Interesting facts about the smartest animals in the world

About the intelligence of a certain level in the animals we know. Take, for example, at least the learning abilities of primates. But this is not the only representatives of the animal world, which can be considered the most intelligent animal.

Dogs understand. Scientists claim that the dog was domesticated about 10 thousand years ago. The dog – the animal understands. Research confirmed that the animal is able not only to distinguish between more than 250 words and gestures. It turns out that dogs understand counting to five, and some members even have the ability to basic mathematical operations. When watching the fellowship of dog and man sometimes it seems that the dog understands what the owner says. But this view is mistaken. The dog is not able to understand the words, it only perceives human speech. Even though the dog is familiar with many words, her mind not able to connect them with the meaning in the sentence. The dog is able to understand outgoing emotions, and tone spoken. It is worth noting that the dog has the same senses as humans. For example, while making any decision, the dog is guided by his feelings. The closer the relationship of owner and dog on an emotional level, the better each person understands the owner.

Learning abilities in monkeys. For a start it is worth noting that six out of ten places in the top ten most intelligent animals include other species of primates like baboons, chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans, Gibbons and guenons. This list was compiled by the famous biologist Edward Wilson. He believes that among all primates the most prominent is a chimpanzee. The brain of primates is characterized by a large size and great complexity. After a long observation of the life of primates, it became apparent that in each other they didn't have any difficulties. This suggests that they have sufficiently developed in certain language skills. In the course of various experiments made a number of interesting insights. Here's one: those chimpanzees who have never experienced the fear of snakes, taught them to fear. To do this, they constantly listened to the sounds which were made by reptiles. Curiously, even those primates that are not subjected to this experiment, observing the fright of the other monkeys, too, began to feel fear. Even primates can easily be taught to communicate in sign language and to use Cutlery.

Pigs. Oddly enough, but pigs are the most intelligent Pets. Their intelligence is slightly greater than the mental ability of cats and dogs. Pig easily and quickly able to understand the principle of the mirror. It should be noted that with pleasure she sees his reflection in it. However, scientists still can not accurately answer whether they are the same as primates, to identify the reflection in the mirror with me. Pigs are very quickly get used to the daily routine and well oriented in time. Shortly before feeding they show clear signs of excitement. It is worth noting that pigs are quite clean animals: they never lie in the dirt, if there is more than a clean place to stay. And training they give in pretty easy.

Dolphins. For anybody not a secret that dolphins are extremely intelligent creatures. There is also a widespread belief that they are the most intelligent members of the animal world. In the mid-twentieth century, the dolphins began to diligently study and train. The brain of these animals more than humans. The average weight of the brain of a Dolphin is 1 kilo 700 grams at a time when the adult human brain has a weight of 1 kilogram 400 grams. The brain of these animals unique. The fact that dolphins are never fully asleep. Left and right brain resting at a time. The dolphins also hold social status: live mainly families.
The smartest animal in the world? To accurately answer this question, scientists are not yet able. Their opinions are divided. Some scientists think is the most intelligent animal – Dolphin. They justify it by the fact that their brain is much more human, and they run them much better. Others believe that the smartest animal is the monkey. The leading position is occupied by the gorilla and chimpanzee.
Source: mif-facts.com.ua