About Barguzin conservatives

Last year fate brought me into Baikal from Buryatia. I'm a hydrographer, and we worked on the river Barguzin. Almost untouched nature, clean air, good simple people — everyone was delighted. But what struck me most there the settlement of the "believers". At first we could not understand what it is. Then we were told that it is conservatives.
Semey live in separate towns, they have very strict customs. Women to this day wear ankle-length tunics, and men wear blouses. This is a very peaceful and friendly people, but they behave so that once again they will not turn up. Just to chat they won't, never have we had ever seen. This is a very hard-working people, never not sitting idle. First, it is somehow strained, and then we used to. And later we noticed that they are all healthy and beautiful, even the elderly. Our work was taking place on the territory of their village, and to as little as possible to disturb the residents, we gave to help a grandfather, Vasily Stepanovich. He helped us to make measurements very convenient for us and the residents. A month and a half of work, we became friends, and grandfather many interesting earful, and showed too.
Of course, health also talked. Stepanovich often repeated, that all diseases of the head. Once I latched on to it with the requirement to explain what he means by this. And he said this: "let's get you five men. Yes, I have one smell of your socks say what you think!" We became interested and then] we were just taken aback. He said that if a person has a strong smell of feet, the strong sense is the desire of all things to defer then, to make them tomorrow, or later. And he said that men, especially modern, lazier than women, and because they have the feet smell stronger. And he added that it is not necessary to explain anything to him, but better to be honest to yourself to answer, like it or not. So, thoughts affect the person, and on foot too! Even my grandfather said that if old people start to smell feet, it means that debris in the body has accumulated a lot and should starve or strictly to fast for six months.
We began to torture], and how much he is. He protested, and then said, "Here's how much you give — so be it". We started thinking and decided that he 58-60. Much later we learned that he's 118 years old and that that was why he was told off to help us!
It turned out that all conservatives — people are healthy, do not go to doctors and treat themselves. They know a special massage of the abdomen, and each himself it makes. And if you went sick, the man understands with his family, what a thought or a feeling, it could cause illness. That is, he tries to understand what's wrong in his life. Then it begins to starve, pray, and only then drinks herbs, extracts, treated with natural substances.
Conservatives understand that all of the causes of diseases in humans in the head. For this reason, they refuse to listen to the radio, watch TV, considering that these devices clog up the head and make a person a slave: for these devices, the person ceases to think of himself. They believe the biggest value of his own life.
The way of life of Semei forced me to reconsider many of his views on life. They have no one ask for nothing, and live well enough. Each person's face lights up, expressing the dignity but not pride. One of these people do not offend, do not offend, mate, no one swears, no one, not teasing, not gloating. All work — from small to large.
Special respect to the elderly, the young do not contradict a senior. Especially in their honor, the purity, and purity in everything, from clothes, houses, ending with thoughts and feelings. If you see these extraordinarily clean house with crisp curtains and valances on the beds! Everything is washed and scraped clean. Animals they are all well maintained. The clothes are beautiful, embroidered in different patterns, which are for people protection. Cheating husband or wife just does not say, because there is not and can not be. People are motivated by the moral law which is nowhere written, but each of his honors and respects. And for compliance with this act they were awarded health and longevity, and how!
When I returned to the city very often thought of]. It was hard for me to reconcile what he was saying, and modern life with its computers, airplanes, telephones, satellites. On the one hand, technical progress is good, but on the other... We really lost myself, and when understood, shifted the responsibility for their lives to parents, doctors, government. Maybe that's why not has become a really strong and healthy people. What if we do die not knowing? We seeing, as if that were smarter than everyone else, because we have the extraordinarily diverse. And it turns out that because of the technology we're losing ourselves.
These conservatives are strongly shocked me. They us wiped his nose with his power, poise of character and gentleness, their health and hard work.
Author: Kunitsyn. V. K. All diseases of the head (on the Barguzin believers)
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P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.kramola.info/vesti/letopisi-proshlogo/o-barguzinskih-staroverah
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