10 tips in time trouble

Lost Time © by A. Langnickel
Now invented new machines, and the time is not only saved, on the contrary, the trouble becomes General. Lacking time for friends, for letters, for children. No time to think and, thinking, stand in the forest listening to the rustling leaves and singing birds. Time disappears, it becomes less. The watch is no longer a luxury, they are each on hand, but time has not increased. And most importantly, time is allocated almost the same as two thousand years ago: "Most of our life is spent on the mistakes and evil actions; a large part runs idle, and almost always all life that we do not what we need" ©Seneca.
"All Lucily, not ours, and someone else, the only time our property — Seneca wrote. Nature has provided us possession only always current and non-permanent thing in addition can take away from us anyone who wants it... People are strong in anything not valued someone else's time, although it is the only thing can not return back at all desire. You ask, can be, as I do, you edifying? I admit, I do like people wasteful, but careful — keep count its cost. Can't tell you that I had nothing to lose, but always be aware of how much I lost and how, and why".
Tips in trouble
1. Start to be engaged in coordination. Under stress it is difficult to keep balance. Will help you clearly plan your actions. Schedule.
2. Get a big trashcan. Order depends on order on your desktop. Every day inspecting.
3. Treat life philosophically. In a situation of severe time pressure remember that can be much worse. Or the inscription on the ring of Solomon: "this too shall pass..."
4. Redistribute the load. Or prioritize, so as to do everything in a short time is impossible. Determine what is the most important.
5. Remember that all the work goes well, when is the result with the ensuing pleasant consequences. Simply put, it's good to see the target and have an incentive to action.
6. Do not go on the record. In the Guinness Book of world records has not yet registered a case when a person for several days to work 24 hours a day. Time pressure means that you have to stay at work longer and to come into the office on weekends. But Saturday and Sunday you can start not at 9 a.m., and, say, noon.
7. Explain to your loved ones. Your family is not to blame for the fact that you are pressed for time. Explain to them in a calm atmosphere, that at some period, dependent on circumstances at work. And don't growl at them, please.
8. One cannot embrace the unembraceable for a mountain of redesigned work stands following mountain. If you last two years were not on vacation, this does not indicate that you are committed to the work, and that you have no recreation. Or that loading yourself with work, you deliberately move away from other social or family problems. Or that you have inferiority complex which you compensate, driving himself in permanent time trouble. Any of the options says not your favor.
9. Build plans for the future. Of time pressure, as from fasting, it is impossible to leave abruptly. You have to imagine, what will you do, when Abraham will come to an end. Having in mind, and it is better on paper, the plan for the next steps, you will ease your transition from time trouble in a normal operating state. In the words of the ancients: remember that you don't just wear the stones, and some of them build.
10. The trouble is time. On average, time pressure has a duration from one week to three. If it is delayed, think about it, all of you are doing in order to prevent Abraham. Remember: once you were not able to do something, you immediately do not have time to do something different.
Source: www.newacropolis.ru/magazines/4_2002/Pravda_o_poter_vrem/