Get rid of rheumatism and arthritis tomato juice

Tomato juice is very popular in summer as a source of health and vitality, as well as a reliable ally in any diet.
Having in its composition a large quantity of water, tomatoes are the perfect vegetable for a healthy and effective weight loss. Also, just 100 grams of tomatoes provide the body with half the daily dose of vitamin C, vitamin A, which increases resistance to infections, vitamin b complex to strengthen the immune system and vitamin E, which limits the deposition of cholesterol. 100 g of tomatoes contain a total of 35 calories. In addition, tomatoes contain salicylates, which stimulate the circulatory system, preventing heart disease. Being very rich in antioxidants, tomatoes are perfect to maintain the beauty of the skin and strengthen the immune system.
A few tips:
A glass of fresh juice from the tomatoes in the morning on an empty stomach and before major meals, treats rheumatism.
If you drink during a meal of 200 ml of tomato juice diluted with spring water, you will get rid of an infection of the urinary tract.
Reduced acidity of the stomach when consumed 1.5 liters of fresh juice a day, for 1-3 weeks.
Thrombophlebitis, drink one glass (200 ml) freshly squeezed tomato juice 3 times a day, a course of 30 days. The amazing properties of tomato juice help to reduce blood clots and do not allow to form a new one. It is also useful for smokers-reducing the harmful effects of tar.

Fresh juice can be obtained not only by means of the wringer, but with a blender, or food processor. Regardless of the method by which it was pressed, tomato juice should be consumed fresh, one glass (200 ml) before meals or during meals.
Source: www.ecology.md
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