"Winter" children in school should go to 6.5 years

Scientists at the British University city Warix decided the scientific way to resolve a dispute about the age at which school is better to give children who are born in the winter. In modern society there is always debate about whether the child is ready to become a student in 6.5 years, or better to wait another year, and so the solution to this issue with a serious justification had a very important role.
Researchers from England have selected two groups of children, which were distributed to the students who went to the first class 6.5 and 7.5 years. At the same stage of training they were asked to pass tests in a variety of disciplines, the list of which included math, writing, reading, and exercise in mindfulness.
Comparing the results obtained and determining on the basis of the averaged indicators of success, scientists have found that quite a serious advantage in this contest won by those children who started school a year early.
Explained this result, the researchers the that at a young age a child's body more actively interprets the incoming information, absorbing it like a sponge. In addition, the brain of children at primary school pupils are even less loaded a variety of data that allows it to direct all the processes on the perception of school subjects.
At the same time scientists noted that the opportunity to start learning the "winter" of children at the age of 5.5 years, not even worth to consider. Approximately six-year milestone is the fine line of change in the processes of information perception by the child, and before her a sharp jump in volumes of incoming information may have a negative impact on the further development. From a psychological and emotional component of the probable damage can be much greater than the expected benefit.
Thus, the school to give the child necessary only after the onset of six years, but also delay on the preschool period, in any case not worth it.published
Source: zeleneet.com
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