Adult toys for playgrounds
Omsk from the beginning of its history, has always been a military city. Founded in the 18th century as a border fortress in the 20th century it became the largest center of the defense industry of the USSR, military units stationed almost all the armed forces, as well as the location of the large army schools. It is not surprising that in one or the other Omsk yard can come across as a set of elements of playgrounds real tanks and self-propelled.
Judging by what he said in an interview in 1999 the magazine "City Administration" VP Roshupkin, who was mayor of Omsk from 1994 to 2000, the initiative is the installation of armored vehicles in Omsk yards came precisely from the city administration as part of the landscaping. Here are his words: & quot; ... here in Omsk, tanks are on the playground. We brew and put them in the yard, kids happy on them climb. Before and aircraft set, but manage to disassemble the aircraft. Tanks stronger. The cost of this toy about a million dollars. Thousands of tanks - a billion. Billions of dollars on the playground - can you imagine? Equipment, sure, it's the most expensive children's playgrounds in the world. But not the best. & Quot; Roshupkin here, of course, playing with words, hardly at all City Hall to pay for these "toys" likely took place some co-operation with existing military units or institutions to get rid of the decommissioned equipment.
Earlier, I brought a photo of one of the most famous "yard" Omsk tank - the T-62 is installed in the neighborhood "Poplar" during his accomplishment in 90 years. In the company to the tank were installed plane (I think it was a L-410), and the hydrofoil, "Rocket". But, unfortunately, they stood for a short time, the first after the fire, was dismantled for scrap airplane, soon followed him, and "Rocket", most likely, about this case recalled Roshupkin. A tank will not take that simple, and that he stands to this day, gradually grow into the land and "decorating" hazing scrawl.
Medium Tank T-62 was adopted in 1961 and produced until 1973 at the plant №183 (now it is known as the company OAO NPK "Uralvagonzavod"), passing the constant modernization: improved engine control system of the fire was set dynamic protection, etc. . In all there were about 20 000 copies of the T-62 of all modifications. T-62 took part in the Soviet troops in Czechoslovakia in 1968, and the first (and unsuccessful) application of the new car in a real fight took place a year later, during the conflict with China in the Sino-Soviet, then the Chinese, in spite of the complete defeat in the confrontation, failed hit and grab a T-62. Then, in the history of the battle tanks were Afgan, Chechnya (and during the first Chechen T-62 was also used, and militants Dudayev), and the last combat use of Russian troops T-62 took place in 2008 in South Ossetia.
T-62 poplar - is not the only instance of such a machine, set in Omsk games young tank, another tank a "registered" on the prospect of Korolev, in the courtyard formed by the houses with the numbers 10, 10a, 10b and 10/1.
Unlike fellow prebyduschego colored, it seems to paint left over from painting fences and saraek this "shestdesyatdvoyka" Tank is a very normal color. Tower Room 476 means that the tank is assigned to the second platoon of the third company of the first battalion of the first regiment of the second division of some Panzer Army.
In this tank even survived marker lights, the left taillight can be clearly seen in the photo. Initially, these lights serve only to indicate the dimensions of the combat vehicle in the dark (front lights installed lenses green, rear - red), as well as a stop signal (braking Enables blinking rear lights) but then began to establish enhanced light signaling control unit, allows even show the turn signals in the car.
Very interesting object type tank located in Aviagorodok, in a large park. At first glance, from a distance it may seem that this "Tanchiki" bungled to the delight of the kids by local craftsmen from every scrap. But coming closer, immediately notice the very real (but not armored) tower and some other details.
Luc tank commander - also present.
And if you look inside the tower will open here this picture:
Are the ruins of the tower and gun actuators, monitoring devices and weapons control. This object is not nothing but a training stand T-62 tank. Previously, he was standing in a tank school in Cheryomushki, or a military department Polytechnic and was used for training of cadets. To stand was supplied external power supply and all the units, including the stabilizer arms, worked in a normal mode, allowing you to develop management skills armament, well, except for the actual shooting, of course.
The next photo shows breech smoothbore 115 mm gun 2A20. All that could loosen the long unscrewed ...
Another interesting armored vehicles while standing in the yard between the houses on the street. Borodin numbers 10/1 and 12/1. It Airborne self-propelled guns ASU-85.
It was designed in KB Mytishchi machine-building plant mainly for parts Airborne antitank defense, but could also be used to support mechanized infantry and tank units. It is produced in the MSW from 1959 to 1964. The reason for removing it from the production was the presence of the car serious deficiencies, the main of which was the lack of firepower of 85 mm gun 2A15 and the impossibility of landing SAU parachute (airborne platform P-16, capable of providing landing AMS-85, was adopted by the Only in 1972, and before that self-propelled parachute could only way to landing on an airfield prepared, that in the actual combat was maloosuschestvimo).
ASU-85 first issues were open-top cabin, but with 1960 self-propelled guns were installed with four roof hatches and filtering unit to enhance protection of the crew, including the actions of WMD. Since 1969, began to arrive in the VDV new vehicles BMD-1, but the ASU-85 remained in service for a long time - until 1993. A Omsk self-propelled recently moved out of the yard at Borodino in cadet school, which, I hope, will go to her advantage - the photo shows how hard the children izrisovyvali her nonsense, besides, according to eyewitnesses, the hatches sealed were not, the consequences of this it is guessable.
Finally we should mention another armored vehicle that blends into this subject, even though it is not in Omsk, and one of the pioneer camps located in the village Chernoluche.
This T-34-85 is in camp "Sputnik", I must say that it is much more tematichnee he would look into the camp, located near "Sparkle", relating to the transport engineering plant them. October Revolution, which just produced such tanks from 1944 to 1946. But, alas, in a spark of reason, the tank is not, perhaps, so that the enemy did not think. :)
A year ago, the tank looked much worse - an inappropriate color of a clearly what camouflage, peeling paint, etc. Now it is at the very least put in a decent view, even though the color has turned out like park benches, obviously felt that for the most of the playground.
Source: mib55.livejournal.com

Judging by what he said in an interview in 1999 the magazine "City Administration" VP Roshupkin, who was mayor of Omsk from 1994 to 2000, the initiative is the installation of armored vehicles in Omsk yards came precisely from the city administration as part of the landscaping. Here are his words: & quot; ... here in Omsk, tanks are on the playground. We brew and put them in the yard, kids happy on them climb. Before and aircraft set, but manage to disassemble the aircraft. Tanks stronger. The cost of this toy about a million dollars. Thousands of tanks - a billion. Billions of dollars on the playground - can you imagine? Equipment, sure, it's the most expensive children's playgrounds in the world. But not the best. & Quot; Roshupkin here, of course, playing with words, hardly at all City Hall to pay for these "toys" likely took place some co-operation with existing military units or institutions to get rid of the decommissioned equipment.

Earlier, I brought a photo of one of the most famous "yard" Omsk tank - the T-62 is installed in the neighborhood "Poplar" during his accomplishment in 90 years. In the company to the tank were installed plane (I think it was a L-410), and the hydrofoil, "Rocket". But, unfortunately, they stood for a short time, the first after the fire, was dismantled for scrap airplane, soon followed him, and "Rocket", most likely, about this case recalled Roshupkin. A tank will not take that simple, and that he stands to this day, gradually grow into the land and "decorating" hazing scrawl.
Medium Tank T-62 was adopted in 1961 and produced until 1973 at the plant №183 (now it is known as the company OAO NPK "Uralvagonzavod"), passing the constant modernization: improved engine control system of the fire was set dynamic protection, etc. . In all there were about 20 000 copies of the T-62 of all modifications. T-62 took part in the Soviet troops in Czechoslovakia in 1968, and the first (and unsuccessful) application of the new car in a real fight took place a year later, during the conflict with China in the Sino-Soviet, then the Chinese, in spite of the complete defeat in the confrontation, failed hit and grab a T-62. Then, in the history of the battle tanks were Afgan, Chechnya (and during the first Chechen T-62 was also used, and militants Dudayev), and the last combat use of Russian troops T-62 took place in 2008 in South Ossetia.

T-62 poplar - is not the only instance of such a machine, set in Omsk games young tank, another tank a "registered" on the prospect of Korolev, in the courtyard formed by the houses with the numbers 10, 10a, 10b and 10/1.
Unlike fellow prebyduschego colored, it seems to paint left over from painting fences and saraek this "shestdesyatdvoyka" Tank is a very normal color. Tower Room 476 means that the tank is assigned to the second platoon of the third company of the first battalion of the first regiment of the second division of some Panzer Army.

In this tank even survived marker lights, the left taillight can be clearly seen in the photo. Initially, these lights serve only to indicate the dimensions of the combat vehicle in the dark (front lights installed lenses green, rear - red), as well as a stop signal (braking Enables blinking rear lights) but then began to establish enhanced light signaling control unit, allows even show the turn signals in the car.
Very interesting object type tank located in Aviagorodok, in a large park. At first glance, from a distance it may seem that this "Tanchiki" bungled to the delight of the kids by local craftsmen from every scrap. But coming closer, immediately notice the very real (but not armored) tower and some other details.

Luc tank commander - also present.

And if you look inside the tower will open here this picture:

Are the ruins of the tower and gun actuators, monitoring devices and weapons control. This object is not nothing but a training stand T-62 tank. Previously, he was standing in a tank school in Cheryomushki, or a military department Polytechnic and was used for training of cadets. To stand was supplied external power supply and all the units, including the stabilizer arms, worked in a normal mode, allowing you to develop management skills armament, well, except for the actual shooting, of course.
The next photo shows breech smoothbore 115 mm gun 2A20. All that could loosen the long unscrewed ...

Another interesting armored vehicles while standing in the yard between the houses on the street. Borodin numbers 10/1 and 12/1. It Airborne self-propelled guns ASU-85.

It was designed in KB Mytishchi machine-building plant mainly for parts Airborne antitank defense, but could also be used to support mechanized infantry and tank units. It is produced in the MSW from 1959 to 1964. The reason for removing it from the production was the presence of the car serious deficiencies, the main of which was the lack of firepower of 85 mm gun 2A15 and the impossibility of landing SAU parachute (airborne platform P-16, capable of providing landing AMS-85, was adopted by the Only in 1972, and before that self-propelled parachute could only way to landing on an airfield prepared, that in the actual combat was maloosuschestvimo).

ASU-85 first issues were open-top cabin, but with 1960 self-propelled guns were installed with four roof hatches and filtering unit to enhance protection of the crew, including the actions of WMD. Since 1969, began to arrive in the VDV new vehicles BMD-1, but the ASU-85 remained in service for a long time - until 1993. A Omsk self-propelled recently moved out of the yard at Borodino in cadet school, which, I hope, will go to her advantage - the photo shows how hard the children izrisovyvali her nonsense, besides, according to eyewitnesses, the hatches sealed were not, the consequences of this it is guessable.
Finally we should mention another armored vehicle that blends into this subject, even though it is not in Omsk, and one of the pioneer camps located in the village Chernoluche.

This T-34-85 is in camp "Sputnik", I must say that it is much more tematichnee he would look into the camp, located near "Sparkle", relating to the transport engineering plant them. October Revolution, which just produced such tanks from 1944 to 1946. But, alas, in a spark of reason, the tank is not, perhaps, so that the enemy did not think. :)
A year ago, the tank looked much worse - an inappropriate color of a clearly what camouflage, peeling paint, etc. Now it is at the very least put in a decent view, even though the color has turned out like park benches, obviously felt that for the most of the playground.

Source: mib55.livejournal.com