Google plans to replace the fiber optics wireless communication
Thirty nine million two hundred six thousand thirty seven
In the leaked information that Google has applied for a permit for testing of new network technologies which in the future may become an alternative to fibre optic networks.
The Google project involves the development of technology high-speed transfer of large amounts of data. As the resource CNet, the search giant, the main forces will concentrate on testing technologies in the millimeter range of radio waves. It should be noted that this range is almost never used for household transmission.
It is reported that Google plans to use this technology to replace the conventional fiber-optic networks. Of course, to put some repeaters are much cheaper than expensive to lay fibre optic cables.
The purpose of introducing the "fiber optic" wireless is the desire of Google to bring Internet to all corners of the Earth, which is quite difficult to provide wireless connectivity. Recall that Google has assiduously developed other projects associated with the introduction of the Internet around the world.
Source: hi-news.ru
In the leaked information that Google has applied for a permit for testing of new network technologies which in the future may become an alternative to fibre optic networks.
The Google project involves the development of technology high-speed transfer of large amounts of data. As the resource CNet, the search giant, the main forces will concentrate on testing technologies in the millimeter range of radio waves. It should be noted that this range is almost never used for household transmission.
It is reported that Google plans to use this technology to replace the conventional fiber-optic networks. Of course, to put some repeaters are much cheaper than expensive to lay fibre optic cables.
The purpose of introducing the "fiber optic" wireless is the desire of Google to bring Internet to all corners of the Earth, which is quite difficult to provide wireless connectivity. Recall that Google has assiduously developed other projects associated with the introduction of the Internet around the world.
Source: hi-news.ru
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