How to lose weight with Tae Bo
Twenty eight million nine hundred thirty two thousand three hundred fifty five
Photo: tkd-swisttal.de
Tae Bo is a fitness technique developed at the end of the last century the world champion of martial arts Billy with half the blank. Hollywood actor and famous boxer hoped to interest this new type of combat fitness in the first of all men, but sports innovation is appreciated and women. In the first place because it allows you to get rid of excess weight in a short period of time.
Fitness technique of Tae Bo allows you to not only lose weight but also increase vitality and improve health. This fitness system also attracts those who want to get rid of shyness and develop confidence in yourself, shake off the shackles of passivity and apathy, to feel the blood rising in his veins, and the body is filled with energy. Because Tae Bo is the integration of martial arts and aerobics, it is great for relaxation after a hard day.
Great value in this system is given the right psychological mood, which is achieved by meditation and breathing exercises drawn from martial arts, qigong and tai Chi. This allows you to maintain a high level of adrenaline in the blood and without harm to health to increase the amount of load in the training process.
Experts say that just one hour of training tai-Bo, you can lose 800 calories, that is, for a month of regular exercise to lose from 3 to 5 kg. However, sharply "rush into battle", and strive to carry a large amount of in a short period of time is not necessary. The load should increase gradually with each subsequent workout. Classes begin with a warm up that includes several steps, dance exercises, and Jogging.
After warm-up it is recommended to switch to a power endurance exercises, then stretching and exercises for relaxation. For the main part of the system Tae-Bo have impacts in space and on the punching bag and jumping to upbeat music, and the final stage consists of the final dance, designed to restore breathing.
Here are some basic exercises from fitness technique of Tae Bo: you need to imagine a situation in which there is a fight with strong and elusive enemy willing to strike at the face area. You want to perform such movements, which would have allowed to Dodge this blow. To maintain this rhythm should be about minutes.
For the exercise "Kick in the direction of" you need to stand straight with your feet shoulder width apart, and then pull one leg to the other, bending it at the knee and straighten to the side. To return to the starting position and perform 20 kicks each leg. To complicate this exercise, if you run thrown to the side of the foot a few clear, strong and short strokes, as if had beat her on any subject.
Next the drill press is breathing. You need to lie down on the Mat, tear off shoulders off the floor and with a punch with a force to exhale air. You need to train for about a minute at a fast pace. For the exercise "Dragons" need to stand up straight, feet slightly set. On the inhale bend the elbows and position them at chest level. Extend your hands forward so that the thumbs were turned upwards. Exhale to perform a half squat, heels off the floor not to interrupt. This exercise strengthens the buttocks and legs, helps get rid of negative energy.
Source: domashniy.ru/
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