Diet traffic light without harm to health
Do you want to lose a little weight without harming your health? In this case, our method is what you need now. It will bring the greatest effect in the autumn and winter period of the year, since it has an excellent anti-stress and energy properties. It allows for 30 days of excellent nutrition to lose five kilograms of weight!
Since according to our method, there are many acceptable and useful products, there are also several ways to process them. You will understand that following the traffic light diet will not be difficult even for a long time. At the same time, strictly following our instructions will not be too difficult, you will not even be visited by an unpleasant feeling of hunger. All instructions must be followed. You need to remember about the needs of your body in a healthy diet, which is saturated with both vitamins and trace elements.
But still, in order to avoid undesirable negative consequences for health, we recommend that you consult a qualified nutritionist even before you start carrying out the instructions of the technique. Because different diets have, sadly enough, exceptions. A dietitian, examining the state of health, and in case of contraindications, will choose for you an acceptable method of losing weight, which will not harm the general condition of the body.
Food used in the diet "Lightlight" is diverse, and eating is possible even in the evening. The most important thing is to divide products conditionally into three colors, like a traffic light: red, yellow and green.
In the red group are prohibited products that must be completely excluded from your diet. Products of the yellow group can and should be consumed until six in the evening, and the products of the green group eat day and night without restrictions.
Red light:
• Semi-finished products, fast food, lard, fatty meat and milk, cream cakes and sweet water, flour yeast products, mayonnaise, ice cream, alcoholic beverages, especially champagne, beer.
• Low-fat meat products, cheese and pasta, pickles, tomato, cocoa and candy, coffee, cereals, dried fruits and fruits, biscuits, seasonings.
• Low-fat dairy products, seafood and fish (not fried), eggs (boiled no more than two), buckwheat, vegetable oil, yeastless breads, salad and cucumbers, cabbage, greens, carrots, oranges and lemons, grapefruit, lime and apples.
Purpose of the methodology:
Your weight will decrease without food bans, and by eating healthy foods. Therefore, using our diet, you will not only lose weight, but also improve your health.
It is better to cook food in steam, boiled, stewed or baked form. Take food five to six times a day in small quantities, it helps to improve the work of the stomach and intestines. Try to walk after each meal, exercise, rest actively. Do not lead a sedentary and recumbent lifestyle, but also do not overdo it, distribute the load. And after charging, take water procedures alternately with cold and hot water, this contributes to better blood circulation.
Try to lean more on vegetables and fruits, they supply the body with the necessary vitamins, get rid of cholesterol, provide fiber.
Daily use up to two liters of water, tea without sugar, juice-fresh.
Positive aspects of the method:
Diet traffic light almost does not restrict you in food. Also, gradual weight loss does not harm health. Rapid weight loss is fraught with the same rapid weight gain.
The method is not dangerous and will certainly provide the desired result.
Approximate ration of methodology
At 8 o'clock in the morning - oatmeal, seasoned with nuts or a salad of vegetables or fruits.
11 am - cottage cheese or yogurt, berries.
13 p.m. - chicken soup, buckwheat porridge, steamed meat or vegetable soup, pasta, cheese.
16 p.m. - Fruits, dried fruits, chocolate.
17 hours - baked vegetables or seafood, fresh.
According to our method, the weight goes away quickly, comfortably and not dangerous! And for a reason, the traffic light diet is becoming increasingly common among women of our country. Since it is very simple, and you do not need to spend a lot of time and effort, you do not need to test unbending willpower. According to this method, diet can get not only the desired satisfaction from achieving the goal, but also peace, achieve harmony of the soul and body.
The effect will be, as they say, on the face soon. In about seven days you will notice the first pleasant improvements in your figure. But, this is not only weight loss, but also a significant improvement in your health.
We wish you good luck in achieving your goal and getting excellent results!
Source: dieta-dieta.ru
Since according to our method, there are many acceptable and useful products, there are also several ways to process them. You will understand that following the traffic light diet will not be difficult even for a long time. At the same time, strictly following our instructions will not be too difficult, you will not even be visited by an unpleasant feeling of hunger. All instructions must be followed. You need to remember about the needs of your body in a healthy diet, which is saturated with both vitamins and trace elements.

But still, in order to avoid undesirable negative consequences for health, we recommend that you consult a qualified nutritionist even before you start carrying out the instructions of the technique. Because different diets have, sadly enough, exceptions. A dietitian, examining the state of health, and in case of contraindications, will choose for you an acceptable method of losing weight, which will not harm the general condition of the body.
Food used in the diet "Lightlight" is diverse, and eating is possible even in the evening. The most important thing is to divide products conditionally into three colors, like a traffic light: red, yellow and green.
In the red group are prohibited products that must be completely excluded from your diet. Products of the yellow group can and should be consumed until six in the evening, and the products of the green group eat day and night without restrictions.
Red light:
• Semi-finished products, fast food, lard, fatty meat and milk, cream cakes and sweet water, flour yeast products, mayonnaise, ice cream, alcoholic beverages, especially champagne, beer.
• Low-fat meat products, cheese and pasta, pickles, tomato, cocoa and candy, coffee, cereals, dried fruits and fruits, biscuits, seasonings.
• Low-fat dairy products, seafood and fish (not fried), eggs (boiled no more than two), buckwheat, vegetable oil, yeastless breads, salad and cucumbers, cabbage, greens, carrots, oranges and lemons, grapefruit, lime and apples.
Purpose of the methodology:
Your weight will decrease without food bans, and by eating healthy foods. Therefore, using our diet, you will not only lose weight, but also improve your health.
It is better to cook food in steam, boiled, stewed or baked form. Take food five to six times a day in small quantities, it helps to improve the work of the stomach and intestines. Try to walk after each meal, exercise, rest actively. Do not lead a sedentary and recumbent lifestyle, but also do not overdo it, distribute the load. And after charging, take water procedures alternately with cold and hot water, this contributes to better blood circulation.
Try to lean more on vegetables and fruits, they supply the body with the necessary vitamins, get rid of cholesterol, provide fiber.
Daily use up to two liters of water, tea without sugar, juice-fresh.
Positive aspects of the method:
Diet traffic light almost does not restrict you in food. Also, gradual weight loss does not harm health. Rapid weight loss is fraught with the same rapid weight gain.
The method is not dangerous and will certainly provide the desired result.
Approximate ration of methodology
At 8 o'clock in the morning - oatmeal, seasoned with nuts or a salad of vegetables or fruits.
11 am - cottage cheese or yogurt, berries.
13 p.m. - chicken soup, buckwheat porridge, steamed meat or vegetable soup, pasta, cheese.
16 p.m. - Fruits, dried fruits, chocolate.
17 hours - baked vegetables or seafood, fresh.
According to our method, the weight goes away quickly, comfortably and not dangerous! And for a reason, the traffic light diet is becoming increasingly common among women of our country. Since it is very simple, and you do not need to spend a lot of time and effort, you do not need to test unbending willpower. According to this method, diet can get not only the desired satisfaction from achieving the goal, but also peace, achieve harmony of the soul and body.
The effect will be, as they say, on the face soon. In about seven days you will notice the first pleasant improvements in your figure. But, this is not only weight loss, but also a significant improvement in your health.
We wish you good luck in achieving your goal and getting excellent results!
Source: dieta-dieta.ru