Ruslan Bayramov: If around quietly, so you aimlessly living my life
Ruslan Bayramov is known primarily as the founder of the Park "ethnomir". On 140 acres of land in the Kaluga region, built a few dozen villages, exactly mimicking the traditional architecture of different peoples. There are major music festivals, such as "wild mint" "the Way to itself". Bayramov — Russian Azerbaijani simultaneously a traditionalist and an innovator.
Photo: Dmitry Lebedev, The Businessman
Balance, harmony, coexistence. I am from Azerbaijan, from the mountains of the lesser Caucasus, the village of Novo-Ivanovka. Is a village of Russian old believers, was founded in 1853.
No, karakami they are called in Siberia. If you take all the old believers ' movement, they have official consents, and other sects about two hundred. Were Popovtsy, bespopovtsy, Rogozhsky Church, Molokans, Baptists, Dukhobors. Here I am mother the Molokan. The founder of the village was my great, great grandfather Smith. And my mother was married to Azerbaijanis, my dad. From the point of view of conservatives, it was wrong. If we talk about the ethnomir, for me connecting cultures is a natural state of life. It's in me genetically prescribed.
History of the old believers is a constant life on the frontier, the development of new lands. Molokans was it about?
Not that concerned — it is their essence! In my picture of the world composed of different cultures and religions, the Russian man stands in the center. He is strong, self-sufficient, free. Believers have fulfilled the role of Russian soft power. They carried the idea of Orthodoxy against the wishes of both the authorities and the Church. Wave of the Exodus of Russian old believers is an attempt to negotiate with the Central government: don't touch my faith, and I will be your stronghold in the suburbs. When I first arrived in Moscow, I experienced a culture shock: in the Russian village, I saw so much more. Well, that's understandable. Culture, thrown out of the context of the development of the center as it freezes. This is how intellectuals in Israel who still wears crimplene jackets and speaks the language of Moscow 70-ies. But the old believers have preserved the essence which was in Russia in the XIX century.
And what kind of Russian are brought conservatives to the Caucasus?
Understand, there survive only the strong. It was a proud people, hardworking, passionate. Im on the rendered habitable places it was crowded, boring. Are people in Spain, France, Britain swam across the sea and captured the entire continent. But we all had a different, more organic. Russian man is always trying to integrate, negotiate, accept and live the culture of another people. Not to dominate but to coexist. There are three tribes in Russia, which, thank God, living for many years in harmony. Slavs, Turks, Finno-Finns. Actually, God is only the Russian people could trust such territory, such wealth. Because he has such a mission. After the collapse of the USSR there is a strong bias towards Western identity. Forgotten Russian main development tools: balance, harmony, coexistence. And now, I believe Russia just remembers his mission. It faces an important task — to unite Russians around the world in a certain informational energy field. The concept of our Foundation and the Park, and built on it.
Imperial experiences had a lot Russian different from the others?
From all European. Russian civilization in lesser extent man-made. Today's Western world — the essence of materialism. The Russian material possessions do not dominate. As soon as we forget about it, begin disasters. One example — in 2007, the peak of prosperity. We are in such a situation, losing focus, goals, meanings, cause you can't collect material for material. I have training "World without corners" — I ask people what is their coordinate system: me, family, relatives, country, nation, Land, space? Are you ready to put yourself in the end? In the "Ethnomir" people should work to have at least 51 to 49. The controlling package of shares should be for altruism.
One plus one equals threeWhich was the path of a Russian businessman in your version?
I started with the kiosk "Soyuzpechat" in the metro "Youth" in 1992. And despite all the difficulties, I'm extremely grateful that time because everything was growing, everything was developed. Even then, in a very tough competitive environment, we always found a common language with the world, and with the government.
1992 — it's the height of criminal outrages. You played these games?
I am a former police officer. Worked there for two years, then enrolled at the University, he resigned and immediately, a freshman, opened his own business. We knew all, no one fought, and understood that we power. They thought so too. The principles of the police and principles of my village, people from the mountains — they are very common. We did not deceive anyone, giving everyone the right to be themselves. But anyone not bent and did not break.
It turns out that the Russian business people survive with a heightened sense of negotiability?
Yes, this is a basic quality. You need to be honest towards the world. Why do business people negotiate? They know that one plus one equals three — the benefits! You don't cheat the company. You create together, and each receives part of the surplus value. The essence of the right business. The measure of internal equity there are infinitely important. In business to be morally beneficial to every second. For example, the chemist and the biologist can be immoral people. The writer can't. The philosopher can't. They talk about high. A businessman also can not.
But you understand that it is not so.
But it should be! So business is a big responsibility. There are three categories of people. First: the world owes me; second: I world 50: 50; third: I have the world. A huge number of people live in the paradigm of "the world owes me". I was born, you have to drink, feed. Dad needs mom, then the whole world. The second is also good: don't touch me, and I will not touch you. Earned and currently lives in a quiet corner. Still others talk about the sense of duty to family, to country. Earned ten, nine gave. Builders, businessmen, Industrialists — they live in this system of coordinates.
You haven't been in the "Ethnomir"? He will come to you
Business to business Roskilde initially given energy and opportunity to shape the world around us. You have a lot to understand, accept, and then implement. If a person has the right soul — 51 to 49 — it turns out; 50 50 — throwing. Units reach 90 10 — it is Holy. Wealth can spoil, in abundance, we forget our mission. My son was in Australia, and I asked him: will you go to study in Sydney? He said, dad, when all around is quiet, I worry. This is the eternal movement of the Russian soul. If around quietly, so you aimlessly living my life.
By the way, you are an authoritarian leader?
Well, I think hard, but I sense of humor as the totalitarian forms of government, and absolutely relaxed. More important to me than a personal promise. I want to give people these teams that are in tune with their soul.
Such business as you have to be able to change Russia?
He embodies the mission of the Russian world. Even when he denies. Self-blame, rejection of authority, denial, and spiritual individualism is also part of the Russian world. Just the amplitude value variations in our soul giant.
Your business demand? Power it is interesting?
One of our goals was to establish a dialogue between business, society and government. We much building is under the task of the authorities and thus remain free. The balance between the king-priest and Ermak. Ermak took to the East a party of 400 people, effortlessly annexed Siberia. To bow to a king, he went as far as possible. I am ready to give you the world, but give me the right to be free in my world. We have many joint projects, we seek to generate meanings that are close to our state. The local Governor said that "ETNOMIR" is a brand in Kaluga region. For us it is a great honor and responsibility. We want to "ETNOMIR" was the brand in the country, and give God in the world. What we are talking about, is the Russian view, offsetting all light, common forces in any point of the globe.
You are trying to articulate a message that can't name power?
The government is constantly doing, but she has a lot of other tasks. The government says: guys, I need to collect taxes to pay the pension of the grandmother. No need to scold me, what I do is bad because I'm the flesh and blood of yours, my dear citizen. Citizen says: power is poorly performs his duties. A businessman in our world picture, too bad. In General, there are three models. First: the businessman — the swindler, the second was a magician, another a magician. A fraud where stolen, here shown. The magician is not stolen, but moved. Magician — one plus one equals three, the ideal model. Business conservatives were wizards. Business is offended: guys, I create jobs, taxes, wages. Create beautiful cafes, restaurants, hotels. Why are you scolding me? I often say: guys, you say "we" not "they." Us one hundred and forty million. We have the power, we the business, we are citizens. This is the lack of condemnation. The picture is much more varied than the dualistic opposition.
In Russia the authorities are always in opposition to the people.
There is another interesting pattern. Almost all good ideas come not because but in spite. If it were due, it would not be Russia. A quiet environment is not for us. Perhaps that is why there are those who get tired, leaves.
You so beautifully tell all... But not really tricky if you are a crook?
I do not know. I do not consider myself one. I hope not... it Depends on what you invest in it.
You match with yourself?
Integrity is one of my main tasks. Integrity is generally cool state of mind. The most important thing — not to lie to themselves and others. I spent many years working 16-18 hours a day, and I have no conflict between hobby and work. But here is how we are honest to themselves and to the world, is the world to judge.
Very important quiz: how well do you with yourself? Is this experience in all schools of spiritual held: if an evil person put in the cave, he begins to destroy himself. His thoughts are his and destroy. A good man is only amplified exponentially. Here, the ratio of 51 to 49, like it or not — it exists. The source of what you are building or demolition, consolidation or separation?
Your "ETNOMIR" is paying off?
Already not subsidized. To return the money invested? Probably never. If there is a big profit, we're still going to reinvest. It is important that the idea itself is supported: enough to wage growth, construction of new atodorov.
But how you are vulnerable economically?
Vulnerable everything. The main thing — that we live in. The amplitude between realism and idealism we have is good. I always rely on common sense, so we try not to take out loans. I just force people to work. If you are all spiritual, good, light, but there is no model of survival, such a project becomes unviable in every sense. Therefore, we hold events, rent hotel and make it so that this organism lived. Otherwise it will be a pretty picture, but still.
And you don't feel like a black sheep with his approach?
No, we're real. Our success speaks to the fact that yesterday's underground is today's avant-garde. We just unpack the ideas that we think is right. We do not throw money down the drain — we capitalize. Here is the place guessed. A hundred kilometers from the capital, a hundred to Kaluga, in this direction. Here will soon open a new airport. "ETNOMIR" has been slower than we would like, but faster than I thought. Our objective is to be specific. My role model is mother Teresa — people are very spiritual, but very specific. "Love God? — love. — Tomorrow at four in the morning rise, prayer, and going out to feed homeless children". She did not declare love, and it embodies day-to-day work. And the relevance of the proper values is much more than we think.
By the way, what are your relations with Christianity?
We're all friends. We have a project outside of religion and politics. There are often excursions from parochial schools. Initially feared might be something wrong? This is a national Park. Nepalis are not going anywhere, the Indians can not erase. Ninety-eight percent of the world's population are not Russians, and now what?
But our basic Russian history. By the way, I will ask you to definitely include an interview with one thought: some Russian Proverbs have to change. "It is good there where we are not" urgent need to change to "it is Good there where we are." Man everywhere is bad if he knows somewhere better. He will go to heaven and say, "it is Good there where we are not." It is good there where we are. It is harmony with yourself.
Still have emeli to give up — you need to talk about Ivan Stotysyachnogo: he's a hard worker, strong. About Vasilisa The Beautiful. As if by magic, in my volition is a trend of today's youth, which is necessary to get rid of. It is necessary to introduce the right values: work, earn, are in harmony with yourself and with the world. Not to hysteria, to panic. Our people need to travel in poor areas of Bangladesh, Delhi and then at the airport the ground to kiss the Russian.published
Ruslan Bayramov. Born in 1969 in the Azerbaijan SSR. He studied at the law faculty of Moscow state University during perestroika went into business. The founder of the Mall "Springboard", the Creator of the charity Foundation "Sofia".2006 years building in the North of the Kaluga region Park "ethnomir".Interviewed By Olga Andreeva
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: rusrep.ru/article/2014/09/04/51-na-49

Photo: Dmitry Lebedev, The Businessman
Balance, harmony, coexistence. I am from Azerbaijan, from the mountains of the lesser Caucasus, the village of Novo-Ivanovka. Is a village of Russian old believers, was founded in 1853.
No, karakami they are called in Siberia. If you take all the old believers ' movement, they have official consents, and other sects about two hundred. Were Popovtsy, bespopovtsy, Rogozhsky Church, Molokans, Baptists, Dukhobors. Here I am mother the Molokan. The founder of the village was my great, great grandfather Smith. And my mother was married to Azerbaijanis, my dad. From the point of view of conservatives, it was wrong. If we talk about the ethnomir, for me connecting cultures is a natural state of life. It's in me genetically prescribed.
History of the old believers is a constant life on the frontier, the development of new lands. Molokans was it about?
Not that concerned — it is their essence! In my picture of the world composed of different cultures and religions, the Russian man stands in the center. He is strong, self-sufficient, free. Believers have fulfilled the role of Russian soft power. They carried the idea of Orthodoxy against the wishes of both the authorities and the Church. Wave of the Exodus of Russian old believers is an attempt to negotiate with the Central government: don't touch my faith, and I will be your stronghold in the suburbs. When I first arrived in Moscow, I experienced a culture shock: in the Russian village, I saw so much more. Well, that's understandable. Culture, thrown out of the context of the development of the center as it freezes. This is how intellectuals in Israel who still wears crimplene jackets and speaks the language of Moscow 70-ies. But the old believers have preserved the essence which was in Russia in the XIX century.
And what kind of Russian are brought conservatives to the Caucasus?
Understand, there survive only the strong. It was a proud people, hardworking, passionate. Im on the rendered habitable places it was crowded, boring. Are people in Spain, France, Britain swam across the sea and captured the entire continent. But we all had a different, more organic. Russian man is always trying to integrate, negotiate, accept and live the culture of another people. Not to dominate but to coexist. There are three tribes in Russia, which, thank God, living for many years in harmony. Slavs, Turks, Finno-Finns. Actually, God is only the Russian people could trust such territory, such wealth. Because he has such a mission. After the collapse of the USSR there is a strong bias towards Western identity. Forgotten Russian main development tools: balance, harmony, coexistence. And now, I believe Russia just remembers his mission. It faces an important task — to unite Russians around the world in a certain informational energy field. The concept of our Foundation and the Park, and built on it.
Imperial experiences had a lot Russian different from the others?
From all European. Russian civilization in lesser extent man-made. Today's Western world — the essence of materialism. The Russian material possessions do not dominate. As soon as we forget about it, begin disasters. One example — in 2007, the peak of prosperity. We are in such a situation, losing focus, goals, meanings, cause you can't collect material for material. I have training "World without corners" — I ask people what is their coordinate system: me, family, relatives, country, nation, Land, space? Are you ready to put yourself in the end? In the "Ethnomir" people should work to have at least 51 to 49. The controlling package of shares should be for altruism.
One plus one equals threeWhich was the path of a Russian businessman in your version?
I started with the kiosk "Soyuzpechat" in the metro "Youth" in 1992. And despite all the difficulties, I'm extremely grateful that time because everything was growing, everything was developed. Even then, in a very tough competitive environment, we always found a common language with the world, and with the government.
1992 — it's the height of criminal outrages. You played these games?
I am a former police officer. Worked there for two years, then enrolled at the University, he resigned and immediately, a freshman, opened his own business. We knew all, no one fought, and understood that we power. They thought so too. The principles of the police and principles of my village, people from the mountains — they are very common. We did not deceive anyone, giving everyone the right to be themselves. But anyone not bent and did not break.
It turns out that the Russian business people survive with a heightened sense of negotiability?
Yes, this is a basic quality. You need to be honest towards the world. Why do business people negotiate? They know that one plus one equals three — the benefits! You don't cheat the company. You create together, and each receives part of the surplus value. The essence of the right business. The measure of internal equity there are infinitely important. In business to be morally beneficial to every second. For example, the chemist and the biologist can be immoral people. The writer can't. The philosopher can't. They talk about high. A businessman also can not.
But you understand that it is not so.
But it should be! So business is a big responsibility. There are three categories of people. First: the world owes me; second: I world 50: 50; third: I have the world. A huge number of people live in the paradigm of "the world owes me". I was born, you have to drink, feed. Dad needs mom, then the whole world. The second is also good: don't touch me, and I will not touch you. Earned and currently lives in a quiet corner. Still others talk about the sense of duty to family, to country. Earned ten, nine gave. Builders, businessmen, Industrialists — they live in this system of coordinates.

You haven't been in the "Ethnomir"? He will come to you
Business to business Roskilde initially given energy and opportunity to shape the world around us. You have a lot to understand, accept, and then implement. If a person has the right soul — 51 to 49 — it turns out; 50 50 — throwing. Units reach 90 10 — it is Holy. Wealth can spoil, in abundance, we forget our mission. My son was in Australia, and I asked him: will you go to study in Sydney? He said, dad, when all around is quiet, I worry. This is the eternal movement of the Russian soul. If around quietly, so you aimlessly living my life.
By the way, you are an authoritarian leader?
Well, I think hard, but I sense of humor as the totalitarian forms of government, and absolutely relaxed. More important to me than a personal promise. I want to give people these teams that are in tune with their soul.
Such business as you have to be able to change Russia?
He embodies the mission of the Russian world. Even when he denies. Self-blame, rejection of authority, denial, and spiritual individualism is also part of the Russian world. Just the amplitude value variations in our soul giant.
Your business demand? Power it is interesting?
One of our goals was to establish a dialogue between business, society and government. We much building is under the task of the authorities and thus remain free. The balance between the king-priest and Ermak. Ermak took to the East a party of 400 people, effortlessly annexed Siberia. To bow to a king, he went as far as possible. I am ready to give you the world, but give me the right to be free in my world. We have many joint projects, we seek to generate meanings that are close to our state. The local Governor said that "ETNOMIR" is a brand in Kaluga region. For us it is a great honor and responsibility. We want to "ETNOMIR" was the brand in the country, and give God in the world. What we are talking about, is the Russian view, offsetting all light, common forces in any point of the globe.
You are trying to articulate a message that can't name power?
The government is constantly doing, but she has a lot of other tasks. The government says: guys, I need to collect taxes to pay the pension of the grandmother. No need to scold me, what I do is bad because I'm the flesh and blood of yours, my dear citizen. Citizen says: power is poorly performs his duties. A businessman in our world picture, too bad. In General, there are three models. First: the businessman — the swindler, the second was a magician, another a magician. A fraud where stolen, here shown. The magician is not stolen, but moved. Magician — one plus one equals three, the ideal model. Business conservatives were wizards. Business is offended: guys, I create jobs, taxes, wages. Create beautiful cafes, restaurants, hotels. Why are you scolding me? I often say: guys, you say "we" not "they." Us one hundred and forty million. We have the power, we the business, we are citizens. This is the lack of condemnation. The picture is much more varied than the dualistic opposition.
In Russia the authorities are always in opposition to the people.
There is another interesting pattern. Almost all good ideas come not because but in spite. If it were due, it would not be Russia. A quiet environment is not for us. Perhaps that is why there are those who get tired, leaves.
You so beautifully tell all... But not really tricky if you are a crook?
I do not know. I do not consider myself one. I hope not... it Depends on what you invest in it.
You match with yourself?
Integrity is one of my main tasks. Integrity is generally cool state of mind. The most important thing — not to lie to themselves and others. I spent many years working 16-18 hours a day, and I have no conflict between hobby and work. But here is how we are honest to themselves and to the world, is the world to judge.
Very important quiz: how well do you with yourself? Is this experience in all schools of spiritual held: if an evil person put in the cave, he begins to destroy himself. His thoughts are his and destroy. A good man is only amplified exponentially. Here, the ratio of 51 to 49, like it or not — it exists. The source of what you are building or demolition, consolidation or separation?
Your "ETNOMIR" is paying off?
Already not subsidized. To return the money invested? Probably never. If there is a big profit, we're still going to reinvest. It is important that the idea itself is supported: enough to wage growth, construction of new atodorov.
But how you are vulnerable economically?
Vulnerable everything. The main thing — that we live in. The amplitude between realism and idealism we have is good. I always rely on common sense, so we try not to take out loans. I just force people to work. If you are all spiritual, good, light, but there is no model of survival, such a project becomes unviable in every sense. Therefore, we hold events, rent hotel and make it so that this organism lived. Otherwise it will be a pretty picture, but still.
And you don't feel like a black sheep with his approach?
No, we're real. Our success speaks to the fact that yesterday's underground is today's avant-garde. We just unpack the ideas that we think is right. We do not throw money down the drain — we capitalize. Here is the place guessed. A hundred kilometers from the capital, a hundred to Kaluga, in this direction. Here will soon open a new airport. "ETNOMIR" has been slower than we would like, but faster than I thought. Our objective is to be specific. My role model is mother Teresa — people are very spiritual, but very specific. "Love God? — love. — Tomorrow at four in the morning rise, prayer, and going out to feed homeless children". She did not declare love, and it embodies day-to-day work. And the relevance of the proper values is much more than we think.
By the way, what are your relations with Christianity?
We're all friends. We have a project outside of religion and politics. There are often excursions from parochial schools. Initially feared might be something wrong? This is a national Park. Nepalis are not going anywhere, the Indians can not erase. Ninety-eight percent of the world's population are not Russians, and now what?
But our basic Russian history. By the way, I will ask you to definitely include an interview with one thought: some Russian Proverbs have to change. "It is good there where we are not" urgent need to change to "it is Good there where we are." Man everywhere is bad if he knows somewhere better. He will go to heaven and say, "it is Good there where we are not." It is good there where we are. It is harmony with yourself.
Still have emeli to give up — you need to talk about Ivan Stotysyachnogo: he's a hard worker, strong. About Vasilisa The Beautiful. As if by magic, in my volition is a trend of today's youth, which is necessary to get rid of. It is necessary to introduce the right values: work, earn, are in harmony with yourself and with the world. Not to hysteria, to panic. Our people need to travel in poor areas of Bangladesh, Delhi and then at the airport the ground to kiss the Russian.published
Ruslan Bayramov. Born in 1969 in the Azerbaijan SSR. He studied at the law faculty of Moscow state University during perestroika went into business. The founder of the Mall "Springboard", the Creator of the charity Foundation "Sofia".2006 years building in the North of the Kaluga region Park "ethnomir".Interviewed By Olga Andreeva
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: rusrep.ru/article/2014/09/04/51-na-49