercise, eat right, and lose weight, if you stop to treat my body as a problem. womanonly.ru/stil_zhizni/knigi/luchshie_knigi_o_pohudenii_spisok_i_opisanie
Source: /users/1081
If you tell yourself the same thing, then we've got good news — you're right. Like many people who want to lose weight, you're trying to motivate yourself with negativity. It is a common thing, this path leads to nowhere.
Indeed, effective motivation can be compared to fire, which can burn brighter longer, and only in the presence of fuel, otherwise it quickly fades away. The rejection of the body and its appearance will serve as the spark to start the action, but without the proper amount of fuel the fire of enthusiasm will not last for long.
When you move negative thoughts and attitudes, you just don't have the necessary resources in order to achieve the desired results. The problem lies in the mind, or rather what principles it operates. If, for example, we promise to give you 1000000 rubles in exchange for a promise not to think about chocolate in the next 60 seconds, we know exactly what the money will go to us (then we'll put them on this site :) ). The moment you will get thoughts associated with chocolate. As soon as you think about how not to think about chocolate, you'll lose! It is impossible not to think about what should not think. Try it and you will understand!
The same happens when you want to lose weight due to the fact that you don't like your body. Every morning the first thing you'll notice that the extra weight is still where it was yesterday. You'll be thinking about what foods you should not eat, or will just lie in bed and regret that I have to get up early to do all these stupid exercises. If motivation is the flame that negative attitudes is a bucket of ice water, which inevitably will put the fire out. Sooner or later you just get tired of fighting with you.
So, what can be the alternative? What to do if you want to lose weight it is because you don't like what you see in the mirror? Where to get it the right "fuel" to the flames of motivation constantly lit your path? Dion offers you to use your imagination.
Imagination is more effective than willpower.
The main thing to understand that obesity is not the cause of your unhappiness. If you weigh less, this fact still does not guarantee the return of happiness from life. The real reason for the unhappiness is that you think about your own body. Need to try to change these thoughts to help you feel better and have the right motivation for weight loss.
Imagine that you live in a society where thinness is disgusting, and the completeness of on the contrary is a symbol of beauty and desire. Walk everywhere full of happy people dressed in nice clothes, driving expensive cars, going out with the most attractive people getting the best job. Wouldn't you have thought of think about your weight is bad, being in such a situation? You would need to dream about losing weight, as an indispensable condition for achieving success in life? Probably not. Even if you had to feel some kind of inferiority, it is likely that it was already not about weight, but about something else, size of feet, shape of nose, etc.
Of course, in reality, we live in a society that is more negative attitude towards overweight people. We absorb these attitudes from early childhood, and in adulthood they are already part of our perception and assessment of others. We begin to guide them in understanding what is happening and change their life to feel better.
The idea is to love yourself and accept yourself as is, of course, like everyone. Only here positive ideas and installation can not be compared with the negative on the strength of its emotional impact. Not so easy to get away from the negativity, and because of this it is more difficult to get rid of problems with motivation.
You can use imagination to overcome the influence of negative self image and replace it in the same strong positive effect. Here are some suggestions and tips:
Imagine that is a negative image not your body that some other person was in your head. Being a prisoner of your body, the main task of this person is the search for possibilities to change it. Figure out who this "someone" is and why he or she chose you. For example, imagine that you uses a secret group of rich and influential people, who, with the help of the media, fashion industry and advertising, trying to convince the world how important it is for happiness to be thin, fit and young, so they continued to buy books about diets, glossy magazines and fancy gadgets. Can you think of any story. Try to make it so that it gave you a genuine anger against those who so brazenly uses you for their own purposes.
Imagine that programmed by someone a negative image of your body has been removed from your brain. You Wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and not feel any negative reactions to your appearance. Do you still remember how and why you had to respond to myself, but suddenly realize that all these feelings and thoughts were not yours, and strangers. Imagine that you have determined not to let those thoughts back in your brain. Think about it, what are your real thoughts about yourself and your body? Again, no hurry, look at yourself in the mirror, feel his skin, twirled around to mark all the new sensations you feel in this moment. In the next few days, do normal things and actions — get dressed, eat, work, do sports and constantly watch your body and how it makes what you feel. If you want, make notes about their feelings in the blog.
After a few days, sit quietly and try to put into words what you feel and think about your body. What it can and what can not? What actions bring you true satisfaction and which are not? Based on the sensations, think, maybe, you want to do something more, something less?
After completing this exercise you may discover new sensations and thoughts will gain new confidence in your body, which further serve as fuel for the flame of motivation. You will depart from "programmed" with the image of their body. You will understand what your body needs, what it really wants, what they are capable. The body will itself tell you which actions bring him real satisfaction.
You will be surprised to feel how easy it is going to exercise, eat right, and lose weight, if you stop to treat my body as a problem. womanonly.ru/stil_zhizni/knigi/luchshie_knigi_o_pohudenii_spisok_i_opisanie
Source: /users/1081