Doctors tell you how to increase lactation without medication

The parent Molokov the womb, the child gets everything he needs through the umbilical cord, through which he has with the mother of General circulation. Roughly speaking, the Bud selects from the mother's blood all the necessary nutrients for yourself in the right quantity, so the expectant mother is extremely important to eat right as it consumes minerals, minerals and vitamins for two.

However, her worries are not over. A newborn child is not ready for a new world and adapted to it. He alone can only to breathe even roll over without assistance he can not. In this moment comes into force breastfeeding. Mother's milk contains many nutrients, including calcium, iron and proteins necessary for development of bones, internal organs and muscle mass.

In addition, it contains maternal antibodies and lactobacilli, so the child will be able to resist some of the possible diseases, and his intestines will start working normally. None of this is able to give no one, even the most advanced milk formula. Artificial milk is not the best choice for infants because it will not allow him to develop quickly, have a strong immune system and good digestion.

So before to buy expensive and ineffective mixtures for feeding your child, try to learn how to enhance lactation. Increasing the quantity of milk produced, you will be able to provide your baby with minerals and vitamins.

Ways to improve lactationFennel. A decoction of the beans of this plant or its oil solution has on the body of a nursing mother is truly miraculous effect. It not only improves the functioning of mammary glands, increasing lactation and improves milk quality, but also allows you to normalize digestion at the mother and baby. These liquids are also referred to as dill water, as the fennel is very similar to dill, though it is not.

More nutrients. From the moment of gestation, little has changed – all the nutrients the baby takes from your body. If you produce a little milk – so you consume little nutrients. You know, focus on foods that contain lots of calcium (cheese, cheese), iron (red meat), phosphorus (white fish) and proteins.

Correct feeding. The fact that the last (back) the baby's milk is not useful is idle speculation of people who are far from children's anatomy. Yes, in the front milk contains the bulk of the trace elements and the construction substances, and the rear has a huge fat content. However, the fat the baby needs, it protects from cold, it allows you to quickly gain weight, it is conserved energy in its purest form.

You shouldn't change the breast when feeding , the first breast you need to give her to drink fully.

Other ways to improve lactation, alas, involves taking special drugs and medicines. In addition, there are various methods (rituals, incantations) from the category of alternative medicine, however much confidence from a professional point of view, they do not inspire.
