How to get rid of a headache in a few minutes without medication

How do you find the hoku point? The hoku point is located in the palm directly between the index and thumb of the hand. To find it, you need to combine these two fingers. Hoku is the point where you will have a muscle on your palm.
How to help when you are experiencing a severe headache?
Once you find the hoku point, press it with the other hand so that you place your thumb on top on the back of your hand and your index finger on the underside of your hand. The pressure point should be on the finger bones. Press the dot for one minute and then change hands and do the same on the other hand: place your hands correctly and press the dot on the other hand for a minute. In just a few minutes, the headache should pass without a trace. published
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Source: www.antibiotic.ru/blog/medical/traditional-medicine/kak-bystro-snyat-golovnuyu-bol-s-pomoshhyu-tochki-xoku
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