Forgotten quality linen or useful than linen mattress
Eight million nine hundred thirty eight thousand eight hundred sixty one
Mattresses, pillows and mats are filled with 100% pressed flax are a unique product that has no analogues in the world in a beneficial therapeutic effect on the human body.
Why linen is a unique material?
Flax is one of the oldest in human use. Egyptian mummies are still wrapped in linen cloth. Made from linen the shroud of Turin. They have survived until now thanks to the silica that is in the fibers and actively prevent the development of bacteria and fungi.
During the wars of the linen bandages saved from sepsis and gangrene. And the linen thread — it is the only surgery material that does not require stitches and dissolves completely in the body without causing inflammation.
In Russia, linen is the traditional material used for centuries by our ancestors.
For the little ones.
1. When used in a cot or stroller with a linen Mat has antiseptic and anti-allergic properties, promotes rapid healing of minor wounds and scratches, has a preventive effect, preventing the development of diaper rash and skin irritations.
2. Linen changing Mat perfectly regulates the microclimate during sleep, preventing the greenhouse effect and overheating. Len perfectly passes air and evaporates moisture, is environmentally friendly material.
3. The optimum hardness of the mattress promotes proper development of the spine in children.
4. Thin linen pad will protect the baby's head from overheating.
For adults.
1. Has antiseptic and anti-allergic properties
2. Protects against electrostatic fields.
3. Increases the level of immunoglobulins in the blood.
4. Improves blood circulation, prevents the accumulation and deposition of fat cells.
5. In the summer heat linen mattress creates a pleasant coolness and comfort during sleep and rest.
6. The sleep on the hard, according to a Japanese Professor of the founder of the health System, Katsudzo Niche is the first and the second rule of the six Rules of Health.
For sick people.
1. Improves healing of wounds and burns, prevents the occurrence of septic complications and bedsores.
2. Stimulates the immune system.
3. According to the results of clinical trials of the Institute of gerontology: improves quality of life and reduction of pain syndrome and normalizes the spectral analysis of heart rate variability.
For drivers and office workers.
1. Prevention zabolevaniy of the pelvic organs (prostate in men, inflammation of the appendages in women) and fungal infections of the skin.
Prolonged sitting on plastic chairs and/or car seats causes a greenhouse effect, which in turn leads to disruption of blood circulation in the pelvic organs, contributes to the development of fungal diseases of the skin, lowering potency in men.
Pad seat linen effectively prevents these negative effects.
Source: www.green-planet.com.ua/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=137:CHem-polezen-lnyanojj-matras&catid=12:Zdorovje&Itemid=115
Mattresses, pillows and mats are filled with 100% pressed flax are a unique product that has no analogues in the world in a beneficial therapeutic effect on the human body.
Why linen is a unique material?
Flax is one of the oldest in human use. Egyptian mummies are still wrapped in linen cloth. Made from linen the shroud of Turin. They have survived until now thanks to the silica that is in the fibers and actively prevent the development of bacteria and fungi.
During the wars of the linen bandages saved from sepsis and gangrene. And the linen thread — it is the only surgery material that does not require stitches and dissolves completely in the body without causing inflammation.
In Russia, linen is the traditional material used for centuries by our ancestors.

For the little ones.
1. When used in a cot or stroller with a linen Mat has antiseptic and anti-allergic properties, promotes rapid healing of minor wounds and scratches, has a preventive effect, preventing the development of diaper rash and skin irritations.
2. Linen changing Mat perfectly regulates the microclimate during sleep, preventing the greenhouse effect and overheating. Len perfectly passes air and evaporates moisture, is environmentally friendly material.
3. The optimum hardness of the mattress promotes proper development of the spine in children.
4. Thin linen pad will protect the baby's head from overheating.
For adults.
1. Has antiseptic and anti-allergic properties
2. Protects against electrostatic fields.
3. Increases the level of immunoglobulins in the blood.
4. Improves blood circulation, prevents the accumulation and deposition of fat cells.
5. In the summer heat linen mattress creates a pleasant coolness and comfort during sleep and rest.
6. The sleep on the hard, according to a Japanese Professor of the founder of the health System, Katsudzo Niche is the first and the second rule of the six Rules of Health.
For sick people.
1. Improves healing of wounds and burns, prevents the occurrence of septic complications and bedsores.
2. Stimulates the immune system.
3. According to the results of clinical trials of the Institute of gerontology: improves quality of life and reduction of pain syndrome and normalizes the spectral analysis of heart rate variability.
For drivers and office workers.
1. Prevention zabolevaniy of the pelvic organs (prostate in men, inflammation of the appendages in women) and fungal infections of the skin.
Prolonged sitting on plastic chairs and/or car seats causes a greenhouse effect, which in turn leads to disruption of blood circulation in the pelvic organs, contributes to the development of fungal diseases of the skin, lowering potency in men.
Pad seat linen effectively prevents these negative effects.
Source: www.green-planet.com.ua/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=137:CHem-polezen-lnyanojj-matras&catid=12:Zdorovje&Itemid=115
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