Interesting facts about the unusual animals of the world
Nature is constantly creating new creatures. In the world there are not just ordinary animals, but also those who are able to capture the imagination. We present to Your attention a selection of the most amazing animals of our world.
Komondor. This representative know as the Hungarian Sheepdog. It is worth noting that before envy at home such a pet, you need to read the manual on how to look after him. The fact that the dog's coat reaches 1 meter in length. To comb your hair virtually impossible. The locks, as you grow, divide to ensure that the hair do not roll down. Over time, the coat of the Komondor is folded in the likeness of lace. It gives it an even more impressive view of the dog. And the size of this breed of dogs not everyone will like, because the average height of 80 centimeters and they are the biggest dogs in the world.
Emperor Tamarin. This representative can be found in the forests of the Amazon. It cacocholia monkey. The appearance of them memorable: they have white whiskers, which is divided into two strands hanging down on the chest and shoulders of a Primate. They live in trees, where it is highly problematic to get larger monkeys. Their weight is 180 – 250 grams, and the height 10 inches. Going mainly for 2 – 8 individuals, each representative has their own rank. Old female has the highest rank. For this reason, the offspring are males.
The leafy sea dragon. This fish lives in the seas. Is related to a seahorse. Found in shallow waters of Western and South Australia. Spines of head and body very similar to the leaves. With their help, the fish is beautifully masked. Swim in the water of the sea, the dragon helps the pectoral fin and the fin located near the tail. It should be noted that these fins are transparent. In the amount of data of marine specimens can reach up to 45 centimeters.
Tapir. This representative of the animal world can be found in South and Central America, and in Southeast Asia. The tapir is a herbivorous equine. It should be noted that the animal belongs to the ancient. Is related to horses and rhinos. The front pair of legs of the four-toed tapirs, and the rear pair are three – toed. Fingers are endowed with a so-called hooves, which helps the tapir to move through the mud. These animals are quite large: the average height of the representative reaches one meter and a length of approximately two meters. Weight tapirs are appropriate to their considerable size from 150 to 300 pounds. Animals primarily feed on fruits, leaves, plants and berries. Man for them – the first enemy, as tapirs are hunted not just for meat but for skin.
Sloth. They live in Central and South America. Sloths are mammals of edentates. Almost all the time these animals spend on the trees overhanging them back down. In the dream, sloths spend 15 hours a day. The whole physiology of sloths – it saves energy, since they eat only leaves. It should be noted that food is digested them for about a month. Sloths thrive in the trees. But the land down not love, because on the ground completely helpless. But do it for urinating natural needs. Neck are quite long and serves for easy taking the food to not make unnecessary movements. Sloths periodically gather in small groups for a lazy pairing.
Zvezdano. This representative belongs to the family of wormholes. Mammal insectivorous. Are found exclusively in South-Eastern Canada and the northeastern United States. The animal is remarkable that apparently has strong differences from other wormholes. Zvezdano has a special stigma, which looks like a star, consisting of 22 fleshy movable hairless luchevidnye processes. But the size zvezdnoy not differ from the ordinary mole. The tail light covers the scalp and scales. During the search for food the representative wielding stigma. All the processes, except the two middle and upper, are set in motion.
Angora rabbit. Has a very impressive and outstanding external qualities. Among these rodents, it is possible to meet individuals, whose coat length is 80 cm. It is worth noting that their wool is a valuable product that is used for the manufacture of fabrics. Just imagine: with one animal for one year you can get about a pound of wool! Weight Angora rabbits reach 5 pounds, and long – approximately 60 inches. Don't forget that if you decide to envy from the home of the pet, every week it must be carefully combed. Otherwise, the animal will have a terrible look.
Mixins. This jawless animals. They live in waters to a depth of 400 metres. If salinity decreases to 25% and lower die. If salinity reaches 29%, the hagfish simply stop eating. Mouth devoid passivating drive and surrounded by two pairs of whiskers. Or prefer to eat carrion, or lower vertebrates. Way of hunting them is quite distinctive. They grab a victim of strong Horny teeth, with instantly inject into it the enzymes that can dissolve proteins. Hagfish reach about 80 centimeters.
Source: mif-facts.com.ua

Komondor. This representative know as the Hungarian Sheepdog. It is worth noting that before envy at home such a pet, you need to read the manual on how to look after him. The fact that the dog's coat reaches 1 meter in length. To comb your hair virtually impossible. The locks, as you grow, divide to ensure that the hair do not roll down. Over time, the coat of the Komondor is folded in the likeness of lace. It gives it an even more impressive view of the dog. And the size of this breed of dogs not everyone will like, because the average height of 80 centimeters and they are the biggest dogs in the world.

Emperor Tamarin. This representative can be found in the forests of the Amazon. It cacocholia monkey. The appearance of them memorable: they have white whiskers, which is divided into two strands hanging down on the chest and shoulders of a Primate. They live in trees, where it is highly problematic to get larger monkeys. Their weight is 180 – 250 grams, and the height 10 inches. Going mainly for 2 – 8 individuals, each representative has their own rank. Old female has the highest rank. For this reason, the offspring are males.

The leafy sea dragon. This fish lives in the seas. Is related to a seahorse. Found in shallow waters of Western and South Australia. Spines of head and body very similar to the leaves. With their help, the fish is beautifully masked. Swim in the water of the sea, the dragon helps the pectoral fin and the fin located near the tail. It should be noted that these fins are transparent. In the amount of data of marine specimens can reach up to 45 centimeters.

Tapir. This representative of the animal world can be found in South and Central America, and in Southeast Asia. The tapir is a herbivorous equine. It should be noted that the animal belongs to the ancient. Is related to horses and rhinos. The front pair of legs of the four-toed tapirs, and the rear pair are three – toed. Fingers are endowed with a so-called hooves, which helps the tapir to move through the mud. These animals are quite large: the average height of the representative reaches one meter and a length of approximately two meters. Weight tapirs are appropriate to their considerable size from 150 to 300 pounds. Animals primarily feed on fruits, leaves, plants and berries. Man for them – the first enemy, as tapirs are hunted not just for meat but for skin.

Sloth. They live in Central and South America. Sloths are mammals of edentates. Almost all the time these animals spend on the trees overhanging them back down. In the dream, sloths spend 15 hours a day. The whole physiology of sloths – it saves energy, since they eat only leaves. It should be noted that food is digested them for about a month. Sloths thrive in the trees. But the land down not love, because on the ground completely helpless. But do it for urinating natural needs. Neck are quite long and serves for easy taking the food to not make unnecessary movements. Sloths periodically gather in small groups for a lazy pairing.

Zvezdano. This representative belongs to the family of wormholes. Mammal insectivorous. Are found exclusively in South-Eastern Canada and the northeastern United States. The animal is remarkable that apparently has strong differences from other wormholes. Zvezdano has a special stigma, which looks like a star, consisting of 22 fleshy movable hairless luchevidnye processes. But the size zvezdnoy not differ from the ordinary mole. The tail light covers the scalp and scales. During the search for food the representative wielding stigma. All the processes, except the two middle and upper, are set in motion.

Angora rabbit. Has a very impressive and outstanding external qualities. Among these rodents, it is possible to meet individuals, whose coat length is 80 cm. It is worth noting that their wool is a valuable product that is used for the manufacture of fabrics. Just imagine: with one animal for one year you can get about a pound of wool! Weight Angora rabbits reach 5 pounds, and long – approximately 60 inches. Don't forget that if you decide to envy from the home of the pet, every week it must be carefully combed. Otherwise, the animal will have a terrible look.

Mixins. This jawless animals. They live in waters to a depth of 400 metres. If salinity decreases to 25% and lower die. If salinity reaches 29%, the hagfish simply stop eating. Mouth devoid passivating drive and surrounded by two pairs of whiskers. Or prefer to eat carrion, or lower vertebrates. Way of hunting them is quite distinctive. They grab a victim of strong Horny teeth, with instantly inject into it the enzymes that can dissolve proteins. Hagfish reach about 80 centimeters.
Source: mif-facts.com.ua