The art of keeping balance in the development of all aspects of your life

The theme is the priority selection when you consciously focus on one thing for a long time, so sharp that cuts even those who barely touches her. Meanwhile, to make informed changes without such a choice almost impossible, especially if you're not 20 years and the results of the current beliefs require full processing. In fact, you need to re-learn "to walk." Of the computer screen information is perceived more or less tolerable, consciousness can deftly ignore painful facts in the text, but on the programmes it is felt more clearly. When, for example, at the climax of the marathon it comes to the essence of focus is the need to give most of its attention on a single task, the development of one area of the body, business or relationship, a voltage is applied. How can you choose from such an important aspect?
- The body or case?
- Thing or relationship?
- Relationship or body?
It is a well sold position, which is so often speculate. I am also for development in all spheres of life, but how this is done virtually, without the pink bows on the box for training? What is behind the stories of the people who actually live at high speeds?
I already told you how I had it. I chronically tried to do "everything at once": in one fell swoop to solve all their issues from the development of your favorite things and bring in shape to the surrounding like-minded people, until I realized that this story for many years, and the situation does not change (decorations do not count). It is fair to say that under the favourite thing I always knew exactly the favorite thing under like – minded people- imentary people after giving a definition of these concepts for myself. That is, it was about to develop to their maximum potential, which does not tolerate half measures. With compromises, of course, much easier to assemble the puzzle of our own lives, only whether you have a pattern?
From year to year, I've been repeating the same mistake, absolutely not realizing I was trying to cover everything at once. Even for a moment could not prevent that they will refuse something for the sake of a single goal. But, thank God, my blindness was not eternal. The realization that in these attempts I had already about 7 years, and all key issues have been unsolved, and remains — one knocked at my door, opening my eyes that all this time I kept a nervous grip for something that doesn't even have.Salvation came to me with a simple word "priority".To set priorities and follow them – that's the key to creating conscious change in your life and move towards personal choice. You can't do everything at once, but absolutely able to do everything, but gradually. My choice was given to the matter, the principle – start with what you're closest to at the moment.
Not with what you most want and not what you tell relatives or friends, start with stablize. It's more effective. Learn a conscious change at first in one area, the rest will be bearable sit down already on this skill.
Sounds good, but in your experience, try scary.
- Is it possible to simultaneously engage the two fields?
- But if all three still?
- How to choose?
- How long does it keep focus on one thing?
Take 4 apples. Medium size, easy to hold in hands.
Keep? Great.
Now juggle them to none of them fell on the floor. And juggle beautifully, highly skillfully. Putting his heart and soul into this process. We're here for maximum implementation, right?
It is difficult to deny the fact that there are people who easily and skillfully juggling four apples, so that there – they ten able. So this is possible. But if possible and you can. Or?
Juggle. Right now. None dropping.
To watch as someone who deftly handles all the aspects of your life, and try to repeat your experience with utopia, especially if your life is in need of major repairs until the pouring of a new Foundation. Learn how to consciously develop one sector – be it business, body or relationships, and then, a little firmly established in the process of conscious life creation, add "apples".
To learn how to juggle four apples, you first need to learn how to catch one, then add to it the second, and so on, and after mastering the basics – each subsequent Apple to add easier and easier.
Take in hand a ball and throw it from one hand to the other. The height of the throw is a little above eye level. Throws and catch are made at different points. Throws — closer to the middle of the body, the capture — from the outside. After the capture of the arm is a semicircular motion and makes the throw. This exercise is simple, but very important, because it lays the base for juggling. Practice until you become confident to throw and catch a ball."How to learn to juggle" Hard? No. Easy? Either.
Even just to throw the ball from one hand to the other requires some effort and concentration, so why would anyone else think to improve your own life you can "go with the flow"?
How to become a virtuoso juggler of his own life and to develop in all spheres? 0. A juggler who?
I want to say this to you. But not quite. It's you Conscious. Able to take life into their own hands and twist any of its aspects at its discretion. To the juggler needs to grow.
There are four main areas: soul, body, business and relationships. So, as a juggler is your contact with yourself, with the sphere, which is called "soul". It is the Foundation without which any conversion is meaningless, as it smashed to smithereens on the first bump. Without the acceptance of the moment and without full responsibility for everything that happens, to prioritize, in fact, does not matter.
What is the acceptance of the current moment?
It is primarily the rejection of whining: that planted and grew. Ridiculous then to complain. Also is the ability to see the good right now and concentrate on it. Not like a blind optimist, because "necessary", but as a wise juggler, which ripe apples sweeter rotten, and who are well aware that what he takes in hand(than focusing) will depend on what "spinning" in his life.
1. Learn how to "juggle" the first one field
The priority selection, which will save a lot of smart people from a lifetime label of "budding".
You either realize their ability or not. The fact that you have them, doesn't matter. Select the sphere, which on this segment is closest to you and bring it to a new level. Do the dreamed. Moreover, make beautiful, highly skillfully. Put the process to a new track, which will have to support, and while it requires all your attention for a fruitful construction. Surrender, in the end, anything without a trace. Set a goal, set a time, move forward.
Ideally, about 80 percent of the attention you give priority, and only 20 percent of the time and effort to get everything else. This situation allows to lay the track in the shortest time – from six months to a year for version 1.0
2. Add new fields, continuing to hold the same. Apples fall should not
And here you are already tolerably well "spin" one area when go to next and how?
There is no question about the fact that you get to a certain conditional "end" in the development of the first sphere, after which it will be possible to finally switch. There are no "stops" or "finals" this process does not imply. You just feel that you have practiced enough and brought the process to the next stage in accord with their goals.
A definite time when it will be clear that it's time to add new areas, and, especially, confident domestic preparedness – don't wait. This will not happen.
Just at some point should be very clear about yourself to understand – you juggler with the ever one Apple or is the virtuoso of your life?
And go to the next step – adding goals in other areas of life, given that the previous processes remain in force. Details of this transition I described here.
Apples fall not. But they will fall at the initial stage. It is necessary to survive, continuing to develop your skill.
Learning to juggling is not a story about that, my hands with one Apple, you put aside and take another, that is, after one sphere abruptly switch to another, because she, too, need a lot of attention. No. Here begins that work in all spheres of life – adding new elements to the existing process and the continuation of their conscious games with them.
A little bit of concentration from Pavel Durov:
The ability to hours of concentration on one activity — a skill that our mobile online age is increasingly rare. But it is this skill necessary for intellectual, creative or spiritual breakthrough. The future belongs to those who develop immunity to technological traps attention and will retain the ability to concentrate.3. Apparent ease, known as virtuosity that comes only after hard training
"If what you are doing is not easy for you – don't do it", is another perfectly monetizing the Council, which is actively promoted.
Really, a professional juggler throws balls easy, confident tightrope Walker goes over the rope without tension, and experienced snowboarder flies on jumps, as if it were as natural as running.
Virtuosity is a feeling of lightness with the maximum concentration, which comes along with skill.
But whether these people easily from the beginning, when they learned to "twist my first Apple"? And who would they have become if you'd listened to this advice? Or rather, what would they have left?
Eternally hopeful...
The ability to develop a vision of what between the snowboarder and any area of life there is no difference that all of Genesis is woven from the same cloth and subject to the same laws, and all the people around – nothing more than a continuation of each other is the first step towards establishing a juggler, able to keep balance in development in all spheres of life. And it is much more fun and productive than endless tinkering with the inner child.
Author: Olesya Novikova
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: re-self.ru/iskusstvo-derzhat-balans-v-razvitii-vsex-sfer-svoej-zhizni.html