A complete ban of GMO use in agriculture of Russia was adopted in the first reading
Two years ago habré published a wonderful article about genetically modified organisms and the myths associated with them. Most of the agricultural land in the U.S. planted just such cultures. But Russia has its way and last Friday the MPs unanimously adopted in the first reading the bill on the complete prohibition of GMOs in agriculture and animal husbandry under threat of millions in fines.
Here is a link to the bill.
to pass the bill in the first reading; to introduce amendments to the bill within thirty days from the date of adoption of the resolution 24.04.2015 Couple of favorite quotes:
Article 21 of the Federal act of 17 December 1997 № 149-FZ "On seed production" (meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 1997, n 51, art 5715; 2011, № 30, article 4596) add a fourth part as follows:
"Must not be used for sowing (planting) seeds of plants obtained using the methods of genetic engineering, including incapable of reproduction or transfer of hereditary genetic material, with the exception of their sowing (planting) for carrying out examinations and research works.".
Paragraph 1 of article 50 of Federal law of 10 January 2002
No. 7-FZ "On environmental protection" (meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, № 2, p. 133; 2011, № 30, article 4596) to add with the paragraph the second the following content:
"Prohibits the cultivation and breeding of plants and animals, the genetic program is changed using genetic engineering techniques, with the exception of cultivation and breeding at carrying out examinations and research works.". Violation shall result in fines of up to 500,000 rubles.
With regard to imported products containing GMOs, then straight on it doesn't say if someone is seriously engaged in laws, I beg your clarification.
It seems like the government is going to license the import of such products?
The results of monitoring of human exposure
and the environment of genetically modified organisms
and products obtained using such organisms or containing such organisms, the government of the Russian Federation may establish a ban on the import into the Russian Federation of genetically modified organisms intended for release into the environment, and (or) products obtained using such organisms or containing such organisms." P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: geektimes.ru/post/249666/