How to check the quality of the products
As classic said: "Freshness is only one — first and the last." But how often do we run into the products of the "second "freshness, if not falsified. To use such products impossible. But quality products can be checked! Then some tips for checking quality of products.
Ninety eight million eight hundred seventy three thousand seventy nine
The sausage casing must be dry and free of mucus and, moreover, no mold. Have cut the sausage slice juicy, without gray spots. To disguise, the sausage can tint the Magenta. Slice the sausage and throw it on the vodka. From Magenta alcohol becomes red.
Canned food
Swelling of the lids and bottom of metal cans is due to the accumulation of gas-forming microorganisms, making the product unfit for consumption.
Melt a knob of butter in a warm vodka if it is turbid — before you fake.
Sunflower oil
The sediment in the bottle — its presence indicates the oxidation of the product. This oil gives bitter taste and when heated foams.
In this honey water is not available. Dip in honey for 8-10 minutes a piece of bread. In undiluted honey bread hardens. If softened — before your sugar syrup.
Spread honey on a piece of paper, and the "honey" strip write something indelible. If manifest label blue — honey is moisture.
Add a small amount diluted with water of honey a drop of iodine. If the solution turned blue, honey with flour or cornstarch.
Dissolve the honey in water (1:2). Solution fake honey will be cloudy, some time later the bottom will fall out sediment.
If the addition of vinegar solution hissing — honey is Mel.
If a 5-10% aqueous solution of honey, when I add a few drops silver nitrate white precipitate was added sugar.
Push the meat with your finger, if the deepening levels off quickly — the meat is good. Fresh meat on the cut is almost dry. If the meat is well frozen, heat a knife and puncture the meat if it is damaged, the knife will have an unpleasant odor.
When diving black pepper in the water, good seeds sink and the bad float.
Immerse the fish in a container of water, if it sinks, it is fresh. A good fish is smooth, glossy, tight to the body scales, the eyes convex, translucent, whitish, the gills bright red light, the belly is not swollen.
If the subcutaneous layer of salted fish rusty color, there is a viscous, milky-white mucus with putrid odor, and the meat near the spine flushed with a bitter-sour taste — such fish unfit for eating.
Sour cream
Thawed out frozen old and the sour cream becomes lumpy, it is cut off serum. You must taste the sour cream. It can taste bitter or have a musty smell.
Curd is also try. Stale cheese has a musty smell, unpleasant taste.
For fresh cheese is characterized by white or slightly yellowish color, pleasant smell and taste sour. Good cheese is not too dry, not lumpy, but not too wet, not saturated serum.
Brewed beverage, put there a slice of lemon. If the tea is lightened — it's all right, if the color does not change — before you low-grade forgery.
Old age of tea, you can check the color of the bezel between the tea extract and the walls of the vessel. It needs to be yellow. Greenish — evidence is not Prime tea.
Real chocolate breaks with a dry crack, and in any case does not stretch. On the break quality chocolate frosted tile has a smooth shiny surface.
Put a small piece of chocolate on the tongue, if it does not melt in your mouth, then, clearly, cocoa butter replaced by other fats.
The quality of the eggs can be checked on the light. Inside bad eggs are visible dark spots.
Pour in half-liter jar with water and dissolve in it a tablespoon of salt, then lower the egg. If it falls to the bottom — the egg is fresh; if the average freshness — will float in the middle; if it floats the egg in the food is not good.
If you drop a good fat milk on the nail, the shape of the drop is almost unchanged. Drop of milk, diluted with water, will melt. Good milk thick, pure white, and diluted with water — a liquid with a bluish tint.
source: sovet.boltai.com
Source: /users/1077
Ninety eight million eight hundred seventy three thousand seventy nine
The sausage casing must be dry and free of mucus and, moreover, no mold. Have cut the sausage slice juicy, without gray spots. To disguise, the sausage can tint the Magenta. Slice the sausage and throw it on the vodka. From Magenta alcohol becomes red.
Canned food
Swelling of the lids and bottom of metal cans is due to the accumulation of gas-forming microorganisms, making the product unfit for consumption.
Melt a knob of butter in a warm vodka if it is turbid — before you fake.
Sunflower oil
The sediment in the bottle — its presence indicates the oxidation of the product. This oil gives bitter taste and when heated foams.
In this honey water is not available. Dip in honey for 8-10 minutes a piece of bread. In undiluted honey bread hardens. If softened — before your sugar syrup.
Spread honey on a piece of paper, and the "honey" strip write something indelible. If manifest label blue — honey is moisture.
Add a small amount diluted with water of honey a drop of iodine. If the solution turned blue, honey with flour or cornstarch.
Dissolve the honey in water (1:2). Solution fake honey will be cloudy, some time later the bottom will fall out sediment.
If the addition of vinegar solution hissing — honey is Mel.
If a 5-10% aqueous solution of honey, when I add a few drops silver nitrate white precipitate was added sugar.
Push the meat with your finger, if the deepening levels off quickly — the meat is good. Fresh meat on the cut is almost dry. If the meat is well frozen, heat a knife and puncture the meat if it is damaged, the knife will have an unpleasant odor.
When diving black pepper in the water, good seeds sink and the bad float.
Immerse the fish in a container of water, if it sinks, it is fresh. A good fish is smooth, glossy, tight to the body scales, the eyes convex, translucent, whitish, the gills bright red light, the belly is not swollen.
If the subcutaneous layer of salted fish rusty color, there is a viscous, milky-white mucus with putrid odor, and the meat near the spine flushed with a bitter-sour taste — such fish unfit for eating.
Sour cream
Thawed out frozen old and the sour cream becomes lumpy, it is cut off serum. You must taste the sour cream. It can taste bitter or have a musty smell.
Curd is also try. Stale cheese has a musty smell, unpleasant taste.
For fresh cheese is characterized by white or slightly yellowish color, pleasant smell and taste sour. Good cheese is not too dry, not lumpy, but not too wet, not saturated serum.
Brewed beverage, put there a slice of lemon. If the tea is lightened — it's all right, if the color does not change — before you low-grade forgery.
Old age of tea, you can check the color of the bezel between the tea extract and the walls of the vessel. It needs to be yellow. Greenish — evidence is not Prime tea.
Real chocolate breaks with a dry crack, and in any case does not stretch. On the break quality chocolate frosted tile has a smooth shiny surface.
Put a small piece of chocolate on the tongue, if it does not melt in your mouth, then, clearly, cocoa butter replaced by other fats.
The quality of the eggs can be checked on the light. Inside bad eggs are visible dark spots.
Pour in half-liter jar with water and dissolve in it a tablespoon of salt, then lower the egg. If it falls to the bottom — the egg is fresh; if the average freshness — will float in the middle; if it floats the egg in the food is not good.
If you drop a good fat milk on the nail, the shape of the drop is almost unchanged. Drop of milk, diluted with water, will melt. Good milk thick, pure white, and diluted with water — a liquid with a bluish tint.
source: sovet.boltai.com
Source: /users/1077