In Omsk have created ecomobil

The basis for the car was "the Muscovite 2141". The inventors have equipped it with a pyrolysis furnace. Thanks to this unique vehicle will start in any frost, and for a trip enough bag of wood, fir cones or dried manure.
Ecomobil is powered by combustible gas, which is extracted wood when heated. Installation in just a few minutes you can connect to the air filter of any car. The system works on the principle of gas generator fuel from the oven is fed directly to the engine, but the smell in the car does not feel the oven is sealed.
"This car is environmentally friendly and cost effective. One tab is enough for 120 kilometers, a maximum speed of 90 kilometers per hour. Works on wood, straw, sawdust, dry manure, charcoal, fir cones, needles, leaves and many other", — said Dmitry Vlasov.
Source: greenevolution.ru