7 healing foods of our ancestors

©Vladislav Nagorny
A considerable part of territory of Russia the winter reigns for half a year, maybe more. But our ancestors have always differed enviable health and strength. How is this possible if long and cold winter and strive to reward a cold, sore throat, rheumatism, and vitamin deficiency? One of the secrets of health and longevity of the ancestors lies in the Russian cuisine. Rather, these secrets at least seven:
1.Rye bread
Brown bread is the business card of Russia. Undemanding and resistant to the harsh climate of the rye grown in Russia is better than wheat and gave good yields.
In rye bread contains a lot of essential amino acids and vitamins, useful for digestion of fiber. This product need to include in the diet if there is insufficient b vitamins, vitamins PP and E.
2. Sour cream sour Cream spread all over Europe only after the Second World war. The Europeans began to call sour cream "Russian cream".
The cream contains ascorbic acid, vitamins A and E, minerals, calcium available for absorption form and beneficial lactic acid bacteria. Sour cream normalizes bowel activity. It contains the "right" cholesterol, needed to maintain elasticity of blood vessels.
3. Buckwheat Foreigners call buckwheat the "Russian black mess." The love of the Slavs to the buckwheat is shared only by Asians but there buckwheat porridge is almost not brewed using grain of this plant otherwise. Spread buckwheat in Asia is absolutely clear: it is through these countries buckwheat has reached the Russian expanses of their homeland, the Himalayas.
Buckwheat, cooked properly, cleanses the body of excess "bad" cholesterol. It is useful for diabetics, pregnant women and children, as well as those who want to lose weight.
4. Sauerkraut Pickled, pickled and salting — your favorite way of the Russian people for harvesting winter vegetables and fruits. And no wonder: these methods allow you to save the maximum of useful properties of plant products. For example, 100 g of sauerkraut contains more vitamin C than an equivalent amount of oranges or lemons. In addition, sauerkraut is rich in fiber, which is important for digestion.
5. Pickled apples, pears, plums In fact, it is also a method of preparation by means of pickling. No wonder it is the apples and booze together with cabbage, laying them in layers in barrels. The apples gave the cabbage a special aroma and taste, and do not lose their valuable components: vitamins, iron, pectin. Until spring until the next harvest, pickled apples are a source of health and deserve application in menu of healthy food.
6. Bilberry a Close relative of cranberry and blueberry as wide distribution is not received. She started to actively cultivate only about 40 years ago. A Russian living in Northern climes for centuries collected and harvested cranberries for the winter, as a valuable product, a real fount of health. From the roots to the last of the berries cranberries are filled with nutrients. Its leaves make a delicious, aromatic and healthy tea and medicinal teas, and the berries are frozen. But the most delicious and easy to prepare product — soaked cranberries.
This small berry contains many restorative materials that she could envy any overseas coffee. It lowers blood pressure, prevents inflammation, improves immunity, nourishes the body with vitamins, antioxidants and trace elements. Two tablespoons pickled cranberries a day — and you won't break the winter depression, colds and retreat even the flu.
7. Turnips Before the arrival in Russia of a potato, turnip was the staple food of the Slavs. It steamed, boiled, baked it, ate it with honey. Undemanding plant gave high yields and well kept, providing food for poorer farmers, even in the winter months.
Turnips are nutritious, but it's not fattening. Sweet root vegetable has the properties to heal wounds, to stop inflammation, turnips contain antiseptic substances, which do not give fruits rapidly deteriorate. Modern nutritional science is just beginning to assess this undeservedly forgotten, traditional Russian product.
Source: medaboutme.ru/info/articles/pishcha_patriotov_7_tselebnykh_russkikh_produktov/?bitrix_include_areas=n&inumpage=3&ar=245447&article_code=pishcha_patriotov_7_tsel