Do not give up bread completely

Recent studies have shown that women are contradictory to the bread and bakery products: 43% categorically refuse these products, others eat them without measure (20% of them feel guilty, believing that thereby harm their figure). It turns out that in order not to lose important minerals, you should not give up bread altogether, and to enter into the diet of just rye.
People sitting on "beskhlebny" diets, you notice that they have increased irritability and fatigue. Diet, in principle, contribute to a good mood and strengthen the tone, but in this case the situation is exacerbated because, in full rejection of bread, people deprive themselves of vitamins of group In, responsible for these characteristics-being.
Remember that the daily allowance of bread for the average adult is 200 grams (if you weight, consumption can be reduced to 100 grams).
Why you need to eat rye bread?
This product is rich in vitamins (especially b vitamins: B1, B2, B6) and minerals (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus).
Bread rye bread flour contain dietary fiber, due to which cleanses the intestines, reduces the possibility of goiter, in General, improves the digestive system.
Rye bread has a very dense texture, so even as a standalone product at a particular meal it is sufficient in the amount of 100 grams, to be satisfied, but it does not provoke the appearance of extra inches.
Due to dietary fibers, which we wrote above, there is the timely withdrawal of toxins from the body. If you refrain from eating rye bread, thereby complicate the process, which will lead to gain weight.
Interesting fact
Who doesn't love bread piping hot?! Such a warm, soft, crispy, flavorful! Did you know that this bread does more harm — crumb promotes greater salivation, which can lead to an exacerbation of gastritis.
Source: www.gastronom.ru
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