More strange advice I had ever seen ... But they work great!
Toothpaste - a product with amazing properties. It dries very quickly, thus pulling moisture from the surrounding environment. The toothpaste often include essential oils, extracts of mint and eucalyptus, bleaching agents. This makes the usual paste dentifrice really useful in different situations - you can use it as you wish and always receive excellent result. See for yourself! Tips quite strange, but works flawlessly.
1. Tarnished silver will shine like new, if you rub it with toothpaste. The perfect polish, which is always there in the house!
2. cleaned with toothpaste lights. Luster you please!
3. The piano keys also need to be cleaned, do not forget about it. Pasta update them and make shine!
4. Shoes with white soles and other light items perfectly cleaned with toothpaste. An old toothbrush is also very convenient for the care of shoes!
5. To Diving mask defog underwater smazh them with a thin layer of toothpaste inside.
6. Water stains on wooden surfaces are removed in a couple of minutes - just a little bit of toothpaste.
7. The ink stain is removed, if the top coat with toothpaste, let it dry and wash the tissue after a while.
8. If the hair color paint accidentally hit the skin and dyed it, it does not matter. Toothpaste will remove stubborn paint!
9. The mosquitoes are coming! Toothpaste relieve irritation, do stings less visible, prevent swelling. Do not forget to put it on the bites, and you will forget the unpleasant itching and redness.
10. Acne, smeared toothpaste disappear by morning. Dried and anti-inflammatory effect of this tool is difficult to overestimate!
11. Iron is perfectly clean, if you rub the sole of toothpaste.
12. The screen mobile phone is well cleared paste without damage and scratches.
13. Stains on the carpet is easy to deduce from the paste of toothpaste with whitening effect.
14. Do marigolds impeccable! The fine particles of lacquer remaining after removing it on the nail plate and nail surface muddy look untidy. Wipe nails paste, using a brush.
15. Toothpaste - good detergent for hands.
16. Disinfection thermos, cans and other utensils musty possible using toothpaste. The freshness and purity are guaranteed!
17. Get rid of scratches on an old CD - wipe it with toothpaste.
As strange as it may sound, toothpaste - a universal helper in many household affairs. Begin to use this valuable tool, not only to clean the teeth, and life will be a little easier! I especially remember the advice about sunglasses for scuba diving and an iron! What did you like? Tell your friends how functional toothpaste actually.
via takprosto cc
1. Tarnished silver will shine like new, if you rub it with toothpaste. The perfect polish, which is always there in the house!

2. cleaned with toothpaste lights. Luster you please!

3. The piano keys also need to be cleaned, do not forget about it. Pasta update them and make shine!

4. Shoes with white soles and other light items perfectly cleaned with toothpaste. An old toothbrush is also very convenient for the care of shoes!

5. To Diving mask defog underwater smazh them with a thin layer of toothpaste inside.
6. Water stains on wooden surfaces are removed in a couple of minutes - just a little bit of toothpaste.

7. The ink stain is removed, if the top coat with toothpaste, let it dry and wash the tissue after a while.

8. If the hair color paint accidentally hit the skin and dyed it, it does not matter. Toothpaste will remove stubborn paint!
9. The mosquitoes are coming! Toothpaste relieve irritation, do stings less visible, prevent swelling. Do not forget to put it on the bites, and you will forget the unpleasant itching and redness.

10. Acne, smeared toothpaste disappear by morning. Dried and anti-inflammatory effect of this tool is difficult to overestimate!

11. Iron is perfectly clean, if you rub the sole of toothpaste.

12. The screen mobile phone is well cleared paste without damage and scratches.

13. Stains on the carpet is easy to deduce from the paste of toothpaste with whitening effect.

14. Do marigolds impeccable! The fine particles of lacquer remaining after removing it on the nail plate and nail surface muddy look untidy. Wipe nails paste, using a brush.

15. Toothpaste - good detergent for hands.

16. Disinfection thermos, cans and other utensils musty possible using toothpaste. The freshness and purity are guaranteed!

17. Get rid of scratches on an old CD - wipe it with toothpaste.

As strange as it may sound, toothpaste - a universal helper in many household affairs. Begin to use this valuable tool, not only to clean the teeth, and life will be a little easier! I especially remember the advice about sunglasses for scuba diving and an iron! What did you like? Tell your friends how functional toothpaste actually.
via takprosto cc
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