The secrets of making fragrant coffee
Make coffee and everyone can, but to make a fragrant and delicious drink on forces not to everyone. Because as in any business, there are some secrets and important stuff.
1. The quality of the drink depends on the choice of beans. Do not spare effort, time and money to choose the grain of the highest quality. If you want to brew a delicious and aromatic coffee, the grain is better to grind your own. You can buy milled grain, but not to store them for a long time. It is best to grind the beans immediately before brewing. The smaller will be the grind, the better. Drink will be richer taste and aroma. Pay attention to the shelf life of the beans. If beans are old, and the drink quality will suffer.
2. Brewing coffee should be in a special dish. The ideal is a Turk. If not, then any enameled, copper, porcelain or stainless steel utensils. Just not aluminum or stainless alloys. It will oxidize and will give the coffee an unpleasant taste and aroma.
3. The proportion of coffee in all individual. Traditionally take 1 teaspoon of coffee for 180 ml of fluid. For strong drink is coffee dual.
4. Water for coffee should be pure, soft and boiled earlier.
5. The water is slightly heated and put coffee, bring to a boil, but not boil. As soon as I saw on the surface of the bubbles, immediately remove the coffee from the heat. Immediately pour the coffee into is not desirable, let it stand for 2-3 minutes. During this time the drink will become more intense. Do not leave coffee for longer it is just going to ruin it. You may receive the bitterness and aroma will be lost.
6. If you long to keep coffee on the fire and boil it, the aroma will evaporate and the taste will be overly bitter. Do not confuse strength and bitterness. The fortress is reached there is a greater concentration of coffee, but not long cooking.
7. Lovers of coffee foam, just do not interfere with the coffee during brewing. The foam itself is formed when coffee is to boil. Just be careful, coffee can escape, if not to interfere.
8. Reheated coffee will not be as fragrant and taste of a very different. So brew coffee just before use. Five minutes spent trying to brew real coffee, worth of fun, which will give you this drink.published
Source: efamily.ru
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