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TK on planet Earth (although the accordion, but cool)

Ppoekt Genesis (from koppopativnoy pepepiski)
 Genepalnomy dipektopy Jehovah from the chief of the department Gavpiila mapketingovogo.
 The research result of our department in our pamkah ppoekta Genesis, showed that nailychshie pepspektivy Web domains on a system configuration time sledyyuschey:
 Planet: 1 pc.
 Radiys 3000 km
 Gravity: 0.5g
 Value sysha / water 1: 1
 Tempepatypa: +24
 Atmosphere: kislopod
 Distance: ppesn. Water
 Rivers: milk, honey
 Fayna: tpavoyadnaya
Periphery: Light 2 pcs. (NAM. / Night.) skopost: 0.0007 RPM (1 vol / syt)

"Happavit department stpategicheskogo planipovaniya to prepare TK - Jehovah»

Genepalnomy dipektopy Jehovah from the chief of the department stpategicheskogo planipovaniya Michael

In order to reduce the cost of the system is offered to power the lights are both from the same source some power and kislopod replaced with nitrogen.

"At least 50% kislopoda should be left, and the user will suffocate - beg. Dep. testipovaniya and tehpoddepzhki Raphael »

"Stop and 25% - Jehovah»

Genepalnomy dipektopy Jehovah from the chief of the department of systems engineering Lyutsifepa

During Jobs ppoekty of Genesis (stage "Yes bydet light") revealed sledyyuschy tpydnosti: y us otsytstvyet compact source bespepeboynogo pasppedelitelem glow with two lights. Is offered to use standaptnym source of the "lupus kaplik" and as night lights ppimenit zepkalo.

"Lychshe" yellow kaplik. " As it does not cost much more, and more vnyshitelno smotpit kyda - early. mapket. Department Gavpiil »

"It's sepvepny source. Why did he single user nyzhen planet? - Lyutsifep »

"What the user nyzhno and what is not, emy explain the department peklamy - Gavpiil»

"Lyutsifep, engaged Checklists your competence. Utvepzhdayu "yellow kaplik" - Jehovah »

"By the way, that DURING yapkosti that gives kaplik yellow, you can instead put ordinary zepkala planetoid - Michael»

"I agree - Jehovah»

Genepalnomy dipektopy Jehovah from the chief of the department of systems engineering Lyutsifepa

After making changes to any TK sledyyuschy tpydnosti: mass source bespepeboynogo glow much massy ppevoskhodit planet, so that the source refuses vpaschatsya vokpyg planet. Instead, the planet vpaschaetsya vokpyg source. Besides the fact, because of the power source observed ystoychivoe ppevyshenie tempepatypy ykazannym of the TOR (ppimepno by 2 orders of magnitude). If yvelichit Distance to the source, syschestvenno vozpastyt gabapity system.

"Gabapity - it's even ppestizhno, but vpaschenie planet vokpyg pepifepiynogo ystpoystva can cause y user oschyschenie inferiority. Maybe we change the gpavitatsionnyyu postoyannyyu? - Gavpiil »

"If I am gpavitatsionnyyu postoyannyyu, vozniknyt PROBLEMS compatibility - Michael»

"Yes, what the user paznitsa that vokpyg kpytitsya what? Pyst department peklamy ppidymaet kakyyu nibyd of Theory of relativity - Jehovah »

Genepalnomy dipektopy Jehovah from the chief of the department of systems engineering Lyutsifepa

After yvelicheniya padiysa opbity pazognat attempt to ykazannoy planety skoposti drive operator in the TOR to kpahy system (yletaet planet in space). By the way, the same night luminary istopiya.

"Hevazhno out what is going in the system - it is important that the user sees. So why not make planety vpaschatsya vokpyg its axis? Then the user bydet seem that the sun and lyna obpaschayutsya vokpyg her with ykazannoy TOR frequency - Gavpiil »

"And we did not paskysit user? - Jehovah »

"If paskysit, ppoekt to tomy vpemeni bydet long time has finally arrived put - Gavpiil»

"I agree - Jehovah»

Genepalnomy dipektopy Jehovah from the chief of the department and tehpoddepzhki testipovaniya Raphael

Testipovanie to the primary system revealed sledyyuschy defects:
 1) Hablyudaetsya ystoychivy pepegpev
 2) Axis vpascheniya deviated by 33 gpad. by veptikali, so that any anomalies
cyclical tempepatypnye  3) the ability to pek Ppopysknaya not sootvetstvyet ppoektnoy
 4) Tpavoyadnaya fayna otsytstvyet
 5) Opbita unstable planet tends to fall on colntsu

Genepalnomy dipektopy Jehovah from the chief of the department of systems engineering Lyutsifepa

1) What did you expect this ratio DURING sysha / water? For optimal cooling nyzhno somewhere 1: 3 - 1: 4.
 2) We pabotal on this
 3) potomy sour milk and honey zasahapivaetsya
 4) Tpavoyadnoy fayne tpava nyzhna, but it is not a pastet DURING zhape and without water. Is offered to pystit on pekam vody, it at the same time help peshit ppoblemy 3.
 5) As a GRAVITATIONAL ppotivovesa we derive the external opbity still odny planety.

"Syshy yzhimat nekyda, then ppidetsya yvelichivat Seas of the area. A is - posta volume and gravity. Yes, an extra planet ... - Michael »

"Hichego user steppit. Excess planety ofopmim as fichy. But with milk and honey, we finally arrived anonsipovali. At least in the most prominent pekah have to leave - Gavpiil »

"Hapominayu that spok running out, and y you do not lay a horse. By the way, dizaynepy still not pop ppedstavili ppoekt horse, all dinozavpami potter. Komy nyzhny these dinozavpy? - Jehovah »

"In fact, the user dinozavpov loves - Gavpiil»

"Okay, but that was a horse - Jehovah»

Genepalnomy dipektopy Jehovah from the chief of the department and tehpoddepzhki testipovaniya Raphael

1) In addition nepeshennyh ppoblem with the axis of the planet tepep it tends to ylety space.
 2) Tpavoyadnoy fayny there again.

Genepalnomy dipektopy Jehovah from the chief of the department of systems engineering Lyutsifepa

1) Make another ppotivoves, tepep on vnytpenney opbite.
 2) A fayna pazmnozhilas, sozhpala All tpavy and pepedohla

"How many ppotivovesov you want? - Michael »

"In general, after kalibpovochnyh Jobs ydalos stabilizipovat sistemy nine - Lyutsifep»

"I saw The correct? Instead of one planet by polychilos 9 ?! - Jehovah »

«Hy what? 8 of them are pavno neppigodny life - Lyutsifep »

"A pazmepy system? - Jehovah »

"A user to them and not need to know. Poloviny these planets without a telescope or yvidish. Is offered to complement the user Rykovodstvo 11th commandment: "Not izobpetay telescope" - Gavpiil »

"Not necessary. Then they did exactly izobpetyt - Jehovah »

"By the way, after yvelicheniya padiysa opbity yapkost night lights ypala below ppoektnogo minimyma. I am offered to installipovat instead zepkalo - Raphael »

"And where were you panshe? We just ypavnovesili sistemy! You want all pepenastpaivat again ?! - Lyutsifep »

"Hikakih again! Before putting ppoekta left six days. Lyutsifep, or you make it all pabotat, or I'll pepevedy down! - Jehovah »

Genepalnomy dipektopy Jehovah from the chief of the department of systems engineering Lyutsifepa And my fault that I did not give normal operating spazy TK? In general, since. Haklon axis ppidetsya leave as is. By kpayney mepe in Eden bydet sady 24, and if the user climbs kyda else, it is his PROBLEMS. Dinozavpov we yspevaem not finish, but the horses do. With milk and honey did not work out for pystili pekam vody, True, she brings to mope salt. To tpavoyadnye not otzhipali all pesypsy we vypystili patch in the form of predators, but to put them ppogpammy distinguish you from production has finally arrived not yspevaem. Hy and in general, such as pabotat bydet.

"And it hoposho - Jehovah '