The Shocking Secrets of Diet, Weight Loss and the Food Industry
It just so happened that in one “beautiful” moment, many years ago, so many that no one can remember when exactly this happened, humanity slowly but surely began to be absorbed by the System.
Remember the movie The Matrix?
I'm talking about this system. And most people who have thought about what its creators tried to convey to us do not even realize how deplorable everything is. You may have noticed that the word system I write with a capital letter. The thing is, she totally deserves it. She's disgusting and brilliant at the same time. It exists in each of us, which is why it is almost impossible to detect it, and to get out of it means to get out of yourself and break with everything familiar. Standing alone against the crowd is far from the smartest choice for most. It is better to silently subdue, but exist, than to see and become an outcast.
I didn't just write that I think the system is brilliant, despite everything it does to us. This is truly the most monumental creation of mankind in its entire history! The most interesting thing is that now it is already running, without the participation of its creators, they just had to start the mechanism and convince us that all its cogs are the truth and the guarantee of a good life. You can only understand this extent when you are beyond its influence.
We often use the expression “look at the world with different eyes”. But nothing else, neither the most exciting adventure, nor any personal achievement, in terms of the degree of revision of views on the world, is even close to leaving the System. It's very difficult to describe. You won't be the same after that.
Now let's focus on the picture. It describes very well one of the mechanisms of the system, namely food. Indeed, I am sometimes amazed at how much everyone is fixated on her. Think about how much money is in the food industry! I can't understand. All these bistros, cafes, restaurants, diners, stalls, Macducks, bakeries simply destroy your organisms, and with your full consent, and you also enjoy it! If it's not drug addiction, what is it? As a raw fooder, I sometimes dream how wonderful it would be if it all disappeared overnight! So that all these parasites stop profiting from us.
Remember, no one in the media will ever tell you about the true threat of these products. The most you'll hear is, "It's not useful, but it's not harmful either." As long as you consume all this abomination, they will bend their line: “meat and milk are very useful”, “animal proteins are indispensable”, “calcium is absorbed only from milk, and phosphorus from fish” and other nonsense. You'll have to get to it yourself. But that's the problem. Humanity has been brewing in all this for so many years that it does not consider it necessary not to trust all these statements. And I understand that for so long to live in deception! Your mind has been thoroughly clouded.
Food is the cornerstone of everything.. From her already come almost all other branches of profit. If everyone on the planet right now went back to their roots, it would be the best thing that has happened to our planet in millennia. No household appliances, dishes (with rare exceptions), chemicals, unnecessary hygiene products, medicine, world hunger, pollution of everything and everything, global warming, warrior. The list goes on and on.
This film about nutrition and health has changed the lives of many people. We recommend it to anyone who wants to live in harmony with their body.
After watching the video, you will know:
Why you should take responsibility for your body
Why do people eat things that kill them?
About the food industry - how and for whom food companies work
What do sugar, fructose, flour and cocaine have in common?
Why pilots are forbidden to drink Diet Coke
Why eating natural foods is more effective than any diet
Why you should love parsley and cilantro
Why you should start the morning with fresh juice, not an omelet
What is stress and how not to bother it
The important role of visualization and self-love
The film reveals the shocking secrets of diet, weight loss and the food industry. You will learn about a deceptive strategy aimed at increasing food cravings.
Source: vk.com