How to freeze herbs for winter

It turns out that herbs can not only freeze, but to glaze. The second option is more complicated and not the fact that you get (but you can try), but freezing shouldn't be a problem. If you do it right, winter will be able to treat yourself to a hot bowl of soup with herbs, almost like beds.
My grandmother just finely chopped greens, put it in a baggie or small banks and sent in the freezer. But banks took up too much space, and the packages always had to fiddle with the nodes, so this time I decided to use a more convenient method is to wrap herbs in plastic wrap by the roll pre-chopped her with a knife.


Spread on plastic wrap

Begin to wrap

The finished rolls are sent in the freezer

These rolls then are added to the package. If you need greens, you get it out of the freezer, cut the desired number and... everything. The remainder of the roll you again put in a package and sent in the freezer. The main thing — not to mix up what greens are in what bag. That cilantro can be identified by smell, since even after freezing it is not going away!
Zasolke salting all a bit complicated. My mother in law just mix salt with chopped herbs in a jar and sends it in the freezer. When I asked her what salt she said it better preserved the flavor and just more thrown into the soup, and almost to add salt is not necessary.
Other salted herbs and not put it in the freezer. Standard ratio of greens to the amount of salt per 100 grams of greens, 20 grams of salt. For pickling you need to wash the greens, dry them, grind and start to put in pasteurized jar with layers of herbs and salt, then well compacted and again repeat the layer. In the end, the greens should let the juice. The denser compacted greens, the better and longer it will be stored. Banks are closed and stored in a cool place.
Option with such a salting, I did not practice, therefore, for a 100 percent positive result can not vouch, but to try definitely need.
Hurry up, it still smells like herbs and my grandmother almost for pennies to buy a fragrant bunch of dill, cilantro, parsley or Basil in winter, this will definitely come in handy!
source: lifehacker.ru
Source: /users/1077