9 useless Breakfast

Why muesli, hot cereal, juices from the package and even fruits are harmful? Nine useless breakfasts should not be consumed.
Most of the products that used to eat Breakfast those who are thinking about nutrition, it is very difficult to name useful. Most often, these breakfasts can only be considered a dessert. But the effect is similar to, if you had Breakfast cake.
1. SausageHow to get this product? What can be considered a meat in part at least. In addition, many different additives that increase the appetite, and as a preservative nitrin of sodium, which causes cancer of the esophagus.
2. Hot cerealTo speed up the brew process the grain undergoes special processing — structure changes, and "slow" carbohydrates are converted into "fast" starches. In addition, added sugar. It is more logical to consider it a dessert, but not a healthy Breakfast.
3. Fast BreakfastProduct is obtained by extrusion – flour, sugar and other additives is converted into a uniform mass, then form particles (e.g., beads). The nutritional value of the product is questionable due to its content of huge quantity of sugar and starch.
4. Dried fruits
Industrial dried fruit can be safely regarded as one of the most harmful products — for their production of the original fruit treated with sulfuric acid and alkali. Not to mention the fact that then all of this can vymachivanija in sugar syrups.
5. Muesli
As in the case of dry Breakfast cereal for the production of this product are subject to primary processing. In the end, carbs are converted from slow to fast sugar. In addition, there are a lot of pure sugar and other sources of empty calories.
6. Curd cheese
The basis of cheese curds is not cheese, and sugar. In addition, often the product is added to vegetable fats, preservatives and artificial flavors. Again, it's more of a dessert that must be consumed in limited quantities.
7. Chips and crackersfirst, they contain a lot of fat (mostly cheap vegetable analogues), and secondly, the composition includes large doses of flavor enhancers, which only will increase your hunger, and thirdly, no useful nutrients do not close there.
8. Processed cheeselet's Start with the fact that during heat treatment the cheese loses virtually all the benefits, turning into just a fat product. In addition, the composition of the processed cheese comprises essentially waste products – the cheese, which you can't sell a piece.
9. Packing juicesdespite the fact that technology juice should not contain added sugar, often called "reconstituted juice" contain a lot of other simple carbohydrates. In addition, what we consider flesh — not the fruit, cake or sugar beet pectin.
RememberRemember that high carbohydrate foods for Breakfast not such a good choice, as it is a large consumption of sugar leads to the deposition of subcutaneous fat. Not to mention the fact that in a few hours you will again feel hungry. published
Source: koko.by