Balance and coordination – the way to success in hockey
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The main task of parents of the young hockey player to explain to the child that only hard work will bring results. A good example is the famous Soviet hockey player Valery Kharlamov. The explosive force, the incredible energy and the strongest technique made him invincible in the game. The enemy could not anticipate his actions. On Kharlamov did not act openly rude receptions. He kicked an opponent and won solely professionalism, and conquered the world audience. But these are hours of training. The technique is unthinkable without a good strength and skill to keep balance under all conditions.
Balance is the basis for confident riding on ice
The young hockey player is difficult in a short time to learn all the tricks of the ice. If the boy 7-10 years old, he still is not strong enough. And without it to achieve the right equipment is almost impossible. Moreover, only the combination of strength and balance allows you to expertly control your body, showing the perfect technique.
Even in adult athletes, the main cause of failure is often bad control of his own body. Where here to monitor the enemy's actions and look for an opportunity to intercept the puck to perform an instant throw into the opponent's goal.
Balance and coordination are the responsibility of the core muscles. The work of the back, abdomen, buttocks – all under their control. The balance involves all the muscles of the lower body. Hence, we aim to develop young hockey player. Perfect sense of balance in the future will allow you to quickly master the basic hockey techniques.
Home trainer balance
Parents can help the younger athlete. Good stick and a contemporary form – this is not enough. They will not make the child a successful player. Natural talent certainly matters, but more importantly the presence of such qualities as diligence and will.
The player worked through the years. The young player you need a strong and obedient muscles. Over force in the knees and ankles, you can work at home. You need to buy a balance Board and use it in any free minute. Today, many professional athletes have appreciated the versatility and effectiveness of this simple Board posed on the cylinder. The balance Board is a great tool for muscle development. If the foot is the power, and the body keeps balance, the path to hockey stardom becomes much shorter!
The interest of hockey and will not be lost
Sports classes for children turn into a real job. But not everyone is ready for such tests. Sometimes it happens that the child loses interest in hockey. And blame an impossible burden. In addition to school and homework, the little man has to deal with Tutors, to attend the school. Time for the usual childish pranks is just not enough. Fatigue accumulates and at some point the kid just refuses to go to training. The task of parents – not to miss this moment. It is best to think in advance how to leave the same load, but make it more tolerable. Make element of the game! Son, you can compete in the sustainability of the balance Board. This sports equipment is good because it looks simple, and it does serious.
The material is prepared by the balance Burgundy.
The main task of parents of the young hockey player to explain to the child that only hard work will bring results. A good example is the famous Soviet hockey player Valery Kharlamov. The explosive force, the incredible energy and the strongest technique made him invincible in the game. The enemy could not anticipate his actions. On Kharlamov did not act openly rude receptions. He kicked an opponent and won solely professionalism, and conquered the world audience. But these are hours of training. The technique is unthinkable without a good strength and skill to keep balance under all conditions.
Balance is the basis for confident riding on ice
The young hockey player is difficult in a short time to learn all the tricks of the ice. If the boy 7-10 years old, he still is not strong enough. And without it to achieve the right equipment is almost impossible. Moreover, only the combination of strength and balance allows you to expertly control your body, showing the perfect technique.
Even in adult athletes, the main cause of failure is often bad control of his own body. Where here to monitor the enemy's actions and look for an opportunity to intercept the puck to perform an instant throw into the opponent's goal.
Balance and coordination are the responsibility of the core muscles. The work of the back, abdomen, buttocks – all under their control. The balance involves all the muscles of the lower body. Hence, we aim to develop young hockey player. Perfect sense of balance in the future will allow you to quickly master the basic hockey techniques.
Home trainer balance
Parents can help the younger athlete. Good stick and a contemporary form – this is not enough. They will not make the child a successful player. Natural talent certainly matters, but more importantly the presence of such qualities as diligence and will.
The player worked through the years. The young player you need a strong and obedient muscles. Over force in the knees and ankles, you can work at home. You need to buy a balance Board and use it in any free minute. Today, many professional athletes have appreciated the versatility and effectiveness of this simple Board posed on the cylinder. The balance Board is a great tool for muscle development. If the foot is the power, and the body keeps balance, the path to hockey stardom becomes much shorter!
The interest of hockey and will not be lost
Sports classes for children turn into a real job. But not everyone is ready for such tests. Sometimes it happens that the child loses interest in hockey. And blame an impossible burden. In addition to school and homework, the little man has to deal with Tutors, to attend the school. Time for the usual childish pranks is just not enough. Fatigue accumulates and at some point the kid just refuses to go to training. The task of parents – not to miss this moment. It is best to think in advance how to leave the same load, but make it more tolerable. Make element of the game! Son, you can compete in the sustainability of the balance Board. This sports equipment is good because it looks simple, and it does serious.
The material is prepared by the balance Burgundy.
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