Winter cake with cranberries

Egg — 1 PC.
Sugar — 1.5 tbsp
Salt — 1/4 tsp
Yeast: instant, dry — 1,5 tsp
Milk/water — 1tbsp.
Flour — 600 g ( 100 g to Podil and can take the dough).
Vegetable oil — 2 tbsp
The cranberries — 500g.
Sugar — 100g. (optional more or less).
Starch — 2-3 tbsp (depending on the humidity of the berries).
Method of preparation:
1. Beat egg, add warm milk, dissolve in it the sugar and salt, add the yeast and leave the dough to rise. About 15-20 minutes.
2. Add 1 tbsp oil and sift all the flour. Knead the dough. Add another 1 tbsp oil and knead the dough well. I love the delicate pastry, so the dough was not cool.
Leave the dough to rise in a warm place for 1.5 hours.
3. Once the dough has risen in volume by about half, start cutting the dough.
4. For the filling, mix fresh/ frozen cranberries (after draining liquid), sugar and starch.
5. Roll out the dough, spread on the form, put the filling and decorate as desired. Pies love, when they adorn, there is nothing more beautiful homemade cakes!!
6. Bake pie in a preheated 180 C oven until Golden color, about 30-40 minutes.
Source: www.7dach.ru
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