Treats-cripples: 10 of the most paradoxical products
Fifty seven million nine hundred twenty one thousand four hundred twenty nine
© nancy fouts
So metaphorically, you can determine the nature of some of the foods we eat almost daily. No, these products do not lead to fatalities, not make people with disabilities who are not placed in the hospital. However, the expectations and the benefits that we cherish and expect to get from a paradoxical products, on the one hand we receive, and with another – they lose. Because they are paradoxical, that are diametrically opposed properties. Memorize them and use correctly:
YOGURT. A very useful product. He has many versatile properties. But we will talk about kefir's ability to combat constipation. It really helps. But! For this you need to drink only the freshest yogurt (it is also called one-day). And if you drink two - or three-day – be constipated.
APPLE. Unlike yogurt: consolidation and relief of intestinal contents does not depend on the time of ripening of the Apple, and its quantity. If you eat one serving of apples (100 grams), they successfully sanitize the intestines, get rid of pathogenic microorganisms and thereby perpetuate the diarrhea. But if they eat too much, it will lead to banal diarrhea.
PEAR. Another product of the intestinal series. Unlike yogurt and apples also has its originality. Ask any grandmother and she, without hesitation, will tell you that the pear crepe. Everyone knows about it for centuries. So, yeah, not exactly. She is also weak! It all depends on what part of the pear you eat. If the flesh, then the contents of the intestine can be pinned, and if you eat the skin and the part that is adjacent to the core (while chewing it resembles grains), then befall banal diarrhea. Here's a paradoxical lady – this bag.
CREAM AND SOUR CREAM. These products are high in cholesterol. Therefore, atherosclerosis and hypertension doctors do not recommend eating sour cream with cream. Wrong. Because these products are still a large number of phospholipids – cholesterol antagonists. They neutralize this harmful substance.
PEAS. This bean to cholesterol also hand in it. Doctors often suggest eating peas with high levels of cholesterol in the blood. Indeed, this vegetable can clean it from the body. But I would advise to use other products. The fact that the peas thicken the consistency of cholesterol. Namely, dense cholesterol is postponed on walls of vessels. Liquid – no. That is, with peas, maybe and will be able to reduce the cholesterol levels in the blood, but it can be put on the blood vessels of cholesterol plaques. Here's the paradox!
PORK. This meat is considered to be the most harmful. But is it true? Pork blamed her fat, so I think a heavy product for the body. But in fact, pork fat obmenivaetsya in the body at a temperature of 36 degrees, that is, when the natural temperature of the human body. So, the digestion of pork occurs without undue stress, work up a sweat and increase the temperature to emiliania and the breakdown of pork fat with the body is not necessary. As opposed to beef and mutton. For their digestion need temperature 41-48 (for beef) and 44-52 degrees (for lamb). That's where strained something! And bile will need to do more than usual, and the enzyme lipase to produce more action. So, liver, pancreas, and biliary tract strain beyond measure it is from beef and lamb. And pork is accused of excess of cholesterol. First, this argument requires clarification, because, according to some, in pork meat, less cholesterol (0,07-0,10 g %) than in beef fat (0.70 g %).Second, in pork fat contains considerably more high density lipoproteins ("good cholesterol") – antagonists low-density lipoproteins ("bad cholesterol") than beef.
BLACK BREAD. If losing weight is to give people the choice between white and brown bread, they will certainly be attracted to a black crust. It calories less. So. But here's the paradox: in rye bread lots of b vitamins, which cause the body to convert carbohydrates into fat and store it in the fat depot.
VEGETABLE OIL. Usually, they try to replace animal fat, hoping in this way to reduce the fat content of food. And in fact, vegetable oil is "fatter" cream. If cow butter contains 80-82 % fat, the sunflower is 99 %! For diabetics vegetable oil in poison.And here is another paradox of vegetable oils. On the one hand, polyunsaturated acids, which they are so famous for, regulating the metabolism of fats in the body. But if these oils are to consume without measure, to the formation of oxidized products of their metabolism, and they mercilessly poison and the liver and kidneys, and even the immune system reduce!
EGG. A unique product in every sense. And the paradox is: to get from egg to the maximum benefit, different parts need different cooking. Protein should be sure to cook to his substance became soft and digestible for the body. And the yolk, on the contrary, can not digest, otherwise the benefits will be very small. The best dishes – egg "in the bag".
VODKA. This is the most ambiguous product. Alcohol is the king of paradoxes! In small doses (40 to 50 grams of vodka per day), alcohol reduces the level of LDL ("bad" cholesterol) and increases high-density lipoproteins ("good" cholesterol).At high doses of alcohol this process is exactly the opposite. Another example. Alcohol improves thinking abilities. But if you take a lot, long and hard, decreasing not only their brainpower but also a disorder of memory until the complete degradation. And alcohol improves the functioning of certain organs (for example, periarticular bags, which produces the lubricant for the joints, so they are not scrunched), and on the other hand, destroys the organs, especially the last alcohol on the liver and pancreas.
Source: talumala.com/ru/dom-i-byt/kukhnya/2104-paradoksalnye-produkty
© nancy fouts
So metaphorically, you can determine the nature of some of the foods we eat almost daily. No, these products do not lead to fatalities, not make people with disabilities who are not placed in the hospital. However, the expectations and the benefits that we cherish and expect to get from a paradoxical products, on the one hand we receive, and with another – they lose. Because they are paradoxical, that are diametrically opposed properties. Memorize them and use correctly:
YOGURT. A very useful product. He has many versatile properties. But we will talk about kefir's ability to combat constipation. It really helps. But! For this you need to drink only the freshest yogurt (it is also called one-day). And if you drink two - or three-day – be constipated.
APPLE. Unlike yogurt: consolidation and relief of intestinal contents does not depend on the time of ripening of the Apple, and its quantity. If you eat one serving of apples (100 grams), they successfully sanitize the intestines, get rid of pathogenic microorganisms and thereby perpetuate the diarrhea. But if they eat too much, it will lead to banal diarrhea.
PEAR. Another product of the intestinal series. Unlike yogurt and apples also has its originality. Ask any grandmother and she, without hesitation, will tell you that the pear crepe. Everyone knows about it for centuries. So, yeah, not exactly. She is also weak! It all depends on what part of the pear you eat. If the flesh, then the contents of the intestine can be pinned, and if you eat the skin and the part that is adjacent to the core (while chewing it resembles grains), then befall banal diarrhea. Here's a paradoxical lady – this bag.
CREAM AND SOUR CREAM. These products are high in cholesterol. Therefore, atherosclerosis and hypertension doctors do not recommend eating sour cream with cream. Wrong. Because these products are still a large number of phospholipids – cholesterol antagonists. They neutralize this harmful substance.
PEAS. This bean to cholesterol also hand in it. Doctors often suggest eating peas with high levels of cholesterol in the blood. Indeed, this vegetable can clean it from the body. But I would advise to use other products. The fact that the peas thicken the consistency of cholesterol. Namely, dense cholesterol is postponed on walls of vessels. Liquid – no. That is, with peas, maybe and will be able to reduce the cholesterol levels in the blood, but it can be put on the blood vessels of cholesterol plaques. Here's the paradox!
PORK. This meat is considered to be the most harmful. But is it true? Pork blamed her fat, so I think a heavy product for the body. But in fact, pork fat obmenivaetsya in the body at a temperature of 36 degrees, that is, when the natural temperature of the human body. So, the digestion of pork occurs without undue stress, work up a sweat and increase the temperature to emiliania and the breakdown of pork fat with the body is not necessary. As opposed to beef and mutton. For their digestion need temperature 41-48 (for beef) and 44-52 degrees (for lamb). That's where strained something! And bile will need to do more than usual, and the enzyme lipase to produce more action. So, liver, pancreas, and biliary tract strain beyond measure it is from beef and lamb. And pork is accused of excess of cholesterol. First, this argument requires clarification, because, according to some, in pork meat, less cholesterol (0,07-0,10 g %) than in beef fat (0.70 g %).Second, in pork fat contains considerably more high density lipoproteins ("good cholesterol") – antagonists low-density lipoproteins ("bad cholesterol") than beef.
BLACK BREAD. If losing weight is to give people the choice between white and brown bread, they will certainly be attracted to a black crust. It calories less. So. But here's the paradox: in rye bread lots of b vitamins, which cause the body to convert carbohydrates into fat and store it in the fat depot.
VEGETABLE OIL. Usually, they try to replace animal fat, hoping in this way to reduce the fat content of food. And in fact, vegetable oil is "fatter" cream. If cow butter contains 80-82 % fat, the sunflower is 99 %! For diabetics vegetable oil in poison.And here is another paradox of vegetable oils. On the one hand, polyunsaturated acids, which they are so famous for, regulating the metabolism of fats in the body. But if these oils are to consume without measure, to the formation of oxidized products of their metabolism, and they mercilessly poison and the liver and kidneys, and even the immune system reduce!
EGG. A unique product in every sense. And the paradox is: to get from egg to the maximum benefit, different parts need different cooking. Protein should be sure to cook to his substance became soft and digestible for the body. And the yolk, on the contrary, can not digest, otherwise the benefits will be very small. The best dishes – egg "in the bag".
VODKA. This is the most ambiguous product. Alcohol is the king of paradoxes! In small doses (40 to 50 grams of vodka per day), alcohol reduces the level of LDL ("bad" cholesterol) and increases high-density lipoproteins ("good" cholesterol).At high doses of alcohol this process is exactly the opposite. Another example. Alcohol improves thinking abilities. But if you take a lot, long and hard, decreasing not only their brainpower but also a disorder of memory until the complete degradation. And alcohol improves the functioning of certain organs (for example, periarticular bags, which produces the lubricant for the joints, so they are not scrunched), and on the other hand, destroys the organs, especially the last alcohol on the liver and pancreas.
Source: talumala.com/ru/dom-i-byt/kukhnya/2104-paradoksalnye-produkty
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