Scientists are reminded that in order to save the climate need to eat less meat

World meat consumption should be reduced. This will help to protect the environment, according to a new study.
According to a study conducted by the universities of Cambridge and Aberdeen, by 2050 the emissions of greenhouse gases from food production will increase by 80 percent, if not to reduce the current consumption of meat and dairy products. It is difficult to achieve the target for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
The researchers encourage people to reduce meat consumption. The call came amid the growing popularity of restaurants and fast food outlets. An increasing number of people are starting to eat American style, and this leads to a substantial increase in the consumption of meat and dairy products.
If this trend continues, farmers will meet the demand for meat due to the use of forest land and land occupied by agricultural crops. Deforestation will increase carbon emissions, and increased production of livestock products will increase the level of methane in the atmosphere. Accelerating climate change will also contribute to more widespread use of fertilizers.
"There are basic laws of Biophysics that we cannot ignore. The efficiency of conversion of feed to meat is less than 3 percent. The more we consume meat, the more arable land will be used for the production of feed for animals whose meat gets on the table to the man," — said in an article published on the website BBC.com.
The researchers note that the situation can drastically improve. You need to improve agricultural production in developing countries, to stop throwing food away and go on a healthy diet. These measures will halve greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture compared to 2009.
This study is yet another warning of risks if the consumption of meat and dairy products produced by the intensive method. Scientists concerned with the issue of climate change, increasingly agree with the experts in the field of health, concerned about the increasing incidence of obesity.
However, many people do not think about these issues and continue to attend fast food places.
As one of the options of saving the Earth from climate change can be considered the use of test-tube meat.
Source: hi-news.ru