The rudeness of the chief was contagious
Not only stress was contagious. Study of Chinese and American scientists proved that disrespectful, violent and daring attitude of management towards subordinates leads to the fact that employees begin to copy the behavior of the head and apply it in communicating with their colleagues. A new study published in the journal of Applied Psychology, was conducted under the direction of the Crystal Farha from the University of Michigan. Studied 51 staff 10 companies of China. Considered the group that consisted of no more than 6 workers, the scope of activities was very different. Forms of disrespectful conduct from the head was considered immoral verbal abuse to staff or offensive e-mails. It turned out that the ill-treatment of a subordinate not only had a negative impact on him, but also challenged the hostility of other members of the office, thereby significantly lowering the efficiency. Scientists suggest that the results of their study confirm the theory of social learning – people learn from leaders, or simply important to them, the actors, simulating their behavior on others. The alarming findings of the study show that the negative attacks the chief concern the entire workforce, regardless of whether they were addressed to You directly or not. After bad experiences, the team begins to dive into the conflict, the atmosphere is absorbed by the negative, thereby reducing the productivity of the whole team. To increase efficiency in your company, treat employees with respect, understanding and positive, and productivity will be higher than expected
Source: estet-portal.com