In the press got the suicide letter
In the press got the suicide letter FSB colonel Oleg Efremov, zapytannogo death in jail
A copy of the last letter Oleg Efremov
The scandalous criminal case of the mysterious death of a senior intelligence officer, who was arrested on charges of drug trafficking, new sensational details. In the press got the suicide letter colonel of the Federal Security Service (FSB) Oleg Efremov. They counterintelligence plain text accuses its leadership in the collapse of the entire regional office and "protection racket" of the family business of the former governor.
At the disposal of "Novaya Gazeta" were copies of letters dying FSB colonel Oleg Efremov, he had written in his prison cell. The first letter he intended to send to President Medvedev, Security Council Secretary Patrushev and Prosecutor General Chaika. The other two were intended spouse and lawyer. It is not known whether the message reached the addressees, but a few days after the cruelest torture FSB colonel was killed in solitary confinement Bohr spetskolonii (IR-11).
A few days before the death of his wife of Ephraim tried to reach out to investigators and prosecutors to express fears for her husband's life, but it has not been adopted.
Colonel Oleg Efremov -
joined the FSB in Nizhny Novgorod in 1993. Since 2005, led the investigation department (CO). For participation in the first Chechen campaign was awarded the Order of Courage. In 2009 he was arrested for selling heroin (40 kg), seized during the searches.
Lt. Gen. Oleg Temples -
former head of the FSB in Nizhny Novgorod (now works in the central office of the Federal Security Service).
Gulya Khodyreva -
wife of the former governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Suspected of organizing illegal additional shares Novomirsky GOK. As a result, with Khodyreva cleared of all charges, convicted were members of the local road fund.
Boris Petrov -
Head of own safety FSB in Nizhny Novgorod, who headed the operational support of the criminal case.
Sergey Poludnevich -
the prosecutor in the case of Ephraim
President of the Russian Federation
Russian Security Council Secretary
Prosecutor General
In my death is guilty of the Temples Oleg Vladimirovich - Head of FSB in Nizhny Novgorod region, which from 2006 to now hates me and is afraid for the following reasons:
I, as head of the Investigation Division of Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation in Nizhny Novgorod region, refused to obey an illegal order Khramova to dismiss the criminal case against the accused Khodyreva Guli Irgashevny - wife of ex-governor of Nizhny Novgorod region. According to information available to me Temples OV took the decision on the termination of criminal proceedings bribe from Khodyreva Gennady Maksimovic in the amount of 100 million rubles.
I have specific evidence of subversive activities Khramova OV as the head of FSB in Nizhny Novgorod region, aimed at the collapse of the capacity of the Office and undermining state security in the region, ranging from dismissal absolutely all management of the Office, the dissolution of the Investigation Division (recognized in 2008, the best in the Russian FSB) and ending illegal illegal activities Khramova OV - "Protection" of commercial structures, illegal and unauthorized court event "TAP", "Naz", etc. All these facts are easy to install in the production of a comprehensive audit of the OV Khramova and even more so when it is operational development.
The totality of these reasons led to the fact that the Temples OV, acting through its authorized representative - appointed him chief of the department of the Office of Security Boris Ivanovich Petrov, falsified in relation to me absurd criminal proceedings, pressured judges Pyreva and Medvedev, in order to illegally put me into custody. Using agents in the criminal world, Temples OV Petrov and BI instructed to kill me, imitated, as far as possible, a "natural" death.
I am of sound mind and memory while writing this statement.
Is a career officer in counterintelligence Russia, war veterans, Knight of the Order of Courage and not inclined to commit suicide under any circumstances.
Based on the above, please draw Khramova Oleg V. Petrov and Boris Ivanovich criminally responsible for the murder of my organization.
Colonel Efremov OG
Letter to the lawyer
Opera offers Chistoserdov [echno] recognize that impute (in part 228-1); for it -
1) state prosecution does not require 20 years, and the FSB is no pressure on the court and procuras [ora].
2) Find me a "good" area and "good" position on it.
3) The possibility of parole.
What I want to ask this:
1) below the lower or shareware.
2) Guarantees against military [th] prosecutor.
3) Lots of mitigating circumstances in the tie [initelnom] bookmark [so me].
4) Change [ing] a preventive measure.
~ 17 - 20.05.09.
Letter wife
At trial, almost "broke." Was willing to give any evidence in respect of anyone, if only ... [illegible.] To see you and be with you at least a few denechki. But Poludnevich said that in any case, I have the freedom to not be released; and in any case 20 years will request. And I thought - yes, they all went to dick! Perish, but do not give up! & Lt; ... & gt;
Received 26.05.09
Single IR 11
In 2004, members of the Nizhny Novgorod Federal Drug Control Service arrested two dealers in the interrogation they showed that heroin was purchased from the former head of the investigation department of FSB in Nizhny Novgorod, Vladimir Obukhov. Initially, a criminal case was hushed quiet, but in 2008 suddenly resumed the investigation. According to our source, the initiator of the reopening of the investigation made by the new head of FSB - General of the Temples.
Soon he was suspended from duty and arrested the chief of FSB CO - Oleg Efremov, who, according to investigators, along with Obukhov haggling confiscated heroin. During interrogations Efremov all denied any testimony did not give and constantly wrote complaints to various authorities.
Suddenly, the prisoner of Ephraim, whose guilt has not yet been recognized by the court, was transferred to the prison - in Bohr spetskoloniyu where convicts serve their sentences by police officers and put in solitary confinement. A few hours before the death of the Cheka was visited by two employees of a private security FSB - Ilyushin and Chertkov and "tried again to persuade sincere confession" (in court both said they did not remember the reason for his visit to spetskoloniyu). And after a while Ephraim was beaten to death.
The history of the mysterious death of FSB colonel made a splash. For the murder of Ephraim in the dock were Head of Security IR-11 Bobrikov, detective Kruchinin, a duty officer Munger, assistant duty Ivanov, as well as prisoners Arkhipov and hurries (former sparring partner of Klitschko brothers).
As stated in the indictment allegedly wanting to help justice, the guard and convicted cops "hung Ephraim related to the pipe and beat him with fists, feet and a rubber truncheon" (just struck 70 beats).
However, in a criminal case is still too many mysteries and white spots. This applies particularly to the role of General Khramova, chief RSD Petrova and their subordinates - Ilyushin and Chertkov. At least relatives of the defendants during the trial stated that "customers must sit murder - FSB generals, not designated scapegoats!". In addition, several witnesses constantly confused in the testimony, and the prisoners, testified in favor of the prosecution, just released on parole. And in this regard, probably not by chance, General Khramova urgently transferred to the capital.
Considerable interest is the dark history and the additional issue on Novomirskii GOK, which featured former governor Khodyreva wife (she herself called the charges "nonsense and misunderstanding"). According to Nizhny Novgorod media, the criminal case against Mrs. Khodyreva allocated in a separate proceeding, but then "the Kremlin allegedly urged to leave his family alone." Our sources of information in Nizhny Novgorod do not rule out that the death of Colonel Ephraim may be associated with the investigation of the criminal case.
"It Ephraim»
In 2004, members of the Nizhny Novgorod Federal Drug Control Service arrested two dealers who showed the interrogation that bought heroin from the former head of the investigation department of FSB in Nizhny Novgorod, Vladimir Obukhov. At first criminal case "quietly hushed up", but in 2008 suddenly resumed the investigation. It was then that the regional FSB department headed by General of the Temples.
It is noteworthy that soon was removed from service and not only arrested Colonel Obukhov (he was sentenced to 12 years imprisonment with deprivation of rank 2 July 2010), but also the head of the investigative department of FSB Oleg Yefremov. According to investigators, both were involved in the sale of a large consignment of heroin stored in the management of 39 kilograms of drugs seized by operatives in 2002. However, Efremov uporno denied the allegations, and wrote a complaint argued that the evidence against him rigged.
In early June 2009 chekista- intractable "drug dealer" somehow transferred from the Nizhny Novgorod jail №1 in NN spetskoloniyu and her staff headed by the chief of the security department Alexei Bobrikov IR, according to the official version, decided to "help" the investigation. Beatings and torture they allegedly tried to find out from the accused Ephraim locate caches, which are hidden from the FSB stolen drugs. "From careerist motives and false witnesses interests of service" guards ensure safe passage in solitary confinement for three prisoners and security officer security officer Paul Kruchinina, opening June 26, 2009 all the doors and withdrawing from the post of junior inspector punishment cell.
Operative and prisoners wearing masks and jumpsuits, stated in the case, wrapped with tape FSB colonel, hung on a rope from the ceiling to the feet barely touching the ground, and began beating him.
"As stated in the indictment allegedly wanting to help justice, the guard and convicted cops" hung Ephraim related to the pipe and beat him with fists, feet and a rubber truncheon "(just struck 70 strokes)," - says the publication.
According to other sources, only operative Kruchinin struck Oleg Efremov at least 70 blows. And among the prisoners who participated in the beating and torture of the arrested "on the rack," and was a two-meter athlete Alex hurry. At one time he was a sparring partner of famous boxers Klitschko brothers. However, the third convict refused to beat - he later gave detailed testimony, and the case against him stopped.
Beating lasted from 16 to 18 hours. As a result of injury to Oleg Yefremov died.
Note that a few hours before the death of the Cheka, which was initially shrouded in mystery and kept secret, he was visited by two employees of a private security FSB - Ilyushin and Chertkov. They "tried again to persuade him to a frank confession," but at the trial, both said they did not remember the reason for his visit to spetskoloniyu.
It is also characteristic that even relatives of the defendants at the trial adhere version, according to which the main culprits are gone from liability. According to them, the dock "should sit customers murders - FSB generals, not designated scapegoats." However, several witnesses constantly confused in the testimony, and the prisoners, testified in favor of the prosecution, just released on parole. And in this connection, apparently, is not accidental, General Khramova urgently transferred to the capital, says columnist «Novaya Gazeta».
An alternate version of motives for the murder voiced lawyer killed security officer Dmitry Horst. He recalled the dark history of the additional issue Novomirskii GOK (GOK), which featured the wife of former Governor Khodyreva (she herself called the charges "nonsense and misunderstanding"). According to Nizhny Novgorod media, the criminal case against Khodyreva allocated in a separate proceeding, but then "the Kremlin allegedly urged to leave the family alone».
As a result, the high-profile case went to trial only local employees of the Road Fund. But he Oleg Yefremov insisted on the continuation of the investigation.
Anyway, in the criminal case of the death of Oleg Efremov many questions remain about the quality of the investigation. It is not clear whether incurred any penalty prosecutor Sergei Poludnevich, who gave the order to transfer the prisoner strange Ephraim in spetskoloniyu. In addition, the day of the murder in the IR-11 cases of sudden power outage, but because surveillance cameras are not recorded within the "alone" Colonel killers.
Finally, the general himself Temples and has not been questioned in the case, as well as the former governor and his wife Hodyrev.
Temples Oleg Vladimirovich was born on 12 December 1955, the Chechen Autonomous Republic. Married with two sons. In 1973 he graduated from high school with honors. In the same year he entered the Higher School of the KGB. In the 80 years he worked under the roof of the Soviet Embassy in Tunis. Prior to his appointment head of FSB of Russia in Nizhny Novgorod region was the first deputy head of the FSB in Moscow and the Moscow region. Now heads the operational management of the central office of the FSB. State awards.

A copy of the last letter Oleg Efremov
The scandalous criminal case of the mysterious death of a senior intelligence officer, who was arrested on charges of drug trafficking, new sensational details. In the press got the suicide letter colonel of the Federal Security Service (FSB) Oleg Efremov. They counterintelligence plain text accuses its leadership in the collapse of the entire regional office and "protection racket" of the family business of the former governor.

At the disposal of "Novaya Gazeta" were copies of letters dying FSB colonel Oleg Efremov, he had written in his prison cell. The first letter he intended to send to President Medvedev, Security Council Secretary Patrushev and Prosecutor General Chaika. The other two were intended spouse and lawyer. It is not known whether the message reached the addressees, but a few days after the cruelest torture FSB colonel was killed in solitary confinement Bohr spetskolonii (IR-11).
A few days before the death of his wife of Ephraim tried to reach out to investigators and prosecutors to express fears for her husband's life, but it has not been adopted.
Colonel Oleg Efremov -
joined the FSB in Nizhny Novgorod in 1993. Since 2005, led the investigation department (CO). For participation in the first Chechen campaign was awarded the Order of Courage. In 2009 he was arrested for selling heroin (40 kg), seized during the searches.
Lt. Gen. Oleg Temples -
former head of the FSB in Nizhny Novgorod (now works in the central office of the Federal Security Service).
Gulya Khodyreva -
wife of the former governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Suspected of organizing illegal additional shares Novomirsky GOK. As a result, with Khodyreva cleared of all charges, convicted were members of the local road fund.
Boris Petrov -
Head of own safety FSB in Nizhny Novgorod, who headed the operational support of the criminal case.
Sergey Poludnevich -
the prosecutor in the case of Ephraim
President of the Russian Federation
Russian Security Council Secretary
Prosecutor General
In my death is guilty of the Temples Oleg Vladimirovich - Head of FSB in Nizhny Novgorod region, which from 2006 to now hates me and is afraid for the following reasons:
I, as head of the Investigation Division of Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation in Nizhny Novgorod region, refused to obey an illegal order Khramova to dismiss the criminal case against the accused Khodyreva Guli Irgashevny - wife of ex-governor of Nizhny Novgorod region. According to information available to me Temples OV took the decision on the termination of criminal proceedings bribe from Khodyreva Gennady Maksimovic in the amount of 100 million rubles.
I have specific evidence of subversive activities Khramova OV as the head of FSB in Nizhny Novgorod region, aimed at the collapse of the capacity of the Office and undermining state security in the region, ranging from dismissal absolutely all management of the Office, the dissolution of the Investigation Division (recognized in 2008, the best in the Russian FSB) and ending illegal illegal activities Khramova OV - "Protection" of commercial structures, illegal and unauthorized court event "TAP", "Naz", etc. All these facts are easy to install in the production of a comprehensive audit of the OV Khramova and even more so when it is operational development.
The totality of these reasons led to the fact that the Temples OV, acting through its authorized representative - appointed him chief of the department of the Office of Security Boris Ivanovich Petrov, falsified in relation to me absurd criminal proceedings, pressured judges Pyreva and Medvedev, in order to illegally put me into custody. Using agents in the criminal world, Temples OV Petrov and BI instructed to kill me, imitated, as far as possible, a "natural" death.
I am of sound mind and memory while writing this statement.
Is a career officer in counterintelligence Russia, war veterans, Knight of the Order of Courage and not inclined to commit suicide under any circumstances.
Based on the above, please draw Khramova Oleg V. Petrov and Boris Ivanovich criminally responsible for the murder of my organization.
Colonel Efremov OG
Letter to the lawyer
Opera offers Chistoserdov [echno] recognize that impute (in part 228-1); for it -
1) state prosecution does not require 20 years, and the FSB is no pressure on the court and procuras [ora].
2) Find me a "good" area and "good" position on it.
3) The possibility of parole.
What I want to ask this:
1) below the lower or shareware.
2) Guarantees against military [th] prosecutor.
3) Lots of mitigating circumstances in the tie [initelnom] bookmark [so me].
4) Change [ing] a preventive measure.
~ 17 - 20.05.09.
Letter wife
At trial, almost "broke." Was willing to give any evidence in respect of anyone, if only ... [illegible.] To see you and be with you at least a few denechki. But Poludnevich said that in any case, I have the freedom to not be released; and in any case 20 years will request. And I thought - yes, they all went to dick! Perish, but do not give up! & Lt; ... & gt;
Received 26.05.09
Single IR 11
In 2004, members of the Nizhny Novgorod Federal Drug Control Service arrested two dealers in the interrogation they showed that heroin was purchased from the former head of the investigation department of FSB in Nizhny Novgorod, Vladimir Obukhov. Initially, a criminal case was hushed quiet, but in 2008 suddenly resumed the investigation. According to our source, the initiator of the reopening of the investigation made by the new head of FSB - General of the Temples.
Soon he was suspended from duty and arrested the chief of FSB CO - Oleg Efremov, who, according to investigators, along with Obukhov haggling confiscated heroin. During interrogations Efremov all denied any testimony did not give and constantly wrote complaints to various authorities.
Suddenly, the prisoner of Ephraim, whose guilt has not yet been recognized by the court, was transferred to the prison - in Bohr spetskoloniyu where convicts serve their sentences by police officers and put in solitary confinement. A few hours before the death of the Cheka was visited by two employees of a private security FSB - Ilyushin and Chertkov and "tried again to persuade sincere confession" (in court both said they did not remember the reason for his visit to spetskoloniyu). And after a while Ephraim was beaten to death.
The history of the mysterious death of FSB colonel made a splash. For the murder of Ephraim in the dock were Head of Security IR-11 Bobrikov, detective Kruchinin, a duty officer Munger, assistant duty Ivanov, as well as prisoners Arkhipov and hurries (former sparring partner of Klitschko brothers).
As stated in the indictment allegedly wanting to help justice, the guard and convicted cops "hung Ephraim related to the pipe and beat him with fists, feet and a rubber truncheon" (just struck 70 beats).
However, in a criminal case is still too many mysteries and white spots. This applies particularly to the role of General Khramova, chief RSD Petrova and their subordinates - Ilyushin and Chertkov. At least relatives of the defendants during the trial stated that "customers must sit murder - FSB generals, not designated scapegoats!". In addition, several witnesses constantly confused in the testimony, and the prisoners, testified in favor of the prosecution, just released on parole. And in this regard, probably not by chance, General Khramova urgently transferred to the capital.
Considerable interest is the dark history and the additional issue on Novomirskii GOK, which featured former governor Khodyreva wife (she herself called the charges "nonsense and misunderstanding"). According to Nizhny Novgorod media, the criminal case against Mrs. Khodyreva allocated in a separate proceeding, but then "the Kremlin allegedly urged to leave his family alone." Our sources of information in Nizhny Novgorod do not rule out that the death of Colonel Ephraim may be associated with the investigation of the criminal case.
"It Ephraim»
In 2004, members of the Nizhny Novgorod Federal Drug Control Service arrested two dealers who showed the interrogation that bought heroin from the former head of the investigation department of FSB in Nizhny Novgorod, Vladimir Obukhov. At first criminal case "quietly hushed up", but in 2008 suddenly resumed the investigation. It was then that the regional FSB department headed by General of the Temples.
It is noteworthy that soon was removed from service and not only arrested Colonel Obukhov (he was sentenced to 12 years imprisonment with deprivation of rank 2 July 2010), but also the head of the investigative department of FSB Oleg Yefremov. According to investigators, both were involved in the sale of a large consignment of heroin stored in the management of 39 kilograms of drugs seized by operatives in 2002. However, Efremov uporno denied the allegations, and wrote a complaint argued that the evidence against him rigged.
In early June 2009 chekista- intractable "drug dealer" somehow transferred from the Nizhny Novgorod jail №1 in NN spetskoloniyu and her staff headed by the chief of the security department Alexei Bobrikov IR, according to the official version, decided to "help" the investigation. Beatings and torture they allegedly tried to find out from the accused Ephraim locate caches, which are hidden from the FSB stolen drugs. "From careerist motives and false witnesses interests of service" guards ensure safe passage in solitary confinement for three prisoners and security officer security officer Paul Kruchinina, opening June 26, 2009 all the doors and withdrawing from the post of junior inspector punishment cell.
Operative and prisoners wearing masks and jumpsuits, stated in the case, wrapped with tape FSB colonel, hung on a rope from the ceiling to the feet barely touching the ground, and began beating him.
"As stated in the indictment allegedly wanting to help justice, the guard and convicted cops" hung Ephraim related to the pipe and beat him with fists, feet and a rubber truncheon "(just struck 70 strokes)," - says the publication.
According to other sources, only operative Kruchinin struck Oleg Efremov at least 70 blows. And among the prisoners who participated in the beating and torture of the arrested "on the rack," and was a two-meter athlete Alex hurry. At one time he was a sparring partner of famous boxers Klitschko brothers. However, the third convict refused to beat - he later gave detailed testimony, and the case against him stopped.
Beating lasted from 16 to 18 hours. As a result of injury to Oleg Yefremov died.
Note that a few hours before the death of the Cheka, which was initially shrouded in mystery and kept secret, he was visited by two employees of a private security FSB - Ilyushin and Chertkov. They "tried again to persuade him to a frank confession," but at the trial, both said they did not remember the reason for his visit to spetskoloniyu.
It is also characteristic that even relatives of the defendants at the trial adhere version, according to which the main culprits are gone from liability. According to them, the dock "should sit customers murders - FSB generals, not designated scapegoats." However, several witnesses constantly confused in the testimony, and the prisoners, testified in favor of the prosecution, just released on parole. And in this connection, apparently, is not accidental, General Khramova urgently transferred to the capital, says columnist «Novaya Gazeta».
An alternate version of motives for the murder voiced lawyer killed security officer Dmitry Horst. He recalled the dark history of the additional issue Novomirskii GOK (GOK), which featured the wife of former Governor Khodyreva (she herself called the charges "nonsense and misunderstanding"). According to Nizhny Novgorod media, the criminal case against Khodyreva allocated in a separate proceeding, but then "the Kremlin allegedly urged to leave the family alone».
As a result, the high-profile case went to trial only local employees of the Road Fund. But he Oleg Yefremov insisted on the continuation of the investigation.
Anyway, in the criminal case of the death of Oleg Efremov many questions remain about the quality of the investigation. It is not clear whether incurred any penalty prosecutor Sergei Poludnevich, who gave the order to transfer the prisoner strange Ephraim in spetskoloniyu. In addition, the day of the murder in the IR-11 cases of sudden power outage, but because surveillance cameras are not recorded within the "alone" Colonel killers.
Finally, the general himself Temples and has not been questioned in the case, as well as the former governor and his wife Hodyrev.
Temples Oleg Vladimirovich was born on 12 December 1955, the Chechen Autonomous Republic. Married with two sons. In 1973 he graduated from high school with honors. In the same year he entered the Higher School of the KGB. In the 80 years he worked under the roof of the Soviet Embassy in Tunis. Prior to his appointment head of FSB of Russia in Nizhny Novgorod region was the first deputy head of the FSB in Moscow and the Moscow region. Now heads the operational management of the central office of the FSB. State awards.