Family soap factories "Twinka" - a growing business during a crisis

Abandoning all harmful ingredients, it began to make natural soap from scratch, oils, washing powders. The products that hits the store should be safe, ethical and environmentally friendly. Read more in an interview with the creators of the online store "Twinka" Tatyana and Michael tavinka.ru.
— Well, tell me how it all started?
— After watching the movie "Beauty. History of fraud nationwide," we analyzed the information and realized that these problems are not flimsy. Reading the ingredients of all cosmetics and household chemicals at home (including for children), we found in each packing from 1 to 5 hazardous ingredients.
So we moved to the Ecohygiene. And, as a consequence, appeared the idea to create our shop. Combined stance with a trade – got a favorite thing.
— What goods get to your store?
In addition biozertifiziertes foreign products or proven Russian, we always have okotowari own manual production.
We make soap from scratch, make butter for hands and body, soap and shampoo, the dish soap, natural Laundry detergents, etc.
All our products contains no chemical ingredients: SlS, parabens, propylene glycol and other things, including supposedly "harmless" food coloring and flavors, which, in fact, health is also not add.
Packaging of our products is biodegradable or suitable for recycling. Being demanding in life, we bring this quality in your creativity.

— The soap from scratch is better than other Soaps of handwork, what are the benefits?
— Can cook soup from fresh vegetables as possible from chemical bouillon "vegetable" cube. The difference
about the same... Soap from scratch made from vegetable and essential oils, and alkali that in the process of cooking becomes a safe sodium salt.
By the way, if you mix wood ash and water will lye (weak alkaline solution), using
which used to make soap.
And you can make soap using a chemical soap base, adding to the synthetic dyes and fragrances. Both will be manual work, but soap from scratch is a product, tested the table-
enterprises and soap basics – pseudonatural remake.
— What oils to store prefer the more natural, or more affordable?
— Of course natural. According to statistics, only 2% of all essential oils in the world suitable for professional aromatherapy. Sold by a huge number of cheap chemical imitations.
And to distinguish the real from the fake butter is very easy – just a few seconds to smell that: if with each breath the aroma will be different, as would be revealed – it's real butter. If the smell is sharp and stable, as a freshener, so there was added synthetic flavoring.
— What ecotourisme people are mostly interested in, there are some bestsellers?
— Of course, here are some of them:
Soap for washing dishes – a great alternative to soda, mustard, and expensive bioreactor and the decoction of soap nuts. Does not dry hands and washes well even in cold water.
Washing powder "Soap flakes" is similar to ordinary powder and not as troublesome as soap nuts. Safe for humans and nature, odorless and fully rinse.
Baby soap "My Peanut" fits not only kids, but people with supersensitive
Series ampunilah Soaps "Twinka" – clean up the hair for a few days, no dandruff, itching, redness, etc.
— How are you planning to develop? Face difficulty?
— We have three years, and we are constantly evolving. Last year there were many new proposals for customers, in 2014 we also plan to produce new products of its own products.
The best difficulty in our case is the creation of a quality product.
— Do "DaVinci" what is global mission? Support environmental initiatives?
Our mission is to promote elitni as the norm. For example, we packaged most of its products in biodegradable Kraft paper. Cooperate with enthusiasts and promoters of acogipri,
provide them with free samples of our products for seminars, webinars, master-classes on "ecological hygiene" and "Ecodom".
— Do you consider that you can earn that especially like to do? What are the three steps to success can you recommend myself to budding entrepreneurs in an ethical business?
— Of course! The joy of a favorite cause, supported material is great!
But these steps are very simple:
1. to be ethical
2. believe in yourself
3. not afraid of difficulties published
Go to the Website of DaVinci
Source: 4vegan.ru/2014/03/tavinka/