The dependence of the phone occurs in emotionally unstable people
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Researchers at Baylor University (Texas) came to the conclusion that people who constantly Tinker with their phone, check for updates, trying to change his mood.
According to scientists, these phone addicts more prone to capricious and temperamental behavior, they have emotional instability and decreased ability to focus on your task. "The man is Moody and temperamental more likely to become addicted to their cell phone than more stable individuals. Checking email, sending texts, social networks and surfing can act as pacifiers for the unstable individual distracting him from the worries of the day and providing solace, albeit temporarily," say the researchers.
This is the conclusion of the Texas psychologists came after studying more than 340 men and women aged 19 to 24 years. Participants completed a detailed questionnaire, and the researchers noted a significant link between the attachment to the phone and the inability of the person to focus on the subject. The researchers noted that introverts have less risk of becoming telephonesalesmen than extroverts. published
Researchers at Baylor University (Texas) came to the conclusion that people who constantly Tinker with their phone, check for updates, trying to change his mood.
According to scientists, these phone addicts more prone to capricious and temperamental behavior, they have emotional instability and decreased ability to focus on your task. "The man is Moody and temperamental more likely to become addicted to their cell phone than more stable individuals. Checking email, sending texts, social networks and surfing can act as pacifiers for the unstable individual distracting him from the worries of the day and providing solace, albeit temporarily," say the researchers.
This is the conclusion of the Texas psychologists came after studying more than 340 men and women aged 19 to 24 years. Participants completed a detailed questionnaire, and the researchers noted a significant link between the attachment to the phone and the inability of the person to focus on the subject. The researchers noted that introverts have less risk of becoming telephonesalesmen than extroverts. published