Folk medicine against toothache
There was a time when the usual now about the dental clinics with modern methods, tools and materials for dental treatment no one has heard before. But once saved people from a toothache. So, for years and centuries of accumulated folk remedies for toothache. They help to relieve tooth pain, if you can not get to the dentist immediately.
Consider some of them.
Most recipes use garlic, onion and salt, which have a strong local anti-bacterial action and relieve the pain for a long time. For this you need to chop the onion (garlic) and mix with salt in equal proportions. The mixture was put in a place of pain and cover with a cotton swab. In the same way you can use just pure salt, onion or garlic juice.
As rinsing you can use the decoction of leaves of sage or oak bark. It is desirable to pre-clean the oral cavity from food debris.
Also from a toothache, will help such folk remedies:
- a piece of propolis or alcohol tincture of propolis to moisten a piece of cotton and apply to the aching tooth;
- prepare a decoction of birch leaves and birch buds, and also a cotton swab dipped in this decoction, apply on the aching tooth.
Folk remedies recommended for toothache to use salted pork fat: a slice of bacon to put between the cheek and gum of the tooth — after 15-20 minutes the pain should subside.
In Western Siberia toothache relieve such folk remedy: a head of garlic cut in half and RUB half of the wrist where you would normally feel for a pulse. Then, these slices of garlic finely crumble, to attach to the pulse and wrap tightly with a bandage.
And now, at the first opportunity – run to the dentist!
Source: /users/4
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