A folk remedy used for toothache

Our teeth require constant and careful care, because it affects not only our health, but also the family budget. A toothache can vary from mild pain to unbearable pain throbbing in my teeth or around your jaws. Some of the main causes of toothaches are infection, which are the roots of the tooth, a cracked tooth, gum disease. If you have pain, it is best to immediately seek advice from a dentist before the problem becomes more. But this is not always possible. Here and useful top 6 folk remedies against toothache.
1. The salt and pepper.
Salt, mixed with pepper, is a very useful remedy for toothache. Take the 50/50 pepper and salt mix with water until a slurry. Apply the mixture on the affected tooth and hold for several minutes. Do this for several days.
2. Garlic.
The use of garlic can relieve toothache. It has antibiotic medicinal properties, they are also effective in mucosa you pain.
Mix the crushed cloves of garlic with some salt and put it on the affected tooth to relieve pain. You can simply chew garlic cloves to get rid of the pain.
3. Carnation
There is no better means from toothaches and calming the nerve, than the carnation. It has excellent anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and analgesic properties which kill the infection.
Chop two pieces. Mix with a little olive oil or any other vegetable oil and apply on the affected tooth.
You can mix a few drops of clove oil in half a glass of water and use it as a mouthwash.
4. Bow
Onion has antiseptic and antimicrobial properties that can control toothache. Onions help to provide relief of pain by killing the germs causing the infection.
At the initial sign of a toothache chew the onion for a few minutes, in order to ease the pain.
If you can't chew it, place a slice on the aching tooth.
5. The juice from the shoots of wheat
The juice from the shoots of wheat not only has wonderful antibacterial properties, but also fights cavities. For the recovery of the squeeze the juice of sprouts of wheat and use it as liquid for rinsing the mouth. This folk remedy will absorb toxins from the gums, reduce bacterial growth .
6. Ice
Take a small ice cube, place in a plastic bag and then wrap it in a thin cloth. Apply to the aching tooth. Hold for a few minutes. The pain will subside. But in case of open nerve this can not be done, contact with the cold can cause even more pain.
If you have done the procedures you are not getting relief from a toothache, call your dentist. Because some dental problems require more intensive treatment.
Source: ethno-science.ru/
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