Himself Uralvagonzavod
His first tank Alexey Mochalin gathered in memory of his father, a war veteran who fought on the legendary T-34. Who completes his third "Thirty" and plans to start building an exact copy of a German tank T-IV - young people to see with whom fought our grandfathers.
Under the pressure of steel and fire
News from the category of sensational: a simple welder retired opened Novomoskovsk private "tank factory." However, all production fits into the usual garage. But that rolls out of it, causing shock and stupor passersby.
Novomoskovsk - industrial center of the south-east of Tula, founded in 1930. In the age of three it was renamed - founded as a beaver, in 1933 became Stalinogorsk, the current name is from 1961. Another nice that it was here that Don originates in the center of the city stands the stone out of which flows the stream - the beginning of the great river.
And now a new attraction: the tanks, which is building a pensioner Alex D. Mochalin.
Tank childhood
He was five years old when his father showed a tank in which he fought.
- I remember: we went to Batey train to Riga, - says Alexey Dmitrievich. - And then he says: Look out the window - it's my tank!
I see: the field is kind of broken tower, and from the fascist "Tiger».
- I almost wept with resentment - continues Mochalin. - Dad, you promised to show your tank, not German! And he told me not to look! Indeed, on the sidelines is the T-34. A little rusty sides, hatches open, the gun aimed at us.
It was in 1958, whereas in the fields still had a lot of military equipment mangled. Until now, Alex Mochalin not know whether it was really the father tank or just one of thousands lined the T-34.
Father fought driver-mechanic T-34 at the 3rd Belorussian Front, commanded by Ivan Chernyakhovsky - the youngest commander of the front.
Chernyakhovsky Sergeant Dmitry Mochalin knew personally.
- Dad was a literate man, learned a lot of technique, but that on the plane did not fly - proudly remembers the son of the hero-soldiers. - And fought bravely at home kept the newspaper article, the crew of his father one day crushed the two anti-tank guns and three machine guns. Dad has always been called to go into battle first. Death is not afraid to say so kill kill. Mere feared: a prisoner to get - but then all this fear.
My father returned from the war: the chest with medals. He told me that the tanker, which is more than a year spent at the front - a rarity. And he wound up provoeval 1 year and 9 months, was replaced by three tanks. One shell hit the board, the entire crew to death, and he alone survived. A total of five crews buried.
- And the father lined T-34 crashed into my memory: I have it mentally, as it were photographed.
The first T-34 he had built when his father was still alive. A small control-by-wire. But he thinks it was just a test of strength. Seriously engaged "tank-building" after retirement.
One day I saw on TV story about radio-controlled tanks and upset that those machines were worn quickly, faster than his favorite. But then I realized: they are made of plastic.
- Toys! - He reassured himself. - A tank should be made of steel.
His second tank T-34-85 was created in a ratio of 1: 8. It weighs 47 kg, as the engine had two electric wipers of the old "Lada". The car turned out to be surprisingly moving and powerful.
I demonstrated its capabilities: easy tank moves anvil weighing 20 kg.
Rumor has it that the New Year this tank create a stir: a shot from his gun blew the door to the apartment Mochalin. The woman kicked designer together with the tank.
- It is not true! - Hot wizard. - None of the houses have not expelled. And the destruction of the apartment was not shot as a bachelor. And anyway, my wife was sympathetic to my passion: other vodka drink, and I do business.
Now he is building another T-34 in the ratio of 1: 6 to the original. Serious car, however, single: it only grandson and placed.
What is the weight a new tank, even the designer does not know: there is no place to weigh. But the guys in the garage of the cooperative confidentially informed the correspondent "RG", which tried to raise it six of them - failed.
- And it is not necessary to raise and, - declared constructor. - He'll go myself!
The petrol engine is already installed, is now engaged in Mochalin tracks. Great, I note the work: and will carve harden 1, 3 thousand. Sleeves. Comes to the garage early in the morning, goes off when the light is turned off in the garage cooperative.
Once carried away, he slashed arm - blood from a vein fountain. A neighbor helped roll up some cloth wound - and again for work.
Alex D. does not fit parts and components from other equipment (the motor does not count), and creates a tank from scratch. The drawings are taken from the Internet (the son of downloads), making tracks by taking a sample from the present T-34 - good people found somewhere and dragged the heavy truck handyman.
But first, he had a long nurturing concept stores materials. Then he makes the layout of the board with the exact proportions. After that, the layout needs to metal. Basic material - sheet metal thickness of 5 mm.
Work on the current T-34 began last fall, in the same breath made housing tower barrel gear set. In winter, there was a break in the garage is cold, and the apartment this tank is not fit.
He tries to do everything so that the tank looked like a real one, particularly in the details. For example, just take the tube and adjust it as a gun is impossible. Tank 85-mm gun has a tapered shape. Carved this - hard work. But sharpens, cooks joints, protects the grinder, grind. Disliked - remakes.
Welder by trade, he perfectly mastered the craft turner, blacksmith, tinsmith, painter, electrician. Tank wants to finish by spring. And to show the people on May 9.
- People fit, asks - smiles Master. - And to me it's nice. Maybe young people interested, it's our history. When I see kids who are around my machines, and their little eyes lit - such grace on the heart!
Hitler Kaput
After a series of T-34 plans to make the first foreign car. I decided it would be a German Pz.Kpfw.IV - predecessor "Tiger". And he planned to build a scale of 1: 2.
It was the most massive tank of the Wehrmacht: weighed 25 tons, a length of 5 meters and 9 2, 6 meters high. It will take the whole garage pensioner.
Podnachivat craftsman: what the people do not understand - a fascist after all. It turns out Mochalin pondered this problem. But he decided that the youth need to know which animal their grandfathers fought.
The project alone can not pull. Therefore enlisted eldest grandson, who is now serving in the army. He readily responded: "What, come on! Already aware of all of the tanks, the general opinion: the world in your grandfather! »
"Fascists" will not be on the remote control, and manual. If the purchase steel sheets family budget somehow osilivaet, the radio system to manage money is not enough. Proper control with 12 functions (and need just such) costs 18 thousand. Rubles, and the two pension wizard.
Therefore, to manage a large tank will have to sitting in the place of the driver. Mark wants to do in this tank. Of course, finding a German 300-hp V-twin engine "Maybach" - that stood on Pz.Kpfw.IV - unreal. It will replace the engine from the old "Lada". And the rest - is like a tank.
Ideally would wipe the tank in a ratio of 1: 1. But it's a dream.
- Now I'm 61, I think, 70 years old tanks will definitely build - says the pensioner. - Health, maybe enough. But the money for large projects do not scrape.
Money, by the way, he offered: asked to sell a small T-34. Or exchanged for a car.
Refuses: sorry to leave, put the soul. Yes and grandchildren behind need to leave something.
At the bottom of
Not far from the Novomoskovsk has Shatskikh reservoir, where it is said, lies at the bottom of a lot of equipment for our tanks and lorry, the German wedge several motorcycles BMW.
After the war, we have copied the German motorcycle, called the "Ural". In Mochalina such as a youth was. When heard about BMW - saved money, I bought an aqualung. Long diving. The depth of five meters, the water ice.
- We needed a wetsuit, so now they are, and then - a rarity. So nothing found.
But tanks have been looking for an inflatable boat with sonar. Twice seen on the screen outlines the heavy tank KV and T-34 coveted. But the boat is light, wind blown, fix the place failed.
- Well, surely these tanks I dreamed? - Lamenting craftsman. - But to find and raise a - most cherished dream. I have him on the cog restored! Had a chance to be the lead state ...
The dream can come true. Recently, while in Novomoskovsk, Tula governor Vladimir Gruzdev Mochalina tanks inspected. For this, both the T-34 was brought to the area in front of the city administration and staged a small "tank biathlon." Master taught the "small" tank waltz. Big is not on the run, he threatening their views creates the right atmosphere.
Technique impressed. Governor of combat, served in the Defense Ministry and the Foreign Intelligence Service, for the fulfillment of public tasks awarded the medal "For Service in Battle". Tasks carried out in Angola and in Mozambique, where the T-34 is still successfully fighting.
Gruzdev made master tempting offer: to create a monument to the tanks.
In March 1944, from Tula to the front left tank column "Dmitry Donskoy", created by donations from the faithful of the Moscow Patriarchate. On the 70th anniversary of the victory plan to establish a full-fledged monument: a copy machine or a real battle tank.
Alexei Mochalin tanks at the bottom of the reservoir Shatsky not dreamed: according to reliable sources, they are really there. There were witnesses: during the war, some Soviet tanks fell through the ice. And one of them tried to raise.
If you're lucky, it will be the T-34.
When the tank will lift out of the water - give into the hands of Alex D.: that he put into the soul of the legendary car. And then, there is no doubt battle tank veteran certainly its course reaches the pedestal.
Source: www.rg.ru

Under the pressure of steel and fire
News from the category of sensational: a simple welder retired opened Novomoskovsk private "tank factory." However, all production fits into the usual garage. But that rolls out of it, causing shock and stupor passersby.
Novomoskovsk - industrial center of the south-east of Tula, founded in 1930. In the age of three it was renamed - founded as a beaver, in 1933 became Stalinogorsk, the current name is from 1961. Another nice that it was here that Don originates in the center of the city stands the stone out of which flows the stream - the beginning of the great river.
And now a new attraction: the tanks, which is building a pensioner Alex D. Mochalin.

Tank childhood
He was five years old when his father showed a tank in which he fought.
- I remember: we went to Batey train to Riga, - says Alexey Dmitrievich. - And then he says: Look out the window - it's my tank!
I see: the field is kind of broken tower, and from the fascist "Tiger».
- I almost wept with resentment - continues Mochalin. - Dad, you promised to show your tank, not German! And he told me not to look! Indeed, on the sidelines is the T-34. A little rusty sides, hatches open, the gun aimed at us.
It was in 1958, whereas in the fields still had a lot of military equipment mangled. Until now, Alex Mochalin not know whether it was really the father tank or just one of thousands lined the T-34.
Father fought driver-mechanic T-34 at the 3rd Belorussian Front, commanded by Ivan Chernyakhovsky - the youngest commander of the front.
Chernyakhovsky Sergeant Dmitry Mochalin knew personally.

- Dad was a literate man, learned a lot of technique, but that on the plane did not fly - proudly remembers the son of the hero-soldiers. - And fought bravely at home kept the newspaper article, the crew of his father one day crushed the two anti-tank guns and three machine guns. Dad has always been called to go into battle first. Death is not afraid to say so kill kill. Mere feared: a prisoner to get - but then all this fear.
My father returned from the war: the chest with medals. He told me that the tanker, which is more than a year spent at the front - a rarity. And he wound up provoeval 1 year and 9 months, was replaced by three tanks. One shell hit the board, the entire crew to death, and he alone survived. A total of five crews buried.
- And the father lined T-34 crashed into my memory: I have it mentally, as it were photographed.
The first T-34 he had built when his father was still alive. A small control-by-wire. But he thinks it was just a test of strength. Seriously engaged "tank-building" after retirement.
One day I saw on TV story about radio-controlled tanks and upset that those machines were worn quickly, faster than his favorite. But then I realized: they are made of plastic.
- Toys! - He reassured himself. - A tank should be made of steel.
His second tank T-34-85 was created in a ratio of 1: 8. It weighs 47 kg, as the engine had two electric wipers of the old "Lada". The car turned out to be surprisingly moving and powerful.
I demonstrated its capabilities: easy tank moves anvil weighing 20 kg.
Rumor has it that the New Year this tank create a stir: a shot from his gun blew the door to the apartment Mochalin. The woman kicked designer together with the tank.
- It is not true! - Hot wizard. - None of the houses have not expelled. And the destruction of the apartment was not shot as a bachelor. And anyway, my wife was sympathetic to my passion: other vodka drink, and I do business.

Now he is building another T-34 in the ratio of 1: 6 to the original. Serious car, however, single: it only grandson and placed.
What is the weight a new tank, even the designer does not know: there is no place to weigh. But the guys in the garage of the cooperative confidentially informed the correspondent "RG", which tried to raise it six of them - failed.
- And it is not necessary to raise and, - declared constructor. - He'll go myself!
The petrol engine is already installed, is now engaged in Mochalin tracks. Great, I note the work: and will carve harden 1, 3 thousand. Sleeves. Comes to the garage early in the morning, goes off when the light is turned off in the garage cooperative.
Once carried away, he slashed arm - blood from a vein fountain. A neighbor helped roll up some cloth wound - and again for work.
Alex D. does not fit parts and components from other equipment (the motor does not count), and creates a tank from scratch. The drawings are taken from the Internet (the son of downloads), making tracks by taking a sample from the present T-34 - good people found somewhere and dragged the heavy truck handyman.
But first, he had a long nurturing concept stores materials. Then he makes the layout of the board with the exact proportions. After that, the layout needs to metal. Basic material - sheet metal thickness of 5 mm.
Work on the current T-34 began last fall, in the same breath made housing tower barrel gear set. In winter, there was a break in the garage is cold, and the apartment this tank is not fit.

He tries to do everything so that the tank looked like a real one, particularly in the details. For example, just take the tube and adjust it as a gun is impossible. Tank 85-mm gun has a tapered shape. Carved this - hard work. But sharpens, cooks joints, protects the grinder, grind. Disliked - remakes.
Welder by trade, he perfectly mastered the craft turner, blacksmith, tinsmith, painter, electrician. Tank wants to finish by spring. And to show the people on May 9.
- People fit, asks - smiles Master. - And to me it's nice. Maybe young people interested, it's our history. When I see kids who are around my machines, and their little eyes lit - such grace on the heart!
Hitler Kaput
After a series of T-34 plans to make the first foreign car. I decided it would be a German Pz.Kpfw.IV - predecessor "Tiger". And he planned to build a scale of 1: 2.
It was the most massive tank of the Wehrmacht: weighed 25 tons, a length of 5 meters and 9 2, 6 meters high. It will take the whole garage pensioner.
Podnachivat craftsman: what the people do not understand - a fascist after all. It turns out Mochalin pondered this problem. But he decided that the youth need to know which animal their grandfathers fought.
The project alone can not pull. Therefore enlisted eldest grandson, who is now serving in the army. He readily responded: "What, come on! Already aware of all of the tanks, the general opinion: the world in your grandfather! »
"Fascists" will not be on the remote control, and manual. If the purchase steel sheets family budget somehow osilivaet, the radio system to manage money is not enough. Proper control with 12 functions (and need just such) costs 18 thousand. Rubles, and the two pension wizard.
Therefore, to manage a large tank will have to sitting in the place of the driver. Mark wants to do in this tank. Of course, finding a German 300-hp V-twin engine "Maybach" - that stood on Pz.Kpfw.IV - unreal. It will replace the engine from the old "Lada". And the rest - is like a tank.
Ideally would wipe the tank in a ratio of 1: 1. But it's a dream.
- Now I'm 61, I think, 70 years old tanks will definitely build - says the pensioner. - Health, maybe enough. But the money for large projects do not scrape.
Money, by the way, he offered: asked to sell a small T-34. Or exchanged for a car.
Refuses: sorry to leave, put the soul. Yes and grandchildren behind need to leave something.
At the bottom of
Not far from the Novomoskovsk has Shatskikh reservoir, where it is said, lies at the bottom of a lot of equipment for our tanks and lorry, the German wedge several motorcycles BMW.
After the war, we have copied the German motorcycle, called the "Ural". In Mochalina such as a youth was. When heard about BMW - saved money, I bought an aqualung. Long diving. The depth of five meters, the water ice.
- We needed a wetsuit, so now they are, and then - a rarity. So nothing found.
But tanks have been looking for an inflatable boat with sonar. Twice seen on the screen outlines the heavy tank KV and T-34 coveted. But the boat is light, wind blown, fix the place failed.
- Well, surely these tanks I dreamed? - Lamenting craftsman. - But to find and raise a - most cherished dream. I have him on the cog restored! Had a chance to be the lead state ...
The dream can come true. Recently, while in Novomoskovsk, Tula governor Vladimir Gruzdev Mochalina tanks inspected. For this, both the T-34 was brought to the area in front of the city administration and staged a small "tank biathlon." Master taught the "small" tank waltz. Big is not on the run, he threatening their views creates the right atmosphere.
Technique impressed. Governor of combat, served in the Defense Ministry and the Foreign Intelligence Service, for the fulfillment of public tasks awarded the medal "For Service in Battle". Tasks carried out in Angola and in Mozambique, where the T-34 is still successfully fighting.
Gruzdev made master tempting offer: to create a monument to the tanks.
In March 1944, from Tula to the front left tank column "Dmitry Donskoy", created by donations from the faithful of the Moscow Patriarchate. On the 70th anniversary of the victory plan to establish a full-fledged monument: a copy machine or a real battle tank.
Alexei Mochalin tanks at the bottom of the reservoir Shatsky not dreamed: according to reliable sources, they are really there. There were witnesses: during the war, some Soviet tanks fell through the ice. And one of them tried to raise.
If you're lucky, it will be the T-34.
When the tank will lift out of the water - give into the hands of Alex D.: that he put into the soul of the legendary car. And then, there is no doubt battle tank veteran certainly its course reaches the pedestal.

Source: www.rg.ru