Soy: pros and cons

Today on the shelves you can find many soy products — from soy milk to various sauces, cheese and meatballs to ice cream. We will try to analyze and compare proven to date facts about the benefits or harm of this popular food product.
... Soybeans have a number of remarkable properties. They are rich in nutrients as nutritious and therapeutic.
1. Soy can be attributed to the ideal protein product, because it on their nutritional and biological value quite a bit inferior to cow's milk, but bypasses the wheat. Besides, not many products can compete with soybeans at such a rich combination of amino acids.
2. Some doctors suggest to consume foods containing soy, for cancer prevention. The argument they point to the substance in soybeans isoflavones, genistein and phytic acids which supposedly can prevent the development of hormone-dependent forms.
3. Also, fill your diet with soy advise those who are prone to cardiovascular disease, liver disease, kidney and gallstone diseases, diabetes and allergies to animal protein. Contributes to this prevention contained in this product is soy lecithin, which includes choline (phosphatidylcholine and acetylcholine). They are needed in the human body for cell regeneration of the brain and nervous system. In addition, lecithin promotes the metabolism of fat and regularization of cholesterol in the blood.
4. Some research also suggests that soy lecithin can slow the aging process. Thus, the number of fans of soybeans were patients suffering from diseases Huntington's and Parkinson's, which are also called diseases and premature aging.
... and against
However, a number of studies evidenced the opposite effect of consumption of soy containing products.
1. For example, Dr. LON white of the Hawaii center for research in health, was able to prove by the example of a survey of 864 men that eating soy leads... to the acceleration of aging. Moreover, it was found that regular consumption of soy, in particular, to produce tofu, the effect on weight loss brain. The reason being phytoestrogens, which are also in soy.
2. And according to the results of Asian researchers, men that regularly consumed soy products had more mental disorders (including Parkinson's disease) than their peers, ignored the soy beans.

3. Even more impressive opinion about soy says neuroendocrinology medical center cedars-Sinai cloudy, Hages. After years of observing people interested in soy products, she came to the conclusion that soy is a kind of oral contraceptive. Create this effect contained in soybeans are phytoestrogens, which are able to interact with the hormones of mammals and significantly reduce reproductive function and growth of the organism as a whole.
4. In turn, many scientists are concerned about the addition of soy derivatives in baby food. For example, the President of the Association of dietitians of Maryland Dr. Mary Enig explains that soybean phytoestrogens in infant feeding lead to early puberty girls and irreparable violation of physical development of boys. Moreover, an examination of the various types of baby food has only confirmed that the content of soybean isoflavones on their concentration 11 times higher than the dose that causes hormonal effects in adult feeding on soybeans. And the results of the analysis of the blood of infants that were fed this baby food, showed that the concentration of isoflavones have increased too compared to a rate of from 13000 to 22000 times. Researchers from the medical College of Cornell University showed that children who were not fed the mother, and the milk soy-based, over time, manifested autoimmune thyroid disease and diabetes.

5. Could not resist the opponents of soy products and such a powerful argument, as the massive presence of natural protein. Chemical analyses showed that the soy protein includes a special enzyme that inhibits the activity of the protein and enzymes necessary for its digestion. Moreover, regular and prolonged use of this enzyme can lead to a chronic inability to metabolize amino acids. And this is, in turn, can lead to negative consequences for the brain.
6. As is known to coordinate the work of the muscles our body needs dopamine, which synthesizes the brain, due to such amino acids as tyrosine and phenylalanine. And in the case of problems with assimilation, a deficiency of the mentioned amino acids, according to the testimony of physicians, leads to severe depression.
7. Soy beans contain in their outer shell many times more phyto-acids than any other seed. The main danger to our body is that it blocks the absorption of minerals (calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc) in the digestive tract. In 1967 nutritionist Sally Falung specific examples have proven that soy products contained in baby food, lead to a substantial lack of zinc in the body of the child, which leads to stunted growth. Moreover, even the additional intake of zinc supplements is not able to save the situation. Such studies have led to the fact that in many countries, such as Sweden, England, Australia, New Zealand, physicians strongly recommend not to feed children foods with added soya components.
Of course, the list of positive and negative arguments is long and each one has their right to life. Therefore, only you make the decision to consume soy products or to completely exclude them from your diet. Although most experts still recommend soy to use — but not abuse!
Source: fitfixed.com