Old Believers Know the Secrets of Longevity
Last year, fate brought me to Baikal from the side of Buryatia. I'm a hydrographer, and we worked on the river Barguzin. Almost untouched nature, the cleanest air, good ordinary people - everything was delighted. But what struck me most was the “family” settlements there. We didn't know what it was at first. Then we were told they were Old Believers. Families live in separate villages, they have very strict customs. Women still wear sundresses to their toes, and men wear braids. These are very calm and friendly people, but they behave in such a way that once again you do not go to them. They won’t talk, we’ve never seen this before. They are very hardworking people who never sit idle. At first it was stressful, then we got used to it. And then we noticed that they were all healthy and beautiful, even old people. Our work took place just on the territory of their village, and in order to disturb the residents as little as possible, we were given the help of one grandfather, Vasily Stepanovich. He helped us take measurements, very convenient for us and for the people. For a month and a half we became friends, and my grandfather told us a lot of interesting things, and showed us too.
Of course, we also talked about health. Stepanych has repeatedly said that all diseases come from the head. I once asked him to explain what he meant by that. And he said, "Let's take you five guys." I'll tell you what you think by the smell of your socks! We became interested, and then Stepanich just stunned us. He said that if a person has a strong smell, his strongest feeling is the desire to postpone everything later, to do it tomorrow or later. He also said that men, especially modern men, are lazier than women, and therefore their feet smell stronger. And he added that he does not need to explain anything to him, but it is better to honestly answer yourself, whether this is true or not. This is how thoughts affect a person, and on his feet too! Another grandfather said that if the elderly begin to smell legs, then, therefore, the garbage in the body has accumulated a lot and should be starved or severely fast for six months. We began to torture Stepanych, and how old he is. He kept saying, “Whatever you give, it will be.” We started thinking and decided he was 58-60. Much later, we learned that he was 118 years old, and that this was the reason he was dedicated to helping us. It turned out that all Old Believers are healthy people, do not go to doctors and treat themselves. They know a special abdominal massage, and everyone does it for himself. And if there was a malaise, then a person understands together with his loved ones what thought or what feeling, the case could cause illness. He is trying to understand what is wrong with his life. Then he begins to starve... and only then he drinks herbs, infusions, is treated with natural substances. Old Believers understand that all the causes of disease in a person’s head. For this reason, they refuse to listen to the radio, watch TV, believing that such devices clog the head and make a person a slave: because of these devices, a person stops thinking for himself. They consider their own life to be the greatest value. The whole lifestyle of the family forced me to reconsider many of my views on life. They do not ask anyone for anything, but live well, with prosperity. Each person’s face glows, expressing dignity, but not pride. These people do not offend anyone, do not insult, no one swears, no one makes fun of anyone, does not gloat. Everyone works, from small to large. Special respect for the old, the young do not contradict the older. Especially they have the honor of cleanliness, and cleanliness in everything, starting with clothes, at home, ending with thoughts and feelings. If only you could see these extraordinarily clean houses with crisp curtains on the windows and gaze on the beds! Everything is washed and scraped clean. The animals are all well-groomed. Clothing is beautiful, embroidered with different patterns that are for people protection. About infidelity husband or wife simply do not talk, because there it is not and can not be. People are moved by a moral law that is not written anywhere, but everyone honors and observes it. And for the observance of this law, they received as a reward health and longevity, and what! When I returned to the city, I often remembered Stepanich. It was difficult for me to reconcile what he said and modern life with its computers, airplanes, telephones, satellites. On the one hand, technological progress is good, but on the other... We have really lost ourselves, we do not understand ourselves well, we have shifted the responsibility for our lives to parents, doctors, the government. Maybe that’s why we didn’t have strong and healthy people. What if we really die without understanding? We imagined that we were smarter than everyone else, because our technology is incredibly diverse. It turns out that because of technology we lose ourselves.source:bleckt.com
Source: /users/1077
Of course, we also talked about health. Stepanych has repeatedly said that all diseases come from the head. I once asked him to explain what he meant by that. And he said, "Let's take you five guys." I'll tell you what you think by the smell of your socks! We became interested, and then Stepanich just stunned us. He said that if a person has a strong smell, his strongest feeling is the desire to postpone everything later, to do it tomorrow or later. He also said that men, especially modern men, are lazier than women, and therefore their feet smell stronger. And he added that he does not need to explain anything to him, but it is better to honestly answer yourself, whether this is true or not. This is how thoughts affect a person, and on his feet too! Another grandfather said that if the elderly begin to smell legs, then, therefore, the garbage in the body has accumulated a lot and should be starved or severely fast for six months. We began to torture Stepanych, and how old he is. He kept saying, “Whatever you give, it will be.” We started thinking and decided he was 58-60. Much later, we learned that he was 118 years old, and that this was the reason he was dedicated to helping us. It turned out that all Old Believers are healthy people, do not go to doctors and treat themselves. They know a special abdominal massage, and everyone does it for himself. And if there was a malaise, then a person understands together with his loved ones what thought or what feeling, the case could cause illness. He is trying to understand what is wrong with his life. Then he begins to starve... and only then he drinks herbs, infusions, is treated with natural substances. Old Believers understand that all the causes of disease in a person’s head. For this reason, they refuse to listen to the radio, watch TV, believing that such devices clog the head and make a person a slave: because of these devices, a person stops thinking for himself. They consider their own life to be the greatest value. The whole lifestyle of the family forced me to reconsider many of my views on life. They do not ask anyone for anything, but live well, with prosperity. Each person’s face glows, expressing dignity, but not pride. These people do not offend anyone, do not insult, no one swears, no one makes fun of anyone, does not gloat. Everyone works, from small to large. Special respect for the old, the young do not contradict the older. Especially they have the honor of cleanliness, and cleanliness in everything, starting with clothes, at home, ending with thoughts and feelings. If only you could see these extraordinarily clean houses with crisp curtains on the windows and gaze on the beds! Everything is washed and scraped clean. The animals are all well-groomed. Clothing is beautiful, embroidered with different patterns that are for people protection. About infidelity husband or wife simply do not talk, because there it is not and can not be. People are moved by a moral law that is not written anywhere, but everyone honors and observes it. And for the observance of this law, they received as a reward health and longevity, and what! When I returned to the city, I often remembered Stepanich. It was difficult for me to reconcile what he said and modern life with its computers, airplanes, telephones, satellites. On the one hand, technological progress is good, but on the other... We have really lost ourselves, we do not understand ourselves well, we have shifted the responsibility for our lives to parents, doctors, the government. Maybe that’s why we didn’t have strong and healthy people. What if we really die without understanding? We imagined that we were smarter than everyone else, because our technology is incredibly diverse. It turns out that because of technology we lose ourselves.source:bleckt.com
Source: /users/1077