You deserve a husband who you have
a scene from the movie "Dear John"
This woman's words about other women — a balm for the soul of modern man. Much of what it seems to be a liberated woman of the East and conquered the outrageous trampling of its rights. They hurt. And make you think — but something is still there...
"You know, my experience is frightening. I think soon serious marriages — one to the "Golden" weddings — all will die. Because people every year becoming less and less patience, the ability to tolerate each other and overcome difficulties together. The philosophy of modern society encourages people to meet their needs, and he is not going to be with someone else, does not want to suffer, thinking, "Throw it, then find another." But you can make dozens of marriages, as if the transaction but did not become happier. Along with the growing prosperity of the people, a growing egoism, individual values supersede family, changing priorities, and self esteem. Now the price of the common phrase "I deserve a better life!". Will disappoint many — no. This is from pride. In fact, everyone has such a man deserves."
In the end, Marina TALAKOVA — practitioner, a psychologist and family therapist with 20 years of experience. The author of five inventions with international patents in the field of psychiatry and endocrine pathology. Member of the International Academy of authors of scientific discoveries and inventions. The main homeopath of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Marina arrived in Atyrau to hold a seminar "Window to the world of the child." Three days, dozens of moms and even some dads humbly learned from a complete stranger to them a person to look for the approach to your own child. Did not leave and enter every word in the notebook. And then timidly raised his hand and asked: but my child, why is it so? The answer, typically, was not a respecter of persons. It's not the child's family is different.
— And what a family is "such", and whether or not the number of divorces threatens the institution of the family?
— You know, my experience is frightening. I think soon serious marriages — one to the "Golden" weddings — all will die. Because people every year becoming less and less patience, the ability to tolerate each other and overcome difficulties together. The philosophy of modern society encourages people to meet their needs, and he is not going to be with someone else, does not want to suffer, thinking, "Throw it, then find another." But you can make dozens of marriages, as if the transaction but did not become happier. Along with the growing prosperity of the people, a growing egoism, individual values supersede family, changing priorities, and self esteem. Now the price of the common phrase "I deserve a better life!". Will disappoint many — no. This is from pride. In fact, everyone has such a man, deserves. How much invests so much and gets what it sows, and reaps.
— Shaping us society, these values imposed by the media, and generally weak people.
— No, the person is guilty, because society is people. First and foremost, blame the woman. By the way, I the categorical opponent of so-called women's emancipation.
But this is nonsense, you're a modern man, a doctor, and you sit now in front of me, and your family in another city. You just must be lucky and loyal husband, for example, your job that requires constant travel.
— And the husband fell on top of me in the form of an angel, as I am not a cherub, nothing human is alien to us both. Twenty years is a long time, and it was a lot. The most important thing I have learned is not to put pressure on the man to trample upon his male ego. When there was a quarrel, I looked at it as a private University. So for example, something my husband has not taken categorically, and although at first something inside me rebelled, protested, I nevertheless found the strength to transcend its own selfishness, humbled, became even more attentive, compliant, and in response, waking up the chivalry, the desire to support me, to help, to understand. Then there are something new, and he was again standing on "its hind legs", and I changed to something else. It is not easy, it's constant work, but without a woman in the family is not a real man.
I am against the unrestraint that a modern woman understands emancipation. However, I have great respect for creatively implemented women., bright talented individuals And this is not impersonation, which looks at us from the pages of glossy magazines and off the screen. Look at them, it's for the most part "vamp" is a predatory gaze, a voice call, a willingness to go over the heads for the sake of achieving personal goals And in fact she is very strong, achieves all the goals, but, unfortunately, such a woman often and will not be happy. You can imagine next to such a "mother-vamp" baby? The image somehow does not fit, no energy of motherhood, perhaps easier to imagine scorched desert.
The trouble with women is that she decided that her freedom with permissiveness, and men's fault that put up with it. They are so comfortable, although feeling in a soul either. So from year to year, a growing number of depressed people, confused in the mixed role... And the way out is that they both should take responsibility, begin to do your duty, go your own way. Otherwise the family will die.
Not the most traditional for the present time thoughts. This is probably the result of the influence of the Vedic knowledge and yoga that You are practicing. But how do you manage to save the world from the point of view of religious belief, given the religious diversity in your family? Maybe an example of your family will become an ideal model for the modern world torn by regional conflicts?
My mother is Christian and her father Muslim. Moreover, one grandfather was a priest and the other an Imam. I studied Christian literature and Sufi works, but stopped on the Vedic philosophy. In fact, in the depths of all traditions, there is no difference. In every religion God is love, the rest is politics. Love this service, because in any tradition the Lord is the Supreme Person, and you're the servant of the Lord.
There are several degrees of faith. The saints, who bears the word of God, like Mohammed, Buddha or Christ. Those whose level of consciousness high enough to respect and sympathize with others. Besides them, there are people with high spiritual level of development, they serve others, and if working on someone, only over himself, over his own pride, anger, envy, greed... those who do not focus on the "speck" in the eyes of another and trying to pull the log from your own eye. But, unfortunately, in a world dominated by those who sees all the difference. And the purpose of their sees not in the service of the Lord, and in imposing his idol to others. And that is from lack of faith. And lack of love, And all wars from them. But the main task of human life to ask yourself questions and seek answers: who am I? why do you live? how to achieve the highest goal of life?
I have consulted with many influential people, and the main problem is that they are unable to understand the reasons for your dissatisfaction, of emptiness when you achieve your goals. This personal conflict, when people are not able to realize that a leader is not the master but the servant. And the energy he is given it to the service of others, not just yourself.
And then cleanses the missionary and charitable activities. But not the impersonal giving, similar to the mercy. In the Vedas there is a separate "science of charity". According to her about the impoverished to take care of. But you can only help with food, clothing, medicines, that is, the compassion that you talk to him, find out what he really needs, give him your time and attention. But in any case not money. If you give money, you share with him karma, that is taking part of his fate is often miserable. Money can be given only to those who are spiritually above you, pious, Holy, or religious organisations on dissemination of knowledge, such exchanges are beneficial.
Everything in this world demands commitment, harmony is the exchange. But today it is Viesnicas unnatural values. Take common now books that say how to manipulate a woman to faster achieve the desired, and at this time women read out of books how to conquer a man is not how to serve the husband, and how to use it, how to gain wealth without doing anything how to lose weight while continuing to eat. Such are the strange technique, when the man instilled the idea of consumption without giving in return.
— You twenty years counseling families. You found a universal formula of salvation?
— The world will be saved by the woman, her wisdom. It all starts with her. Only the wise mother will bring real sons, the right of men. "Most" woman are not able to put the man at all, to be wise, it comes through the lessons of humility, passed through the heart. We must abandon arrogance and adopt, to countenance common to all Holy Scriptures true happiness flows from the man to the woman and her children. The energy of respect to the man must stay, even if the parents are divorced. It is necessary to understand one simple thing: you already dear, and there's nothing you can do, the family will remain in any case. And if the family is something "wrong", going back to your question, I would say — then you need to change the wife and mother.
Recorded Z. Bisekeeva
Source: www.zvek.info/living/family/808-ty-zasluzhivaesh-togo-muzha-kotoryj-u-tebya-est.html