Сладости Востока — баклава, локум и сорбет

True Turkish baklava is true nectar and ambrosia. It harmoniously combines nuts, spices and crispy dough. Baklava is soaked in thick, fragrant syrup and turns into a delightful oriental delicacy. Baklava's recipe


100g hazelnut
100g walnut
100g almonds
100 g of pumpkin seeds (do not add)
300g sugar
1 pinch of ground cloves
3 pinches of ground cinnamon
100g butter
500g yeastless puff dough (ideally use filo dough)

1 tsp saffron (can be replaced with turmeric)
2 tsp sugar
2 tsp water

50g sugar
75 ml of water
15g honey
7ml lemon juice
7 ml of rose water (do not add)

Any nuts are for decoration

rectangular shape for baking (we used a 27×17 cm shape)

How to cook:

1. For baklava, nuts and pumpkin seeds are twice passed through a meat grinder or broken with a blender, mixed with sugar, cinnamon and cloves.

2. Melt 100g butter.

Form lubricate 1 tsp of melted oil.

3. Layer dough roll to the thickness of a paper sheet (does not need to roll the dough) and cut into layers equal to the size of the form for baking.

4. Put the first layer of the dough into the form.

Lubricate the dough with melted butter (just 1 tsp). Distribute the nuts in a thin layer on top.

Do the same with the rest of the dough and nuts.

Cover the last layer of dough.

5. With the help of a ruler and a knife, cut the workpiece with diamonds.

6. For glaze, mix in a small soteinik saffron or turmeric, sugar and water. Cook on a slow heat for 5 minutes.

With the help of a brush, lubricate the baklava with the resulting glaze, after which one nut should be placed on each piece.

7. Heat the oven to 150 ° C and bake baklava for 30 minutes. Then pour the remaining melted butter into the slots and bake for another 15 minutes at the same temperature.

8. For the syrup, mix the sugar with water. Add honey and bring to a boil. Reduce the fire and cook for 10 minutes before thickening. Remove from the fire, add lemon juice and rose water.

Carefully pour the syrup into the slits of baklava and bake for another 15 minutes.

9. Allow to brew at room temperature for 8-12 hours.

Remove baklava from the form, serve with coffee.

Rahat Lokum in Arabic means “pleasure for heaven.” Dessert, indeed, turns out to be unusually tender and velvety, and a crispy nut makes a delicacy a work of oriental art.

Lokuma's recipe


Sugar syrup:
4 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp water
1 tsp citric acid

Starch paste:
1 tbsp. starch (we recommend using corn starch)
1 tsp citric acid
3 tables of water

0.5 tbsp almonds (can not be peeled)
0.5 tbsp peeled hazelnut
2 tsp orange extract (do not add)
1 tsp orange peel

0.5 tbsp powdered sugar
1/4 tbsp starch

2 tsp. vegetable oil - to lubricate the form

rectangular shape for baking (we used a 27×17cm shape)

How to cook:

1. Prepare the form for lokum: lubricate with vegetable oil, lay out on top with food film and lubricate again with oil.

2. For sugar syrup in a pot or soteinic, mix sugar, water and citric acid. Bring on medium heat to a boil, cover with a lid and cook for 5 minutes. Then remove the lid and cook for about 45 minutes.

Remove the syrup from the fire and cover it.

3. For a starch paste in a pan, combine starch, water and citric acid. On average heat bring to a boil and cook 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly. The mixture will thicken quickly.

4. In the starch paste, constantly stirring, pour sugar syrup. On low heat bring to a boil and cook for 20-25 minutes. The mixture will become smooth and transparent.

5. Remove from the fire, add whole nuts, orange peel and orange extract. Stir it up.

6. Locum pour into the form, cover with film and leave overnight.

7. For sprinkling, sift through powdered sugar and starch.

Frozen locum cut into large cubes and roll in this mixture.

Sorbet is a multifaceted drink: it is found in Turkish street vendors, guests are revered to them, with the help of sorbet, the bride agrees, accepting the offer of her hand and heart.

Raspberry sorbet recipe

0.5 kg of raspberries
2 tables of water
1 tbsp sugar
0.5 tbsp. very cold milk
Raspberry ice cream (you can take vanilla)
fresh mint and ice - for serving

How to cook:

1. Put the raspberries in a sausage and pour cold water.

Bring it to a boil. As soon as it boils, reduce the fire and cook for 20 minutes. Strain. We won't need the berries.

2. Add sugar to raspberry water, put on a medium fire, bring to a boil. Cook 5-10 minutes, removing the foam.

3. Ready raspberry syrup to cool.

4. Mix milk with 1 tbsp raspberry syrup.

5. Put ice cream in a cremanc or glass and pour it with milk with syrup.

Add mint and ice.

Source: domashniy.ru/


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