Healthy ligaments and joints — the key to success

Professional bodybuilding is a huge burden on the entire body and primarily on ligaments and joints. Intense physical activity they lead to the development of chronic pain and the formation of degenerative processes, that is, the cartilage wears out and gets old faster than normal daily loads.
The problem is that injured ligaments and joints difficult to treat and require a long time to recover. And sometimes to "repair" them it is possible only with surgical intervention. So do not ignore the prevention of diseases of ligaments and joints, otherwise the consequence can be a severe injury, termination of sports career and even chronic illness.
How to prevent possible injury 1. The best way to avoid injury is to warm up thoroughly before training.
2. Adhere to exercise technique and do not work with too large weights without proper physical training.
3. If you already have problems with ligaments or joints, you may prefer a more safe and light exercise.
4. If you still got injured joint or damaged ligament, refrain from physical activity until full recovery. Even a small load to full rehabilitation may lead to repeated and even more serious injury.
Effective recovery
If you are professionally engaged in bodybuilding, prevention of the joints should be performed two to three times a year. For this there are a number of special drugs and dietary supplements that accelerate the regeneration of connective tissue and contribute to its strengthening. You can buy them in pharmacies or in health food store. As a rule, the main components of all these supplements are chondroitin, collagen and glucosamine.
Chondroitin is a substance that is produced by cartilage tissue of the joint and synovial fluid in the joints. The lack of chondroitin results in a small amount of glucosamine. And collagen is the basis of all connective tissues in our body.
No less important components for the prevention of problems with the ligaments and joints are vitamin D and calcium. For the best calcium absorption it is better to take simultaneously. It is proved that vitamin D deficiency leads to inflammation of the ligaments and joints.
Vitamins B, C and E will also help to improve the elasticity of your ligaments and to speed recovery of joints.
Omega 3 fatty acids will help to improve the mobility of joints, relieve pain and accelerate recovery.
In most additives you can also find shark cartilage. Its value is that it contains both glucosamine, collagen and calcium. However, this component is much more useful when consumed in its natural form, and not in the form of dietary supplements.
Delicious prevention Add to your usual diet foods that contain protein and gelatin, pectin, agar-agar, that is, like aspic, jellied fish, jelly.
To remedy the lack of chondroitin easiest is through the skin, tendons and cartilage of animal origin and fish, especially salmon and Steelhead.
Natural collagen can be obtained by eating meat, fish (especially salmon, Steelhead, and chum) and sea Kale.
Glucosamine is present in foods that contain glutamine (cheese, chicken, beef). However, it should be borne in mind that glucosamine has the ability to destruction by strong heating. So our bodies are not so easy to compensate for the deficiency of glucosamine with food.
Various citrus fruits, kiwi, bell pepper, cabbage and other foods rich in vitamin C, can help to relieve sore and pain. They are also an excellent antioxidant and promotes the synthesis of collagen.
As you can see, many injuries can be avoided by a reasonable approach to training and a gradual increase in load. And prevention of joints and ligaments have become a habit of your everyday lifestyle.published
Source: fitfixed.com