Turn ordinary water into synthetic gasoline

According to many experts, the future of the automotive industry for electric vehicles. But while we are still not ready to abandon the internal combustion engines running on gasoline. But with gasoline, things are not so rosy, given its ever-growing price.
German company Sunfire GmbH believes that the ideal solution to this problem was found. The company's specialists have found a way to transform ordinary water and hydrogen dioxide in liquid hydrocarbons such as diesel fuel, kerosene and gasoline.

To carry out the process of turning water into valuable fuels is possible through a combination of process Fischer-Tropsch process (a chemical reaction occurring in the presence of a catalyst in which carbon monoxide and hydrogen are converted into various liquid hydrocarbons) and solid electrolyzer cells (fuel cells that are able to produce gas forms of hydrogen and oxygen).
The company's specialists Sunfire argue that while the engines on the basis of a new synthetic fuel is able to demonstrate an efficiency of 50%, but the possibility exists to increase this figure to 70% in the near future. For comparison, let us remember that the efficiency of the engines in conventional gasoline is equal to about 25-30%, and diesel engines with turbocharging and intercooling can approach 50%.

What is the main problem of scientists for the implementation of this efficient fuel in the global energy market? Of course, the problem lies in the bureaucracy and the lack of funds. The available fuel will hit the pockets of the owners of the largest corporations in the world, supplying the hydrocarbon fuel, and in no case, neither in their interests.
Find wealthy investors in other industries is not so easy. First, the researchers have to convince the business that this project is a fairly reliable investment. So while none of the scientists do not build castles in the air, but instead they focus on further improvement of the technology.
Materials engadget.com
Source: hi-news.ru